Million Dollar Days

Why Relationships are the Most Important Thing in the World Especially in 2024

Robby Choucair and George Passas Season 1 Episode 15

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Embark on a journey with us through the ins and outs of cultivating a life brimming with purpose, as we tackle everything from Instagram to intimate relationships—all with a sprinkle of humour and a dash of seriousness. We're not just waxing poetic about seizing the day; we're living it and inviting you to join the ride. Get ready to set monumental goals for 2024, understand the colossal impact of relationships from our childhood to the boardroom, and discover how to navigate the professional world with ethics and authenticity.

Hold tight as we introduce 'Top George' to our ever-growing community, a testament to the adventures that await in forging new connections. We're peeling back layers of our personal lives, sharing the lessons we've learned from family and how they've shaped us into the hustlers we are today. Then, we dive headfirst into the complexities of pre-marriage communication, the treasures of family values, and the wisdom gained from the most unexpected corners of our lives. Trust us, you'll be laughing, reflecting, and possibly even crying as we unravel the tapestry of life's relationships.

In the realm of business, it's a tightrope walk between showcasing success and staying grounded in who you are. We're dishing out stories from the trenches on dealing with challenging clients and why refusing to compromise on self-respect is pivotal. And if you think we're stopping there, think again. We're tackling today's social hot potatoes, like gender-neutral bathrooms and the dynamics of social media personas, all while keeping it real. So, strap in for a rollercoaster of insights that promise to enrich your life, both in the boardroom and beyond.


Do you reckon relationships can make or break?


you. They did a long, really long term study where they studied them from they started them towards the end of their lives to work out what made people feel the happiest, and the number one thing was the people who had the best relationships.


You know what I mean and that's what it comes down to, and that's why they say, like your relationships are everything in life, you know, because there's people who had great jobs, people had lots of money and some of them were miserable. Dude, not to say either of those things will make you miserable, but I think this is a core area of life that you need to focus on.


People don't appreciate how powerful they are. That's what it comes down to, I think, at the core. We just wanted to focus on exactly what we spoke about with relationships. It's going to be critical to your success in business and in life, without a doubt. So master it. Learn how to control your emotions, control what you're about and how you react with other people, because you can get the desired result from someone by giving them what they want, to a degree. Howdy dudey Welcome back, howdy dudey. Another episode a million dollar days. I hope you guys are having a million dollar day right now. Yeah, I thought you were going to say I hope you're having a happy new year.


I was like George. No, it's like February, that's it. By the time you guys are listening to this, february, that's it. How are you, mate? Amazing, how are you? Excellent? I'm really excited to be here.


Thank you everyone for joining us. Today we have a really cool topic to talk about.


Yeah, you know what. We'll start with that. How's your 2024?


So far, yeah, okay, so this will air not long.


This will air not long. This will air in like a week and a half. Oh really, yeah, excellent. So at the time of recording this, what is it? It's the 19th of Jan.


And I actually put a post up the other day about that and I was like, guys, we're halfway through, fuck, in January. What have you done?


Yeah, by the time this air is generally gone. That's it, yeah, and what have you done?


All these goals, all these things that you wanted to achieve and what you wanted to do? You've had 31 days to do it. What the fuck have you actually done? You know you, just you really ask yourself.


Yeah, that's a great question. Yeah, you remind me? I was talking to one of my mates once. This guy, no, and I can't remember what we were talking about and he said something and it was February and I was like yeah, what are you going to do about that? He's like I'll next year and I'm like dude, it's February, you've still got 10 months. How are you putting it off to next year already?


Because I give up too easy. We talked about goals the other day and how to achieve them, how to set them, how to do all these things. And so many people just use it as a New Year's resolution feel good, for a week I'm going to do this and go. Oh fuck that, that's too hard. I'm not going to lose weight, I'm not going to make money, I'm just going to keep doing the same old mundane shit, giving up way too fast.


So, okay, you've got goals for 24? Of course, absolutely, so how are you tracking with them? Do you feel that you've hit the ground running you feel good about?


that I do. I do feel good, yeah me too, me too.


I was thinking about that the other day because I've actually pinned my goals up the top of my social pages on Instagram, and I did that on purpose. A, so I can see it, but B so can fucking everyone else, and I was looking at it the other day. You know what? I'm giving that a fair nudge. I'm giving those items a really fair nudge. There isn't one on there where I'm like ugh.


So you posted your goals? Yeah, was that the video of you?


talking no. No, it was an actual post.


Oh, I haven't seen it.


Shit mate. What the fuck's going on. I'm on your page every day. I know exactly what's on your page right now. Your last post was a video of this Million Dollar Days podcast. It's always a video. That's why I can say that that's all I can say. All right, let's bring them up. Seeing as we're doing it, we'll take a look at it.


Yeah, let's just you know.


Real quick. Okay, so do something extraordinary, that's. I don't know what that's going to be yet, but I do want to do something extraordinary this year have an amazing relationship with my wife, which we're definitely working on, Create memories with the kids again.


I've seen this.


Yeah, yeah yeah, six Back that by 40th birthday, which is about six months time. Read at least a book a month. Smashing that already Top 10 podcast in Australia. Smashing the shit out of that right now.


Easy work. I can't believe you went for 10.


I know 10. Who would have thought? Playing small? Create content at scale. Easy. Absolutely easy. We've got Iggy, the main man. He's going to help us out with that this year as well. What else have I got? Make a million dollars in a day, Easy, easy. I love it All in a day's work. Monthly date night with the misses Pass gone to turn over 20 mil which I forecasting man, I should smash that this year, build a relief to be seven figures and just be unstoppable. Love it, love it.


Love it.


What your goals are. I've had a few mentoring sessions with a couple of the guys that I coach at Build to Relate, and I did that exact same exercise with them with as far as setting their goals for the year.


Yeah nice.


I said sit down, write them. Our next session we're going to go through it. I want you to have your 10, 12, 15 big things that you want to achieve, but not just write them down. What's the meaning behind them? Yeah. Why am I doing? This yeah, why are you doing it? Have some purpose behind it, because then that's how you're going to do it. Otherwise it just becomes another mundane. You use resolution. I've had um, I've had a couple of years.


I've had a few people have like caught up with a few people this year and everyone's like this is this is a good year, Like it feels good. Things feel like they're in place, Things feel like they're off to a good start, which is awesome.


Yeah, it is. I think there's a lot of positive vibes.


I've had a few people talking about numerologies. Am I into numerology at all? Not at all. This is going to go sideways. But they're like everyone's saying, like it's the yeah, this year's an eight, I'm like it's an eight, like I'm going to be a 10. And they're like, no, no, it's an eight, because two plus zero plus two plus four is eight and apparently eight is a um, like it. So eight sideways, infinity symbol or something.


Yeah, yeah, something about money, something to do with money and everything else. I'll bring this. Let's bring this back again. So it's the year of the fucking goat, whatever it is, I don't know. No, no, it's dragon Dragon this year, cool Year of the dragon. It's. I'm a cancer, you're a Pisces.


Oh, dude, you don't have to. You're talking to the converted. I asked. My next response was when people tell me that I'm like, do you believe in horoscopes as well? Yeah. Yeah, like I refuse to believe that.


So is this in your culture? I don't know. If it is, it may it probably is.


Lebanese people, we invented it.




Yeah, yeah, I thought so. No, like the evil eye, oh yeah.


Cause it's. It doesn't matter whether you're Orthodox or Muslim or whatever it is. It's all the same shit. So yeah, Greeks have that too.






It's everywhere in Greece too. Yeah, yeah, oh, it's massive, massive, massive, massive. I'm actually wearing one, but only because my, my mother-in-law got me that like seven years ago. It's not because of the meaning or anything Now. So for a bit of context, behind that is the evil eye. It sort of gets rid of, say, evil spirits or negative thoughts upon you. Yeah, so let's look at it like that. And they say, for example, if I say, hey, nice haircut to you, but really deep down I'm thinking, fuck, like I'm jealous of your, of how good you look.


You're kind of jinxed. You're kind of jinxed, that's right. So then we're hair fall out Exactly.


So then like me wearing this, or you wearing something like that would make you, would protect you from my projection of oh I love your hair, but really I fucking so jealous and I hate your hair.


Yeah, cause it's like jealousies evil. Yeah, correct. Do you believe in?


it Absolutely not Okay, Like not in the slightest, and then it's like okay. The fact that someone can say, think or believe something would then have a negative effect on me and my life is ludicrous.


Okay, I can't, I can't spathem that and that's like my parents or my grandparents, but like, oh no, you know, we've, we've got, we've got the mati on us, which means I in Greek, and it's, it's um, oh, we need to be, you know, we need to be cleansed or you need to be doing whatever. It's like guys like cut the shit. Oh, it doesn't affect you because you got blue eyes. I'm like cut the shit.


Are you talking about? You don't get affected cause you got blue eyes.


Apparently. Apparently, I don't know, sick it's it, maybe that's. Maybe that's what I've been. I've just been walking around, yeah Life, just living the dream, because you can't affect me.


That's um. That's. That's funny. I don't like, like.


To me it's folklore.


I don't like that Do you believe in like um uh, witchery and black magic?


Um, have you been into my office? I've got the star on the ground. Well, that's what it is.


I haven't seen the star. Yeah, must be new at nighttime. Oh yeah, it comes out of my full moon, that's it.


I just I, no, no, none of that shit. Yeah, None of that shit.


No, so you don't believe. So you don't believe people can put curse, you don't believe like witchery at all, like, uh, black magic. No, no, yeah, cool, I, I, I, me personally, I I'm not a big believer in it either, like I think, but it's massive in Lebanese culture.


Oh really yeah, I never knew that.


Massive, like that whole. They buy into it massively Like, yeah, be careful, you'll be possessed or someone's put a curse on you or no shit, yeah, and you're like dude.


So then what about like stuff? Like you know, you break a mirror or walk under a ladder, stuff like that.


That's yeah. Uh me, do I buy into it? Yeah, okay, so I had a ladder set up here. Would you walk under it? No worries, 100%. Yeah. I'll cartwheel under it. I'll do it Whatever you want, hold on. So you think me walking under a bunch of still place in a particular manner is going to?


give me bad luck.


breaking a mirror, no, but I think you believing it might.


Hey, it comes back to our topic of belief 100% doesn't it? We should have spoken about this but say we could just come full circle again. How good is it.


Do you know something, guys? We haven't even touched on our fucking topic for today, but I don't know. Something I want to tell you is which I thought was sick and again off topic I'm not talking about this shit anymore. Moving on, I was actually listening back to one of our episodes with Josh and yeah, yeah, yeah, and do you know what was cool about that? Listening to that episode helped me in that way. Oh, really, yeah, yeah, really cool.


I was having a shitty day. Yeah, and did you laugh at something?


Did you know I wasn't laughing, I should send you.


I should send you, I should send you, I should send you, I should send you, I should send you, I should send you. And Josh was talking about. He was talking about a difficult time in his life when he was down and he was out and he couldn't like he wasn't in a good place, and he used to come back to that whole notion of, well, am I happy? Well, no, that doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter that much if I'm happy, he goes. But am I proud? Am I proud of myself? And the answer was yes for him because, yeah, I am proud.


And I had that same moment in time where I was just having a shitty day, I wasn't in a good mood, I wasn't happy, and it's like, am I happy? I was like, well, no, am I proud? Fuck an oath, I'm proud. And I instantly felt better. I instantly felt better just from having listened to that. I helped myself from listening to myself, and I hope you guys get that sort of stuff out of this podcast as well. I really do From the bottom of my heart. And you know what's even cooler than that, I reckon, at least once a week since we've been doing this, sometimes even a couple of times a week we get messages from people saying, hey, great episode. Hey, love this. Oh man, I can relate to that. That was so cool, that was so great, and anyone that's listening by all means feel free to reach out to either my Robbie or myself. We will always get back to you, yeah, and until it becomes so unmanageable that we can't. We will until such time that it gets that big.


And by the time you hear this, you will all be introduced to top George.


So she's signing off as top George from this point on.


That is so funny, so good. I can't wait for that episode. Dude, I was going to say it's coming?


Is that next week, week after? Oh, very exciting.


It's the one before this what I was going to say. You want to laugh at the podcast? You got to hear the before, some afters. It is honestly so damn funny. The blooper reels yeah, it is so funny. You know how we clap to light up the audio at the start of every episode you got to hear Josh's clap and I looked at him and I'm like, hey, clap like a man, and he's like that was a GCSA clap.


I just looked at him like it's sick. So good, we'll have to put a video out. We've got to put a blooper reel. Maybe once we're 20 episodes in this is episode 15.


Awesome. So we're almost there. We're almost in the top 1%.


That's what it is.


Is it, yeah, 1% 99% don't make more than 20 episodes.


How good is that? Yeah, how good is that, and we'll get there.


Guaranteed, unless someone dies. You know what? Even if someone dies, even if someone dies, even if someone dies.


That's what I'm promising you. We're making it about right now.


You dropped in.


If you get hit by a car.


We're going to keep going.


We'll keep going. We're going to do it from the hospital bed, we'll do it from the funeral. Set up a mic, george. You have anything to say about that no you can't, you're dead.


We will keep going. All right, let's get down to business.


So today's topic today is relationships, something that we all have. Everyone, every single person on the planet has a relationship with someone, whether you like them or not, that's it, and it's definitely something that is immensely powerful. Do you reckon relationships can make or break you?


Yeah, I do, man. I think, well, have you the study. They did the long term. You know the Harvard did a 75 year study. It's the longest study it's ever been done.


What's that one on?


It was about working out what made people the happiest. How funny.


I've been listening to a podcast about happiness this morning. Really yeah, on Diary of a CEO, it's actually a really cool podcast. I can't remember the guy who was interviewing, but fantastic mindset on it. But we'll talk about that another day.


He. So I did a long, really long term study where they studied them from, because they wanted to do the full life.


I started them for a really young age.


Parents had to approve and stuff. I think. I don't know the figures, but they started them towards the end of their lives to say, to work out what made people feel the happiest, and the number one thing was the people who had the best relationships.


You know what I mean and that's what it comes down to, and that's why they say, like your relationships are everything in life, because there's people who had great jobs, people had lots of money and some of them were miserable. Dude. Not to say either of those things will make you miserable, but I think this is a core area of life that you need to focus on.


Yeah, absolutely. And do you reckon people neglect that? Yes, yeah, me too, 100%. Do you reckon you've neglected it in the past? Me, yeah, any relationship, nothing specific.


I think there's times in my life where I have yeah.


Me too. Yeah, I can say that without a shadow of doubt. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. And not to be, not because I was doing it maliciously.


No, no, you just prioritise something else at that point in time.


That's right, and maybe even unconsciously doing it too.




But I think the important thing about that is making sure you identify and then learn from that too.


Of course, hindsight is a beautiful thing as well. Yeah, you can look back at something and be like, or like something. You know you can see it now, but at the time you couldn't see what you know now or what you've come to learn since then.


Okay, so I want to touch on a few areas of relationship so we can just we'll go through on. Yeah, let's start off with, say, your family relationship. Yeah, so it's going to be the very first and fundamental relationship that you're going to have, assuming you got born which which one? But even then, your carer, whoever it might have been, auntie, uncle, grandparents, whoever looked after you, you're going to have. They're the relationships that you're establishing from day one.


So what's your relationship like with so? Does this count in the family? You've got your own family.


Yeah, I'd say from when I was a kid to now that I am an adult with kids, yeah, so you could relate to both of those. So I'd say, initially, from being a kid. So I grew up in a Greek household. European household had very strong family values. As far as you know, family is everything. We looked after each other, we loved each other, had strong connections with the extended family aunties, uncles, cousins, all that sort of stuff and then family, friends and all that sort of stuff as well. So they shape a lot of who I am today and what I am. And there is probably a lot of values that I've picked up through that relationship with my parents and extended family and all that sort of stuff. And then there's a lot of things as well that I experienced that I wouldn't want to necessarily bring onto my kids as well. So bad things no, not bad things, maybe, just things that I don't think are best for them. Okay.


For example, like you know, say for example I don't know if we spoke about this in the last topic, but in the last episode. Sorry, but my when, when I first met Nicole and we started dating, she and we were late 20s, she was mid 20s.


I was 20, yeah, a couple years, a year and a half or something. So her parents didn't want us to go away together as adults at 26, 27 years old, before we were married. Yeah, so it was a traditional thing. Now we look back at that and, yeah, we got married, we did everything we wanted to do and I understand them.


They didn't want you to or they didn't allow you to look Did it happen.


when you said no out of respect, yeah, yeah, I wasn't going to cross that line.


And rightly so yeah.


I think I don't regret the decision of how I acted, but in saying that, it's me Nicole have spoken about this at length following. Obviously, we're 12, 13 years down the track, but I think it would have been good for our relationship to have gone away and done that sort of stuff before we got married.


Like in the sense of spending more time together, but also, yeah, it's like you're, you're, the training reels are on, then Do you know what I mean? You're like okay, is this going to work? Are we? Where do we clash? Because then we could have worked on that before we get married rather than get married, clash, have issues, divorce.


So, yeah, so you didn't live together prior to getting married? No, we didn't.


We literally left home and walked straight into our home. Yeah, which is very, very traditional, yeah, very traditional and to a degree I really liked that as well. So there's there's elements of it that we like now.


Because I've married life now.


Yeah, Correct, correct. But would I put that on to my own children today? Probably not, probably not. I would want them to make sure. I would make sure that they, the person that they're going to be with, is going to be that person forever, because, statistically speaking, 50% of people are going to split out of everyone that's getting married these days, and I think a lot of that could potentially come down to factors like that.


And relationships that you could potentially.


I'm not, I'm not putting it down to just that. If, if that was there's a whole range of things that would happen in a relationship. For sure that it's like Patrick, but David did this and I loved it and I wish I did it. There's a book or something that says a hundred questions. To ask you a question, yeah.


Is it good? Yeah, it's a good book.


Yeah, so he was telling me. Oh, not telling me, he was. But it's a hundred questions or something that you ask you, ask your partner before you actually commit to getting married, and it's stuff like okay, how many kids are we having, how often are we having sex?


Yes, what is religion with you? What is religion with you?


Are they going to get christened in this church or that church? How often do you want to see your parents? How often do you want to see my parents?


Yeah, what are we going to do for Christmas and New Year's and the are we going to like? Is they going to be year on year? What are we doing? Like get all super clear on dude, really good, really good book, yeah, and it's like it's literally a question, a page.




So you can smash through it. Yeah, so like a house, a house Clever.


I wish I had someone to tell me hey, read this book or do this activity with your wife and come back, because you'll find that you'll get very different questions, sorry, very different answers to those questions, and you know some will be the same, some won't. But at least it brings up that conversation, because otherwise you've then got to come up to that difficult scenario and go, oh, completely unprepared, saying oh, I'm, you know, for example, you know you're, you're Muslim, with your, with your religion, what happens if you marry a Christian? Okay, and I'm sure you wouldn't have an issue with that.


Me yeah, no, no, no.


It's fine if you do. I don't care, I won't judge you. No, but you know what I mean. So okay, so then. But then perhaps she feels really strongly no, we have to get married in a Catholic church or or whatever it is, and you're like I don't care, or no, no, no, you're fucking kidding yourself. You're converting, Do you know what I mean? Like, but that's a huge issue. 100% yeah.


That's a really big one. Like if you don't see that one coming, you're blind. But in the book, so you touch on the book, he goes deep. Like if, for example, they there's questions like if I do something and it upsets you no-transcript, how do you want me to fix it? Oh you know what I mean? Things like that. Or if you do something and upsets me, how do you want me to tell you? Yeah?


you know, what I mean, and it's like big thing on communication and making sure you put everything Like what are you, what are you? What are five things about you that I'm not going to like.


And it's like, well, what a question, because they're probably questions that you would avoid as well, and you're like whoa dude, like do I really want to bring this up? Yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly Right. So it shows a lot of emotional maturity to be able to have those conversations early on, rather than deal with them at a later date when you're not really that prepared. Or you might be a young couple or an old couple, it's still. These things can still come up. Yeah.


I think it can definitely have a huge effect on that. So, yeah, you're coming back to your family relationships. I think it does shape you as a person for sure, and as a parent, it's your opportunity to shape as well your children, and I try and do that for sure. My wife and I, we try to do that all the time with our kids. We want to make sure that we're giving them the best opportunities as far as being good human beings not necessarily being great at academically or great sport or whatever it might be, no, great human beings contributing, good human beings, compassionate, having empathy a lot of those sorts of values we really put into our children as well, and we're seeing the fruits of our labor come out.


Because I think I've said this in a previous episode one of the best things I've ever seen my son do at an early age of playing sport. I think it was in, I think it was five or six. It's like all the playing basketball and the opposition child fell over and hurt himself and started crying. All the rest of the kids started to run down the other end of the court chasing the ball. My son turned around and picked the, got the other kid up and picked him up and said hey man, you okay. And I was like amazed by that that he had that level of empathy At that age to turn around, go back and pick that kid up, and I praised him so much.


After that I can only be like hey, well done, you got 10 goals this game. That was the best thing he had ever done and I was so proud of him for doing that. And even now he's still like that today. So I wanted to put those onto him so that when he grows up he can then have that same sort of connection with other people in his life too.


What's the biggest thing you reckon when shaping your kids Do you take? Is there anything that you take that was like done to you and you're like, yeah, I do the same thing.


It's like I remember when I was your age.


and no, no, not not saying that, but more so like, yeah, like growing up you know me and my old man always did this, and now me and my son do it, or you get what I'm saying Like things that would have shaped you that have now almost almost like tradition. I guess that's where that's what tradition is.


I would say something that we do and Nicole's massive on this too, from two really random extremes actually. I'm so glad that we're bringing this up. So my mum, when I was playing sport, came to every game, every. I remember her coming to every game. She would always come and watch me play football, always come and watch me play cricket, and cricket was fucking boring. Did you play cricket? I played cricket like a mad dog, what I know? Right Fucking Greek that plays AFL and cricket I didn't even touch the soccer ball.


AFL's all right, all right but yeah, I like it.


Well, a lot of my mates at school were playing AFL and cricket and that's how I sort of got into that space and then back at I mean, when we're talking 25, 30 years ago, it was soccer wasn't that big of a sport where it was played, you know, at club level as much. It still was, obviously, but it's much bigger now than what it was back then. So AFL was the predominant sport and then cricket was sort of a natural progression, because that's what you played your summer and winter sports. Basketball was another one too, but I didn't really play club basketball. But anyway, what I remember is my mum and dad, at times when he wasn't working, coming to every single game, every single game. So I do that now too with my kids. I had a positive effect, even though at the time you're like, mum, don't touch me, don't look at me, I'm cool with my mates.


But looking back, that's such a positive thing in my life and I want to do the same with my kids. So here's your go, absolutely I go.


I go almost every game. There's a couple of times where I haven't gone to a basketball game on a Friday because I've had to work or whatever it is, but I would say I'm at 90% of their games will go. That's pretty cool, it is cool. And then here's the flip though. So my wife was also very sporty. Nicole and her parents didn't really go and go to her games. Oh, yeah, yeah, but.


Nicole has gone to every single game. Every single game Did she. So this is, this is this is that whole concept that you gave the other week about the two brothers with alcoholic dad. You know what I mean. It's like one had that dad, that one brother became highly successful, the other brother became the alcoholic, and it's kind of like that with our scenario, whereas Nicole's like well, my parents never came and saw me all the time. I want to give that to my kids, yeah.


So I had that ended up in the same solution with different scenarios. Yeah, because you gave the same meaning.


Yeah, and now I've gone that next step further and I'm the coach of my son's football team, so he's going to have that connection with me, remembering me being a consistent coach.


Stop it, stop it. I can't. I'm going to trouble you. You would abuse him.


I need time. You just little shit. Just give me 10 push ups. Now Go Kick him all the down. That's it. So yeah, I'm the coach and Nicole was coaching basketball for for a few seasons too. So that's, really cool yeah. Yeah.




Yeah, really cool.


Yeah, that's so. So you do do something that absolutely you had done to you, that you then.


Yeah, that's really. I'm sure there's more things off the top of my head, I really remember. I can't really think of him putting it on the spot. Tell us all now, all of them, right now, all of them right now I'd say, I'd say from my father I would have gotten the work ethic. Yeah, I always saw him working hard, like I remember my dad, always up before the sun.


Well, yeah, he's always, like during daylight savings, that you have to do is get up before seven, so it's not that early. It's like he was always up early, though, going to work, so he would work and he'd always come back at nighttime, as in when it was night, and he'd work weekends too, not every, not Sundays, but every time he would come home he would always be speaking to us. He'd always have that. So I always have that mindset of him working really hard, which is definitely rubbed off on me.


Definitely you make me think about some shit I haven't thought about in a long time. Yeah, exactly. Does it and I hope that's doing that for you guys as well, yeah.


Because you're going to start to think back and go, ok, well, maybe this is where I get that really good character trait from, maybe this is where I get that really shit character trait from, and then, by you identifying that, you can either double down on it or you can stop being a dick. It's awareness, right, awareness is massive and you can learn from those experiences. And we're going to touch into this because I'm going to go into this a little bit deeper later. But looking at that past scenario and going, ok, that doesn't define me, I think that's huge. A lot of people are defined by the things that happened to them in the past and then they wear that like a badge of honor. That is what you know. That's me. I'm a fucking, I can't work hard, I can't get six pack, I can't do these things because you know I had a bad childhood.


My parents were fat.


Yeah, my exactly.


My parents were fat. They parents, yeah, force beating you.


Exactly, exactly when we've gone with that. Yeah, so I think that that was definitely something that is instilled in me, and now that I, my son would see me subconsciously doing it and you said it the other day it's like your parents, your children might listen to you, but they'll watch exactly what you're doing. And that's, looking back, exactly what I saw my father doing. He was always a really hard worker, but then I also remember him being that father figure as well. Yeah, how about yourself? How about yourself?


From any type of. From any type of.


Like anything that you've brought forward from your relationship, and it doesn't necessarily have to be your parents. It could be a sibling, it could be an uncle, someone you've had a close connection with.


Yeah, see, I don't have. Okay. So to go back to what you were saying, I don't have. Well growing up, so I did grow up in a very Not a very, I would say somewhat very Lebanese yeah Family type household. We were always Just a cut in there.


Just a cut in there. I feel I've seen culturally some stuff with Lebanese and I see it so close to Greek as well. Oh, definitely there's so many similarities with the way you're doing your wedding. Yeah, Turks as well.


Yeah, Turks as well, italians are a little bit different.


I think they would be a little bit different With.


Greek like Do you know what?


I mean yeah, yeah.


But there's definitely some stuff where it's like it's so relatable in the sense of, I've never been to a Lebanese wedding.


I don't believe Lebanese weddings go off, yeah, but I saw a video of one. It was like some doco or something that I was watching and it was a video of a Lebanese Orthodox wedding.


And it was like Lebanese people made weddings.


There you go. There you go, they invented, it Invented everything, but I couldn't believe how similar it was to a Greek wedding that I've, to hundreds of Greek weddings that I've been to in the past. I can imagine, but you know what People are all people. At the end of the day, we're so much more similar than what people think we are. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.


But yeah, I grew up in a Lebanese household. Family was close-ish. You know what? We're pretty close. Everyone was like you'd see family all the time. I grew up around family mainly so my mum's side, mainly my mum's side, I don't know. My dad's side, really my mum's side. My mum's got a really big family. So I had uncles who were like Even until now they're like older brothers. Yeah, cool, Like my uncle's, your age.


Yeah nice An example. But he's like an older brother to me and I'll go and we can hang out and I'll go to his house pretty regularly and I see his kids and they're my cousins and I feel like I'm their uncle, their uncle yeah.


Do you know what I mean? Because they eat like 10 or something. But yeah, we're pretty close family-wise and I definitely think it has an impact on how you, who you are as a person, like how you grow up and the things you do. But I also think I've changed a lot. You know, what I mean and I got away. I say got away like it was a bad thing Like the black sheep.


Me definitely. Yeah, 1000%. Very different. Don't speak to Not that I won't speak to them, but I just don't see anyone anymore. I see one uncle regularly, I see my mum, I see my sister, or I speak to my sister. I don't even see my sister, I don't speak to her and that's it. Everyone else I'll see, if I see. I've seen my grandparents.


Nice, yeah, you said that a little while ago. Yeah, yeah, Started to go down there more.


Yeah, I was there earlier this week. Yeah, just trying to Dude. They're old Like man you never know. It's like just go and spend as much time with them as you can, see them as often as you can, because Could get the knock on the door.


Yeah, but yeah, I definitely think it shapes you as a human. But, touching on what you said, yeah, now that I think about it, dude, I think that I always saw my dad working, and I think that's what, because it worked pretty hard, and I think that that would have I've never thought about that, though, prior to you saying it, yeah, and I think that that would have definitely had an impact, in the sense of you saw it.


Because I think it's what my grandparents work in hard too.


Oh, I see them somewhere.


And I saw, but I also saw the. I saw the real motherly side to my grandmother as well, my mum's mum, like she used to look after us when we were kids as well, because my parents were working. So I didn't speak a word of English up until you. Yeah, what, I was going to drop that part until you were like 28. At least primary school, at least primary school. So all through, kinder, I was fucking just a Greek-speaking machine.


Seriously, I used to do ESL. English is your second language.


I used to do ESL at school. Esl, yeah, english second language, second language yeah, up until about grade two.


Wow, you'd never pick it now.


Yeah, in case you're an English speaker. Thanks, man. Yeah, thank you for giving your ratios.


Thanks for doing that. Appreciate that. Thank you. Yeah, that's, that's family. That's probably closest relationship. Oh, like for everyone.


Yeah, oh, from most people, yeah, Now let's let's move on to another relationship and something that most of our listeners are business owners? Yeah, as well. So let's move on to the relationship of, say, work people.


This has, so this conversation has so many legs, dude, it could be a six day podcast. Yeah, you could literally go.


I'm trying to go sectional because you could go like we got friends, you've got business you've got personal intimate random strangers.


Yeah, yeah, how, what do you like with the stranger? That's a good one too.


It's going to be the next six episodes, I know so the reason I say work is where you know this is a very business orientated podcast and we want to try and bring some significant value to you guys, and how your relationships are with other people is really going to be a huge determining factor to your success. Huge because your ability to sell and you know we sell every day of our lives. Whether you know it or not, you are selling at all moments. You're selling on yourself to buy what you're going to eat. You're going to sell your staff to do the work. You're going to sell people to buy your product. Everything is a sale is a sale. Everything and the relationship that you have with people in your immediate business circle massive 100%, you become the five.


What is it? Yeah, the third average of the five, you spend the most time.


So what do you think are some key areas or some key traits that you as a person can have and use to manage relationships around your business, like?


how are you going to be with people, even in business? Like which relationships? Your clients, your investors, your business partners, your employees, your contractors?


Let's say you know what let's say?


clients, it's all different.


Yeah, they are, let's say, clients, for example, because ultimately, we want to sell to them, we want them to be happy, we want to give exceptional service and we want to make a fuckload of money. Yeah. So let's use them, for example.


So what relationship would you have with your clients?


Yeah. So what do you want to try?


and I'm big on you, me personally I am myself, and I say to myself I'm like dude, the person you're talking to now, like this is not a facade, like you could catch me at any hour. Unless I'm in a shitty mood, I'll be like this.


It's going to be very hard for you to do something otherwise, isn't it?


Yeah, but there is a need to maintain that as well.


People do that man, it's a skill, it's something that's going to practice and maybe eventually that's who they become Maybe it could potentially be If you're doing a 24-7.


Do you reckon I feel like we're both thinking about the same person, right?


now Keep talking. I think I know what you're talking about.


You don't reckon that gets tiring.


Yeah, it could, but it could also switch off at nighttime when you go home Also, you so say like for an influencer and you're taking photos in front of a Lambo, for example. You say and it's so funny, I had this conversation today. You know, someone was telling, one of my employees came up to me today and it was I was going to mention it to you. He's like, hey, man, because I was thinking about your brand the other day, I'm like, okay, that's cool. I'm glad you're thinking outside of the square of what your job is. You're actually coming to speak to me about something else Personal brand yeah, my personal brand and he goes.


I love what you do and he goes. I reckon it's really cool, but I reckon it would be awesome if you showed some more of your success. And I go what do you mean by that? He goes well, you know, taking a photo of you in your car right, because I drive a nice car and he'd be like but then also saying, okay, you've going on holidays here, take a photo of you at the Five Star Resort, take a photo of you flying, take a photo of you doing this. So people are seeing your lifestyle a little bit. And I said, yeah, I completely appreciate that.


And there's times where I'm like, yeah, I should do that or should show more of that. But in the same token, I don't want to come across as being some fuck with faith what's it called Fake influencer guy just trying to flex and be something that I'm not, because I'm not about that at all and he goes. Yeah, I know he goes, but I think when people see that as well, they would be a little bit more motivated to go. Oh, I want those things too. I better listen to George, or I better follow George, or I better engage with him, because he can give me those things as well. What are your thoughts on that? What's the question About building that aspect?


of that I think it works. Yeah, I think it works. But do you think it's moral If I'm doing it for the gram? Because that's honestly why the fuck else would I be doing it? You'd be doing it for the gram. You'd be going there saying, okay, I'm here to, I'm going to show you on my boat, on my ski, on my luxury.




I'll yacht or whatever the fuck I'm doing.


There's two ways of looking at it. If you're doing it anyway, I don't see a problem with it. If you're not, and you're doing it for that, then I have a problem with that facade If I didn't have the Lambo.


but I jump, I go and hire a Lambo for a day. Yeah, yeah, yeah that. Do you know what I mean? And then it's like if you want to be a multimillion dollar builder, I'll show you how to do it.


Or go buy like a really expensive car, like spend all your money to say look at the life I live, look at a car drive when you've got absolutely in debt to your ass to get this $200,000 car to show people. Look at me, I drive a Lambo or an AMG or a Bentley or whatever it is, or a Rolls, like. I don't agree with that because I think that you are being incongruent when you do that. But if you live that life too, like if you live genuinely, you've got cars and you've got Rolls and Bentley's and everything and cool, like I've got no problem with that Well, anyone who is intimidated by that, I think it's their own problem.


I actually completely agree with that.


Yeah, if you do. If you live in a sick life, like because you're living that, that's what you're living, I've no problem with showing people, but if you're doing it just for that, I think I would as well.


Hey, I reckon I would. If I had the Lambo's lined up, or which supercar I'm driving each day, I'd wake up in the morning and do a video of it, but not to show off to inspire.


Yeah, you'd probably get over it as well, 100%, you would 100%.


it's like that whole concept. If everyone was driving a supercar, it would lose its purpose and meaning because it's so easy to do.


So here's his. So I was actually talking with someone yesterday and they said that that's what they reckon and rotated what's that Like? They reckon he went in debt up to his ass to buy a Bugatti, to show you like, look at me, bugatti, blah, blah, blah. Listen to me, you want to learn from me and would get more people to join his.


Yeah, that online course or whatever it is. Yeah, we know someone who's done something similar, but positioned himself. People that position themselves in a place where they're not. Yeah, that's what it is. It is. It's so true, isn't it? Putting on a fake facade like a?


you might be doing well, but you position it like you're doing ridiculously well and then people buy it. But yeah. So to answer your question yes, it works, I think it works, I know it works, it fucking works, like there's no doubt about it. I've seen it, I've bought into it, like I've been the guys in there. Yeah, man, I want that. It definitely works. I just don't agree If you're doing it as a fake thing.


I think that's where you people who see that, when they see that If you show me a, okay, I'll give you a perfect example. If you did that and you had Lambos and then I was like this is cool, man, I want to go work with George. And then I come work with you and then it's like oh, this stuff's not that around. Oh, you're different off camera. Oh, you don't have that car. Oh, like, oh, okay, it's a marketing tool. Okay, respect drops All of a sudden. Now I don't buy into you anymore because the person I bought into isn't real.


You know what I mean, and I think, with people who do do that, you'll find that they don't have much longevity, like there's no one that sticks around for ages. You know, and it's very hard to then listen to that person. Like we know people who I don't have. People who, when they get on stage or when they get on camera, you can see the difference between when you talk to them normal, and then they get on camera and it's like a different person. Or they get on stage and it's a different person and you're like dude, like why don't you be yourself? Like I get you need to perform on stage. You're performing but like you almost come across as incongruent and I think you you lose people by doing that.


Yeah, yeah, 100%. And I think that's partly why I hadn't gone down that path, cause I didn't want to feel like I'm doing it because I want you guys to follow me, or want you to listen to what I'm having to say or buy what I'm selling. I couldn't give a fuck. But in the same token as well, you know, gc would say, and Grant Cardone by, GC he would say stuff like it's your obligation to do that, though.


If you genuinely believe your product and service is going to be a benefit to someone buying it, you have an obligation to do whatever you need to do to get them to buy it.


Within your own moral and ethical framework Correct. Yeah. That's a big part that I think people need to factor in as well. Like yes you do have an obligation to push them to use what you have because it's going to make their life better, yeah, but to say, hey, man, you know, come do this course and it's going to get you a Lambo blah blah, blah.


And look at me laptop lifestyle. I'm on the beach, yeah, no, like, yeah, I don't know it doesn't sit for me personally, especially like I get completely put off me too, and then I'm like, oh, that, that's, that person's not real.


So on that, when you do, when you guys do see us in the Lambo and the yachts and all that sort of stuff, you can know it's fucking real.


You know it's real you can come and touch it. Yeah, 100% touch it.


We'll let you take a photo with them posting on your gram, maybe, maybe, look at him with a PA.


Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I get for me. I don't agree with. I think it works, but I don't think you should do it as a marketing place. I don't think it's a good long term strategy.


Yeah, I believe people are probably buying out of that as a bit more now, in the sense that it's been done to death. Do you think it'll? I feel like it's kind of lost its appeal a little bit. Eventually, you're going to get sick of seeing people with Lambo's and all that sort of shit and saying, oh, buy my course, do this. I'll show you how to do this and get this. Yeah, I think it's been always buy into it or do you reckon it's going to lose its legs?


I think it's peaked, like we've seen the peak of it, but I think it'll always have, like there's always some sucker that'll do it like yeah, I don't know, I don't want to name anyone, so I've seen it, seen it firsthand.


Yeah, yeah, same, but anyway, back to our topic of relationships. So have you ever had a fight with a client, or have you ever been with a client that you just wanted to fucking tear shreds off them? Or maybe they tore shreds off you. Yeah. How'd you, how'd you manage that? I fired him, you fired the client. Yeah.


Yeah, I shouldn't have to get anxiety when you ring my phone. Yeah. I shouldn't have to look at my phone and think, fuck, why are they calling now, man? Yeah, you know what I mean, and when that's happening, you need to do something about it.


Yeah, and guys, I don't even need to ask the question. I know that almost every business owner has felt like that at some stage in their life, 100%, and I feel, look, I think it's a massive thing in the building industry for builders. Yeah, people look, building a home is a really emotional thing to do.


Dude, I work in real estate. Try selling someone's home that lived in 30 years. They're like, yeah, this is worth five mil. And you're like, dude, it's not even 1.5. Yeah, and telling them that, yeah, and then they're like oh yeah, what do you mean? Look at this architecture built to myself in 970 and you're like dude, no one cares.


So I've been in positions as well where I've been on site and you're getting genuinely disrespected by a client and then me not having that. You know that mindset of the client to the customer is always right. I'm going to give exceptional service, I'm going to help you, I'm going to do whatever I need to do. Yes, no, don't worry, and you kind of let it happen. Do you know what I mean? I have in the past and this is what I'm saying Things that have happened in the past don't necessarily define who I am today, because if that same scenario happened today, after I'm weathered and been through that scenario, I'm going to react very differently now when that happens.


And you'd hope so. If you're doing the same thing you were doing 10 years ago, what are you doing?


Absolutely, but I'm talking as recent as three, four years ago. I'm talking COVID years and maybe a little bit before.


A client would crack the shits or they'd be like he's like I can't fucking believe you and your trade. You're ripping me off. I'm fucking sick of this. Excuse me, change your voice, change your tone, sit down. Yeah, I need you to understand and this is something I want to if anyone listening to this you do not ever deserve to be spoken to in any single way like that in your whole business career, whether you're an employee or a business owner. And if a client ever dares to do that to me again or tries to do that to me in the future, I'd be very respectful. In the sense I'm not going to raise my voice and start carrying on and say fuck you and get staffed and I'm taking your job and I'm leaving and all this sort of stuff, because I heard this thing from a while ago. From afar, if you see two people arguing, they both look like idiots.




You can't tell who the you can't exactly, right yeah. So I'm not going to match that level, but what I would do is I'd say listen, you need to understand something. I'm not your child, I'm not your PA, I'm not your employee, I'm not your wife or your husband.


Okay, I'm your builder, not that you should talk to any of those people like that.


No, that's right, 100%, you're completely right. But there is nothing in this whole relationship here that gives you the right to talk to me in a disrespectful way, and if you continue to discuss this topic like this, then I'm out, but that's.


See, I feel like you when you accept that you're in a fearful place in your business.


Say oh, when you accept that behavior. Yeah, yeah, you are, because you're like fuck me Like if they leave.


What if they leave yeah?


Like, if they leave now, am I going to? Yeah, you know what I mean?


Yeah, and then you're kind of fearful in the way, Whereas when that's less of a problem you're like, hey, get the fuck out.


Yeah, and this is where I think it's a difficult thing for builders is because it's not a small amount of money throughout the industry.


No, it's massive.


Yeah, and you kind of have that small level of fear of, oh shit, like if they don't pay me this month, I'm fucked, and that can happen with a lot of builders. And but what you also need to understand is it works both ways All right. Like the builder also has a lot of power. Say, motherfucker, you don't pay me, your house is not going to sit here and it's not going to get built, okay. So there's definitely with that aspect and that relationship, what I think is critically important is similar to what we spoke about with the 100 questions when you get married, it's establishing those boundaries before you get into the relationship as a client.


Yeah, you've got to sit down.


Yes, expectations, and that has been. Honestly, guys, that has been the biggest game changer to me in business is I. Now the client isn't the price, I'm the price. And also I now make sure clients, whenever they start to build with me or do business with me on any level, they understand their obligations to me. And it changes through different businesses too, like my consulting business has clients that I have had to change the way I deliver the sale to them or what the product to them, so that they understand their obligations to me, because they do have an obligation. They have a commitment that they're making to me. The client building a home has a commitment they're making to me. I am going to build your home. You are going to pay me X amount of dollars to do that.


This is how it works.


This is how it works. We are the expert. You need to let us do our job. You need to let us to do this. At no point do you have the right or do you have power over me. Just because you pay me, you give me money, you don't have anything else on me, and when people understand that and when people respect that, that's the huge thing here. There's got to be that mutual respect. Your projects are going to run so much better All of my jobs now and I wake up in the morning and pumped coming to work. I've got good clients across the board. None of them are fuckwits and if they do something that's bad. I've got that emotional maturity and that level head to be like, hey, you okay, like you don't seem yourself today.


I mean, there's no reason to argue over this. You've set the standard, you've set the expectation. That's right. That's right. This is what we're doing. We don't need to argue.


Let's have a look at this logically.


We spoke about this already. Yeah, this is just a problem.


This is construction Welcome.


Yeah. Welcome, this problem's happened.


Like you've got me as your builder, because if you did it, you might have someone carrying on like a pork chop right now. But I'll tell you what I am going to do. You just need to go home, chill out, relax, let off some steam, come back next week. All this will be done, all this problem will go away, and you will realize that what you were stressed off, stressed over, is actually nothing.


It's not me versus you. It's me and you versus that's it yeah.


I really think managing that relationship with your clients and setting that expectation is massive, do you think?


there is a commonality. Obviously, all relationships are different, like you can talk about your family, you can talk about your siblings. You can talk about your like intimate relationship. You can talk about your kids, you can talk about friends, colleagues, work, blah, blah, blah. Do you think that people are the same or have some level of commonality across the board? Yeah, yes, why I genuinely?


think I'd say the vast majority of people want good.


No, no, no, no, no, no. Not all people the same, I'm saying, is this person who no, is, let's just say, exhibit a? Are they, do they have something that they bring to every single relationship? Or can someone be completely different humans Into relationships, like completely different, like they can might be the nicest person to their partner and then an absolute dick at work?


Yeah, I think, I think that exists. Yeah for sure.


But then they go home and they're like the nicest human, the way I see, that is different levels of respect. Yeah, that's why like the but, but like, not like it, not not like respect.


I'm saying you obviously respect your partner at home enough to be loving, caring, beautiful person. Then you come into work and then you see the guy behind the desk and what have you? Have you finished this shit yet, or are you going to be a fuck with?


Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. So hold on, hold on, hold on Pulling someone up based on a task or something or expectations different.


Well, just maybe you think being real authoritative at work is the way to be successful at work. So that's what you do and that's the persona you become, and then you're a dick at work, but you're nice at home. What do? You think White line fever. I used to have a boss like that, he white line fever, where he steps onto the building site and he was the hardest bloke on the isn't that a little bit?


psychopathic? I think so. Yeah, without a doubt, because then as soon as he, as soon as you went for drinks that night it was joking, All of a sudden.


Yeah, they're like, they're a different, it's a different human being.


Are we actually mates?


Are we friends?


Do you actually like me? What the hell's going on here? It's weird, yeah, absolutely. I think, there's a lot, I think, that people would do that. They would put on different personas in different scenarios. I'm not saying.


I would and I'm saying I'm not saying the majority of people would I'd say they would just say I think they're, it definitely exists. They may feel the pressure of having to be that person when they're out with certain people. Maybe if you're with friends, okay, cool, sorry, but my wife was out the other day. I'm not going to give too much away because I don't want to give it all a single anyway.


Give it all a name, Name name, name drop, name drop.


She was out with some friends that completely different life to her right. And she's like, come on, let's go, they're going to go out. They were just going to an event and like, come on, let's go, hurry up, we're going to leave by five. And then I was like shut the fuck up, I have to get my kids ready, like I'm not going to just dump my kids, leave the home. They'll be sitting here by themselves before my husband comes.


Like no, I've got to get the dinner ready. We're going to do this Like I'm a mum. That's what I do. All right, If you want to do that like, fuck off, go do it yourself. But she was no responsibilities. Living by the. What's it called? What's the say? How's the saying go?


Anyway, carefree spirit, I know what I'm saying. You're looking forward. I don't know what it is.


Carefree spirit, do what the fuck she wants when she wants, how she wants. Freedom, yeah, yeah, and that's fine. Different, completely different life. And then it's like they went out and Nicole's like, fuck man, they just they're out, they'll just socializing, they'll just like taking photos with themselves, posting it on social media. She was giving me her phone to take photos of her in front of something and someone and it's like, ah, like completely different life, but she goes. She's so different when it's just me and her just chilling out at home. But when she goes out it's like, oh no, I have to be this influencer, I have to be this really popular, cool, fun person, whereas man just hang out and we're just going to wherever this sporting event, let's just chill out and enjoy it.


Yeah, so I do feel that sometimes people have that pressure, especially now with social media. That's probably influenced that too, you know, I reckon a lot of people, as you said, they're trying to take a photo with a lambo and be that really big hotshot type person and need to put that persona on and then at home they're a completely different person, Could be the opposite. They could be a fucking asshole at home and really nice on camera. Yeah, super yeah.


That's the worst. That's the worst part. Do you know what I mean? Those people who come in and are nice to the client. What's that? There's a saying around that, something about give the people who pay you the best of you and give everyone else the rest of you, and it's like, why would you do that? Yeah, do you know what I mean? Why would you do that? Like it makes no sense at all. Don't be a shit kicker.


Yeah, like yeah, like You're just being an asshole. Yeah, ultimately, do you know what I mean?


That's what you are.


You're just not being a great human being.


I mean in social media. It does influence that, huh. Yeah.


Something to do? I'm just thinking about myself and socials and how I've changed it in that space. Well, I don't think I've necessarily changed as a person at all. Actually, in that regard, I just speak with confidence and conviction because I know what I'm talking about and I back myself. Some people might see that as arrogance. Some people don't like me in the sense that what I'm about, what I do and they want nothing to do with me. I reckon totally fine.


You polarized quick.


What do you mean by that?


So you know you polarized like, so you're on polarization no. So when you polarized someone, they instantly decide whether they like you or not.


So that's polarization. Yeah, yeah, I reckon that, so you don't leave people in a neutral period. Yeah, I think that's, I think.


Yeah, you polarized quick, like they're like yeah, I like George or no, fuck that guy.


That's so funny, because I've had that even from just interactions with people up front, like the first time I meet them. Some people like, hey, you're a cool guy, and other people like man, he's a dud. You polarized quick.


Polarizing is like what Trump does, for example. Like Trump polarizes quick. You either like him or you don't like. No one is neutral about Trump. You know what I mean. You don't talk to anyone. You think? What do you think of Trump? Me yeah.


I definitely. I don't know if he should be president, but I definitely have a level of respect for him in the sense of what he's been able to achieve. I think he's a very smart man. I think he knows more than most of the world. I think he knows how to get what he wants, and from a man's perspective my opinion that's sick.


Yeah, I like him. I mean, I don't dislike him, I'd say I don't dislike him. I think he's definitely the best person to be president of that country.


Is he? I don't know enough about politics.


Me either, but from what I saw with the good that he did whilst he was in power, that look like he did some pretty significant things. This is going to go so sideways, so sideways, and did you fucking expect anything like?


that. Seriously. Have you seen that thing about how they review like so Biden came in, all this shit went down Afghanistan. Everything's happening in Israel now and then people are saying like how come none of this shit, like all the stuff is happening in China? You know what I'm saying In China, you see it.


No, bro, I don't watch shit like that.


All the stuff that's happening around the world at the moment. There's wars everywhere at the moment yeah, yemen, and I'm so oblivious to some shit like that. Really.


Oh man, I just don't have the time or the space, the mental space, to look at it Do you know who informs me the most PBD.


Dude he's all over it. I'm like man. This guy is like on top of worlds. What's going on in?


the world. I suppose that, but he talks about that stuff in his podcast too. Like he'll talk about real life events and things happening right here right now.


And well, he actually. They talk about how no one was. Nothing happened under Trump. Yeah, like when Trump was in office, nothing happened, it was all. And then they're like why? And they're like people are actually scared of him.


Yeah, Like people, he had his respect. His hand was hovering like this he's respected. Yeah, he's like, don't make me push the red button, fuck around, fuck around and find out. Like let's do it, let's dance.


Honestly, from an entertainment perspective, like to think the president of the biggest, one of the biggest countries in the world is on Twitter threatening a nuclear bomb. Like that is so funny, man, it is so good, isn't it? It is so yeah. He's like, don't make me do it, man, I've got my, I'm ready. Like dude, relax, you're tweeting. Do you know what I mean? It is so funny, yeah, I'm ready. It's so funny man, it's very entertaining. Yeah, so good, until it happens.


But. But I mean, I saw this video I think it was on TikTok and it was just a guy talking about, just talking to the camera, and he was talking about Biden and the guy's senile. He's got no fucking idea. He's like he can't walk left, he can't walk right without like he's 80 years old. The guy should be in a nursing home.


Have you seen? Have you seen the video of Trump imitating Biden?


No, oh, maybe.


I have, maybe, I have, maybe, I have, maybe, I have.


But it's so easy Like Trump's. Trump's got this campaign wrapped, the fuck. This one now Up. Yeah, surely. How hard is it? All he has to do is just point out the blatant, obvious shortcomings of this old man. I'm not saying Biden's a bad guy or anything like that, and again, I don't know enough about the politics.


But when is it? Is it in October?


I don't know, is that's what I mean? I don't know anything about it, but he's just so fucking shit at what he's doing.


It's like Trump doesn't have to try hard, he's just going to not fuck it up. Yeah, like, don't get locked up. And for what this guy was saying? What this guy was saying, he goes. It's not Biden running the show, it's a hundred people behind him running the show and they're getting their shitting themselves because they don't know what they're actually doing and they're causing fires and they're doing all this sort of stuff and they're trying to indict Trump as their only way to keep themselves in charge To keep themselves in charge.


And it's like some of the accusations, look, I don't know what they are, but from what this guy was saying he goes some of them are so outrageous and it's like are you serious You're trying to get this guy in jail for that?


Yeah, it's like stealing paper clips it's not, it's not, it's not, yeah, yeah, but it's yeah, it is. It's about the people who lack the knowledge influencing their opinion.


Just on that. That's what it's about. It's like PR. My wife was president of her of my son's kinder years ago years ago and it's like the politics in that fucking kinder were ridiculous. Yeah, Parents and everyone getting involved and having an opinion on how the kinder should be run and how they should be doing this and this and this, Yet none of them step up into a role to actually help anything.


That's why this is my hierarchy's work. Yeah.


Exactly, and I was just. I was sitting there funny and back then I was telling Nicole, I'm like you know what? All it is is people who have no power in any aspect of their life chipping up now trying to flex out of fucking kinder.


And she was there in that role to help, genuinely help because it's a volunteer role you don't get paid for this shit and she's there trying to genuinely help create change, generate money, do all this fun shit and that's beneficial for the kinder. And then you get these carons. So, oh no, we can't do that. You need to think about the bloody flowers in the park that are going to be damaged as a result of children running on them. And she's like what Stupid shit like that.


Yeah, people will flex where they can. Yeah, gereen, yeah, it's dude. You just reminded me of the when we did the leadership program, the Lego game, yeah, and how certain people took leadership roles and then certain people were really letting everyone off to it. So I remember really unhappy about it. Oh, yeah, trying to voice their opinions. You know what I mean. And it's like as soon as they didn't have, or better yet, how do I say this? We both know someone that hasn't had any power ever, yeah, and then got given a bit of power and all of a sudden tried to flex on every single person. Yeah, yeah, you know exactly. I know exactly what you're talking about?


Yeah, you know what I mean and it's like you give them that tiny, you give them a chance to open their mouth, yeah, and all of a sudden they, you know, think they won't know how to run the show and you're like, dude, sit down. Yeah, you haven't even done this. Yeah, sit down.


Yeah, exactly, practice what you're preaching. Yeah, first of all, you know what I mean. Take a back seat here.


I'll show you how to sit. I'll show you how to sit.


Very cool, that went sideways Sideways Cool. I think we've covered some real cool topics. As sorry, some areas, some real cool areas of relationships I'm going to tell I want to talk about one now that is critical to business success. It's honestly, I reckon it's the most critical to your business success and that's your partner, not necessarily a business partner. I'm talking about your wife or your husband. Yeah, one of the two, because there are only two options.


You knew what I was going to say. You knew what I was going to say, you went straight to my unconscious.


I believe it.


I didn't even pick up on them. Of course there's two and for everyone not understanding.


I'm saying there's two fucking genders, that's it. So, just to be blunt about it, there are two genders and two genders Just speaking of which, actually, yeah Fuck, we're going sideways now, so sideways. I went to the Australian Open yesterday. I remember I was just thinking about that.


How you got upset at my comment. Which comment was that? Let's go watch a men's game?


No, I didn't get upset. I was upset because you wouldn't see it. You wouldn't see it again.


And then I'm like how do you upset your man? Just tell me you're not a men's game.


So good, anyway, looking for a toilet, and then they actually had a toilet there that said gender neutral toilet. Yeah, that's the first time I've ever seen that. First time I've ever seen a gender neutral toilet, so not a shed.


Gender neutral or a shed.


It said so if you know your gender. It actually said also so if you know your gender.


can you go in there? Yeah?


I don't know. Like what's the rule? I think it was a politically correct bathroom. So you're telling me my fucking daughter can walk in there with 15 other blokes? Oh, it was an open bathroom, it wasn't a toilet.


It wasn't a cubicle, like it wasn't a toilet. No, no, multiple people were walking in there. Yeah, dude, I went and did, I, fucking I actually I was so shitty.


I walked around the block to go and find another toilet. I refused to use it. Yeah, fuck that. I went to, I went to.


So you know, I want to just stand up, right, yeah. So I went and did. I went and signed up to some improv classes, yeah, nice, okay. And I got there and there was maybe this is going to go sideways. So sideways there was about 15 people in the room and or 15, 20, something like that. And we're sitting in a circle and they're like, okay, the guy running it is like okay, cool, we're going to, we'll go around everyone. I want you to say what's your name, why are you doing this? And your pronouns. And I was like what? Like really, anyway, she, her, and I'm thinking, well, it's kind of silly. And then like maybe six in, hi, I'm blah, blah, blah, they, them.


Oh no, you got that. What, Like? What is comedy class? It's not a joke. You could have, you could go that way. You should have stood up and just taken full advantage. And it was like hey, my name's Robbie, I'm toast the lamp Dude, I was I was, I was, I was, I was in shock, man, I was genuinely in shock.


I was like, so did you do it Me? Did I say yeah, robbie here.


Hi, Robbie Trying to work it out. Still, I would fuck.


No, but look, I I didn't go back. Yeah, I paid for eight classes. I went to the first one and then I went back, Not because I just found it. So I was like it was weird to me, that was fucking weird. I was like I'm not sure that you're going to make us all announce this shit.


Like, why I?


would have just said figure it out.


I would have said not quite sure, I'll let you figure it out Honestly, if you're going to figure it out I just found that weird.


I found that weird. I honestly made me uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah, I was like what the fuck am I doing? Not that person Like I just started, what am I doing for my life? And then the class came around and I was like I'll probably give this one a miss. And then the next one, I was like I can't fuck. And then I just never went back. So, god, yeah, never went back, thank you. I don't know how we go there, but that shit happens, man, they then.


I haven't come across it yet.


Yeah, see, that was the first time for me.


That. Honestly, that was the first time I was seeing that that's a toilet.


Yeah, so you got upset about a toilet. Imagine seeing a bloke with a beard saying they, them and you're like they them, bro. Like you're not, stop it. Yeah, you know what I mean. Like you're not, how can you? If you're confused, well then you have a problem. Let's fix that. Yeah. Yeah, do you know what I mean? They, them, I do, I was. I was gobsmacked. This is probably going to upset some people. I didn't care.


I was gobsmacked, I was upset. You know what? Honestly, I don't care. Don't care yeah.


I just couldn't believe it. Have you seen the video?


Do you have any people, though the fact that we're even having this conversation? Right now and this is fucking sideways from what I've heard about. Yeah.


Well, it's not. It's your relationship with yourself.


Yeah, okay, full circle Okay, but just how sometimes it's taboo for us to even have a conversation like this. Yeah, why?


Exactly. Why can't I have my opinion Exactly? If you have the right to have whatever pronoun you want, why can't I have the right to not call you that?


Yeah, why do you have rights and I don't? We'll have the right just to not buy into it.


Yeah, like you want to be a fish, be a fucking fish, but go be a fish over there. That's it yeah, go be a fish in the water, yeah.


You know what I mean. Yeah, see how that goes for you, yeah.


Don't, you can't, yeah, dude, honestly, I was, I was actually, it was me from the perspective.


I hope to God my kids don't grow up in that world. I hope it's just a fucking, some stupid shit that people are going to get over and go. Okay, those three to five years between. In that period of time people would just fucking loopy because of COVID or whatever.


So have you seen the stats? No, so this is in the US, yeah, which is much weaker market. Yeah. But, and I think they push it more- there. Previous generation, whatever the. I don't know what the generations are. I think it's millennials and then Gen Z.


I don't follow up the yeah or whatever it is.


So the previous generation, I think it was like one to two percent of people were LGBTQ. Gen Z 19 percent. So one in every five dude, yeah, Kids. And it's like you trying to tell me that you talking about it is not influencing what's happening and you forcing everyone, forcing kids who don't even understand the concept.


Anything about it?


Yeah, Forcing them to think about whether they think they are that gender.


Yeah, why? Let them decide. Are you fucking stupid Like? But why?


Like what I don't understand. Why would you confuse a child? It's you can influence a child so easily. Why would you purposefully confuse, put poison into this kid's brain? Why? You know what I mean. Your thoughts are ridiculously powerful. Why would you go and plant that seed in a child's mind?


People don't. People don't appreciate how powerful they are. That's what it comes down to. They don't think, they don't think thought to be there. I think, period, yeah. They don't think thoughts are powerful, so they don't entertain that as a possibility. Oh, whatever, this is what we're going to do. We're going to be inclusive, we're going to be this we're going to be. We want to care about people's feelings and all that sort of shit.


I could do like this could be a whole podcast.


I was going to say we should fucking do an episode on this.


Yeah, we'll do it. Yeah, I understand.


Don't know when, but we'll do it. Yeah, we'll do it.


It's going to be a long episode.


Do you know what we call Getting someone on? That's pro those pronouns and shit like that.


Yeah, okay, do you know you?


know, no, fuck, no, fuck. What do you think this is? But in the sense of, in the sense of just someone?


that. That is open debate. That's right. Have that conversation, okay.


Listen, because I'm a very logical person too, yeah, and I think that's what fucks me with this.


Can I just?


say I think that's what gets me so much is because I'm logical.


What do you mean?


It's showing me the. Show me the maths, like, show me the fact, how this is better, show me, but show me how. It's true. What's true that? Okay, there, are they them? Oh, yeah, yeah, no, are these things? They exist? You can't show it to me. It doesn't exist. There is male, there is female, that's it. There is nothing in between. And you say, oh, there is that really small, tiny percentage of people that are genuinely born with, with both reproductive organ and sort of whatever it might be.


Oh, yeah, but you're talking about like one in a billion. There's like seven people on the planet that have that.


I think it's like, whatever the fuck it is, yeah, it's just you're born, that's like. That's like being born with three arms. Yeah, yeah, you're a freak accident.


Or sorry to say no, but that's right, or what's called Siamese twins.




Like you literally something went wrong in that process.


It's an like something's gone wrong. Yeah, spot on, perfect way to put it. Yeah, um, but you can't. I guess this someone for the way they were born.


Oh no, Do you know?


what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Like that is like that regard, that's fine.


But I'm just saying, if you are 100% one or the other, right, you've been born 100. Like there is nothing wrong with you. Nothing happened in that process that stuffed anything up.


See, okay. So do you know what the problem with this is? It's like we so fucking sideways. This is gonna like. You know what the problem is now? Hmm, what they this is if you look at it like this. This just came to me just then. Um, what if this is a campaign Cause? Before this trans, like transsexuals, were not accepted? Yeah, Guy wanted to get his dick chopped off because he feels like he's a girl.


It was not okay, yeah.


Now, all of a sudden, if they push the okay, let's blur the line, then they then all these pronouns, blah, blah, blah. Now, all of a sudden, look, either just be a guy or a girl. I didn't care which one you choose to be, but just be one. So now all of a sudden, okay, cool, I'm a guy, oh, I'm going to be a girl. Now, you're like, at least you're one. You're okay. Now, because there's worse. Do you know what I mean? It's a campaign Like they've pushed the pendulum. So far they were accepting something that wasn't previously accepted. Do you know what I mean? And it's like cause, that was the problem. It was like cause no one can like cool, you're gay, you're lesbian, whatever. Go, do that, do whatever you want. But it's like wait, hold on. Now you want to chop your organs off? Okay, that's a bit weird.


And then it's like that they're encouraging that in in say younger people that shouldn't have that.


Oh, that should not be allowed.


Yeah, Well, it's like there's this guy that does all these things.


How can you do that and you?


can't buy a cigarette. That's right. Can't buy cigarettes, can't drive, can't drink alcohol, can't take drugs, can't do a hundred and one things. But yeah, okay, let's, let's give you gender altering fucking drugs. Yeah.


Or or surgery yeah or surgery Gender altering surgery.


Yeah, very sideways, shit, shit. Back to what we were talking about.


Dude, I would, but I seriously I would. So if you know anyone, I don't- I don't, but like I will have this conversation openly, any open debates. Yeah. I would have debates about religion. I would have debates about whether the Lebanese invented weddings, whatever Like. I think they make for interesting conversations. You know, I watched a debate the other day about the Israel Palestine thing Really good. Yeah, you should watch it.


Yeah, I mean, I've seen some high level stuff on it nothing in depth, but it's. It's like the war that's never going to end and and this is something interesting that I saw, that I thought that I heard of the other day it's like, you know, israel's going out and trying to kill Hamas and do everything that they're trying to do because of on revenge and what they did to them, and it's like, okay, you're trying to get rid of Hamas because they're a evil organization, they're terrorists, they're killing people. If I was one of those people in those villages right now, okay, and Israel came in and I wasn't a Hamas terrorist, I'm just a man trying to protect his family, trying to get them.


I'm just trying to get by.


I just want to get the fuck out of the country and then like don't touch my kids. Don't do like. Whatever you do, I will do anything. Just get me the fuck out of here. All right, I'll come, I'll join your army. Just leave my kids alone. You come in with your army. You come in there, you burst the door down, you see me there and you kill my family. You've just created a Hamas terrorist.


Yeah, 100%, I would sign up the next fucking day, the next day, and that's what's happening. That's how I see it happening. It's like one, it's an eye for an eye and like everyone in the whole world is going to be blind.


There's so much conspiracies around. Yeah, there's everything. Have you seen the?


It's like even with Putin. How come the war with? Like no one talks about the fucking Ukraine war anymore. It's just disappeared, it stopped, it's just has it.


I don't know.


It just stopped like that. It's like the attention gets, it's taken from one side.


It's propaganda, it's propaganda.


It's like what the fuck.


Yeah, have you seen how I haven't heard the word Putin in months? I'll tell you a good one, and this was eye opening when I heard it and I was like, oh so, apparently the, because I've looked into this and apparently the Wall. There's a wall here, literally a fucking wall, like between Israel and Palestine, literally a massive wall with guards everywhere and there's big question marks around you. Guys, this is one of the most watched borders on the planet. Yeah, like they are to the extent where people have come to and been shot down, like Palestine is getting shot down because they get too close.


But now, all of a sudden, a few hundred people were able to get across, run around for six hours, kill as many people as they wanted and then take 200 people as hostages and cross the border. And cut, yeah, and take them back.


And it's like where, how, yeah, it's supposed to be one of the most Like the IDF is supposed to be one of the highest quality military defense forces, wow. And it's like, how did they allow Dude so much? It's conspiracy. I don't know, I don't know anything. Never been there, not going there, I've never seen Lebanon. People have been to. Lebanon. I'm like dude, I'm not going to Lebanon. That's like dude, lebanon's border, yeah, yeah, no chance I'm going to Lebanon.


Yeah, and there was, there was wars there as well, recently as well, wasn't there? Probably. Yeah, okay, wow. Well, we almost need to cut that whole section out of the podcast because it's so off topic. Okay, Back to what we actually were going to speak about.


I think that's just the beauty of it.


Yeah, absolutely it is.


So the relationship with your partner is what I want to get back to and what I want to focus on for the remainder of the podcast, and I think it's the critical element in your ultimate success in business, because, because, ultimately, the person you're going to come home to every single day and I'm going to talk about this from the perspective of a man okay, a husband and a wife Going to come from that perspective, because that's my experience, but, in the same token, for any of the women listening to this podcast who are business owners too, you can still get a lot out of what I'm about to say, because you can then understand us as men and how we think, and then, as a result of that, you can then put things into action that will benefit you and your relationship.


So I reckon it's the most critical factor to your success in business, because coming home, and coming home to peace and coming home to a wife that's supportive and doing everything that they need to do, is going to be critical to your success. Now, before you think Georgia just being misogynistic and the wife stays home and the husband works and all that sort of stuff, this is something that happened to me and I haven't said this publicly to anyone or any thing. And I'm going to now and the reason I'm going to say this is a private thing, but I'm going to say it because I think it's going to be really beneficial to people and I think it'll help them. So during COVID me and my wife it was obviously a very stressful period for everyone in the country. But I'd come home one day long day after work like getting smashed, like we're talking about clients and how they were talking to you. I was getting that from multiple clients, it wasn't just one and it bears you down.


And then, plus the fact of losing money and then managing cash flow, managing employees, trying not to catch COVID trying not to get fined because I'm doing the wrong thing in business that I don't even know that I'm doing, having to make sure all of my employees wear masks or I'll get a $100,000 company, fine, like just all the fuck things that you had to deal with.


Stressful time yeah, it was very stressful for me as an individual, but it was also very stressful for my wife at home in Four Walls, homeschooling. And we came home one night and I don't even know what we were talking about or how an argument began or whatever it was, but she said something to me that was really upsetting and that was we'll talk blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and we're going back and forth with each other and she goes to me, she goes I feel like a fucking single mom. Okay, and if someone said that to you right now, if your partner said to you I feel like a single mom, what's your first reaction? What would you go to be in that moment? Do you think I'm asking you as a question? Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to no, no, no.


So to answer it in the moment and then to answer it now, while I'm sitting here, calm, doing what I enjoy, it is like you're probably going to well. Ideally, you want to turn around and think why do you feel like that and try and work out what the problem is. At the time might fry the remote.


I don't know. I'll tell you how honestly I think most people would react and most men would react, and you included. When someone attacks you and your integrity, what's the first thing you would generally do? You're going to be defensive of that.


What I understand. Yeah, you know what I do. You know what I bring up.


You wouldn't have any of this. That's right, but that's what it and that's what women like and men understand that. About guys Like we're massive on respect, we're fundamental as a man. Like a man doesn't need much but you give him respect, you've got him. Like he's happy, like he'll do that.


Respect him, don't love him. Respect him, he'll be good. Loves a huge, important thing. Yeah, but if you flipped like go extremes and if you flipped the spectrum and you loved him but you didn't respect him, that wouldn't work.


That's right. So when you really start to question a man's integrity and everything he's doing, the very first reaction to that is always going to be a defensive one. Like even you as another male. Like if another male came to me and said you're fucking shit at business, you're this, you're this, you're this, you're fat, you're ugly, you're this. Like straight away, you're going to be like fuck you, I don't like your hair, like you're going to go back to them and you're going to get defensive. So that was my first reaction at the time. Yeah, and it blew up into an argument.


It wasn't me going listening to what my wife was actually saying. It was I've been dealing with this at work today. I've been doing this at work today. Do you not have any idea what the fuck I'm going through? Do you think this is? You think I go to work and I'm just having coffees and lunches with everyone and this is all rainbows and lollipops. Do you understand everything I do I give to you, you and the kids? I sacrifice everything my health, my, my freedom, my, this, my, this, my this. I sacrifice everything for you and you are a grateful piece of shit. And then coming to me and have the audacity to say you, you feel like a single mom, do you know what I mean? And then it's like now, guys, just the conversation didn't go that way. Yeah Right, I'm not, I'm just paraphrasing.


I'm just paraphrasing but no, we did have an argument along that I was defensive. I don't. Honestly, I don't remember what I said, but the conversation, the conversation was defensive on my behalf and and you know what, to a degree I probably even just like whatever, even walked away, but with having proper anger in in my heart and and feeling resentment towards her for even insinuating something like that, whereas this is where, as men, I think we have to take. It's the success of a relationship with your partner, I think ultimately comes down to us as men, really do.


Ultimately, we have to do massive. Yeah, I can't. I can't comment that. I'll give me up.


Open to hearing it. We have to do more. Not saying they don't have an important part to play. They have a hugely important part to play in the success of the relationship. But I do strongly believe and have seen in my own experiences that the man has to do more. A labyrinth, thank you I will. So in that moment I shouldn't have gone so defensive. I actually apologized to my wife last year for that moment, two years later, yeah, because I've had time to think about it. We were going through a period where I was like because I was saying I was just speaking about it with you I want to have amazing everything. Yeah, I want to have an amazing business. So what did I go out and do? I went out and got coaching and mentoring from a business man.


I'm pretty sure we spoke about this with everyone, yeah, but I worked on myself, on my business, I said great, I need to work on my own communication, my own personal development. So cool, I'm going to go out and do courses on personal development, speaking on stage. I'm going to go out and do that. You know what? I want to get into great shape. So what am I going to do? I'm going to invest in a personal trainer. I'm going to eat right. I'm going to educate myself. I'm going to read books. I'm going to become a best human being I can possibly be. So I'm looking at that. I was looking at it. This is late last year. I was looking at it. I'm like I'm really good at this. Oh sorry, I've invested in this and I'm good at it. I'm invested in my business. I'm investing in my body. I'm getting better at it. So what's the one thing I'm not investing in? And one thing a lot of people in relationships don't invest that invest in their relationship. So then I started going you know what I need to invest in my relationship? Why not read a book on relationships? Why not read a book on or educate yourself? Go to a course. Did you read on how to be? I've got one that I'm going to get. I can't remember what I said. I've got it ordered and do those things, because that is such a fundamental part of who I am and my life. I need to invest in that.


Now, coming back full circle, I had that argument with her a few years ago and I was thinking about it and I said to her go remember that time when you said to me, you feel like a single mom. And she's like yeah, like, and this, this was just we'll. We were out somewhere you know what I mean Driving or whatever it might have been and I said to her I said I'm really sorry about that. I'm sorry that you felt that way, because I was genuinely doing things unconsciously To make her feel that way. She felt that way. I can't deny that. That's how she felt.


Even though it was regardless of what it was, regardless of what it is regardless of what caused it.


She genuinely felt like a single mother Now that year because Georgie were dealing with stress, abcd and doing all this and doing all that, and as noble as that may have been, it doesn't ignore the fact that she was going through that moment.


She did feel that way Exactly.


The man has to be a bit more than just the provider. Okay, your wife, or your wife to be one day, didn't marry you because you're a good provider. They don't want to stay with you because you're a good provider. They want to be with you because you do provide for the family. You love her, you care for her, you protect her. That's another massive thing. I'm not talking necessarily physically protect. There's a whole range of that. It's security, it's the emotional connection as well. So there's all that has to happen in order for you to have that amazing relationship. And I apologize to her. I said look, I'm really sorry that I in that moment, attacked you instead of going okay, I'm sorry, I appreciate what you're saying. Let's sit down and, as you said, in a calm way. Now I'm calm, it's easy hindsight, I get it.


But I've now made sure that, moving forward, that isn't my go-to reaction. When she says and we've made that promise to each other too it's like when something bothers us, don't like you've got to bring it up.


Jordan Peterson was massive on that and that's like so you're saying what are the things I've been listening to say, say, jordan Peterson or things like that, about relationships or whatever it is. It's like you've got to bring it up. He's massive on have a thousand arguments, have a thousand arguments. So you don't have to have that thousand and one, because if you just let it in and you don't have those conversations and you don't do that, marriage is hard, that connection with your partner is going to be hard, but because you have to have that communication with them every single day and I think you said it as well it's like what's going to make? This day a 10?.


Yeah, I can't remember who it was, but he's saying they used to meet up every single day and say, cool, where are you at today? And I'm like I'm a six, what's going to make it a 10? What do you need? I'm just going to get out of the house. Cool, let's grab our shit. Let's go for dinner.


Yeah, let's just let's just simple shit like that.


Simple shit, okay, but you're the again, the man, generally the leader of the home, yeah. So you've got to lead your relationship too, and that's not to say that the woman doesn't have a huge part. You need to be nurturing, not only to your children, but to your husband as well. Respect him, show him a shit like man.


Have any argument I've ever had with my Mrs in anything, in any scenario, or we might just and I'm talking back many years now say there's been a period where we're just fucking getting on each other's nerves. It just takes her to say one nice thing to make everything fucking go away. Do you know what I mean? And it's like, hey, you say women, if you're listening to this right now, go to your husband and say to him tonight hey, I just want you to know that I really appreciate everything you do for us and this family. You mean a lot to me and I really just don't know what I would do without you. I fucking will give you anything on this planet. You watch, and what happened? You just watch it. What happens to?


that make his fucking year you'll make his year.


Yeah, you will make his year easily. You will see immediately this huge burden come off his chest, huge burden, and you watch the next fucking day how happy he will be and he will go for another fucking year just for you to repeat that word to him next year yeah, 100, whole fucking year. You don't even need to say it to him every single day. It's appreciation. That's all that they need. That's all that we need, just knowing that all our efforts and everything we're about and everything we're doing is being recognized. I appreciate you, thank you, I love you, man, that's it. That's it. You will have a husband that's loyal, that's loving, that does absolutely everything for you and anything for you, and if it's not, then maybe you need to look at that relationship. Where do you need to? Where does that need to be nurtured, or is it not there?


Yeah, and if he doesn't appreciate it in the moment, you don't like it, yeah. Could be that true. It could be that too. Why else would he not appreciate it in the moment.


You also have to both work on it. It can't just be one. It can't just be one, it has to be one. Your lives are intersected. Yeah, you've got a joint life.


You joined at the hip almost, not physically, but psychologically, almost Absolutely. You know what I mean. You're doing like, yeah, absolutely it is, and I can totally see why you would say that it's detrimental to make sure you're both on the same page. So the level of success you're going to have in your life, yeah, yeah.


I wanted all those things, all those amazing things, and in order for them to happen, Imagine she was like you wanted all these things and Nicole wasn't on board. Yeah.


She's like nah, like you know.


I was going to live in the country, yeah, or?


like why? Why aren't you home at four o'clock and do you have to work on Saturday? And you know what I mean Not letting you do the things you need to do. You got to go into it again. Like, why, no, like? You know what I mean? It's the kids that okay. I mean, imagine you cop all that non-stop because she wasn't on board. That's what you would cop if she wasn't on board, with you getting to achieve what you want.


And there's been so many times over the last couple of years now that I've had to go away for a few days to go and get training in certain elements. And if she didn't trust me, if she wasn't completely on board with me being the best version of myself, she would. She would have been, she would have been hating me every single time I stepped out the door.


Yeah, or questioning yeah, or questioning yeah. Exactly what's he?


really doing? What's he really up to?


Let me check the code and statements.


Yeah, yeah, exactly, and that's a really uh, hugely, uh, a hugely important thing, because if it's not man, it, it affects your business. It really does. I look back now and when I was stressed at work, I could handle the stress at work. You see, that's the thing, that's what. That's what you guys really need to understand as well. The battles at work are not battles when you have peace at home. Say that again the battles how good is that? I've got to coin that one, don't I? Yeah, the battles you have at work are not battles when you have peace at home. When you're at home and you know you're going home to a loving family or wife, the kids, the dog, the goldfish, whatever it is for you, whatever is your peace at home, it could be yourself, you could just be living at home by yourself, but it's peace and the battles are just the battles at home, at work. You can do that, you can take that on.


So good saying man Thanks man. I like it. I like it. Yeah, no, that was fucking sick. I'm going to get a frame Put it in my office. Yeah, so guys.


I had a bit of home play for you. I want you to really look at your relationship with your partner whether you're a husband or a wife, whatever journey you're on in your entrepreneurial journey and see. First of all, look within. I think that's the first thing you got to look within. Where are you being a shit fucking partner? What could you do better at? Take extreme responsibility yeah, that's what it comes down to. Everything's your fault. If everything's your fault, then you have the ability to change it. Take that huge ownership and then start to implement, see those changes in your partner and then have that conversation with them. Hey, this is what we need to do. Hey, this is where we're at. This is where we're going to be. This is what we want to do. Are you on board with that? Maybe do those hundred questions Do? You reckon that?


you've read it. You can do that now.


If you've been married for 10 years, would I do the same?


Could you, if you've been married for 10 years? Oh fuck, some shit would come up, yeah.


It asks some really full on questions about your past, about everything. Yeah right, so it's like you're going to go through that, like you want to get all that out before you. Maybe, if you've like 10, 15 years in, don't do it. Just because shit's going to come up. No, all, all. If you're in a good place and you want to do it, and you want everything and you want to take your relationship to the next level, go do it.


Because, then it's everything Like how good would you feel once you've done it. Like there is nothing, like there is no fucking barriers in our relationship anymore. Like it's like we're full flow, 100%, we know we're going, we know we're doing it with driven. Like you know what I mean.


That would be pretty cool as well. Yeah, look, I'd like to think I know almost everything about my wife and her about me. We've been. We're really really cool and beneficial in that regard that we've we've got a really open relationship, that we tell each other everything. I'm sure there's shit that we don't know about each other, but nothing important. Does she know what I?


mean, does she know you're a fencer?


That I used to do fencing? Yeah, I did some whilst we were married. Actually, I built a fencer oh yeah, I built some whilst we were married. There, you go. There you go. I might have built one in the near future, just for the future Just let people know I can still do it, all these motherfuckers that just think. I sit behind a desk all day.


Make sure you put it on the ground. All about your brand, that's it. I'll just be there. I'll think of Makita. Do you want to build fences with your lamb again?


Yeah, we go higher or a lamb vote and just grab a set of that was this podcast, huh. Which one yeah? That was the last one man. We've been going for a while, haven't we Shit? Longer episode than normal.


No, but I think what you said was very well said. I have 100% of you with you, do you?


know what I really, what the great thing about you and your position is right now.




Yeah, I wish I knew then what I know now. You know a lot of that now, before you're about to get into a relationship, yeah, so it's going to be so good to see that in yourself, or even for yourself, you're going to have a lot of clarity on exactly what you want, what you expect, and also get your partner on board with that too. That's something really cool that you can almost look forward to.


Yeah, yeah, I 100% agree. You just understand people on another level, man. Yeah, you know what I mean. Having that level of understanding, I also think, to play devil's advocate, it diminishes a lot of prospects or potential prospects. Yeah. Because, then you're like whoa, like nah, nope, nah, she's nah, you know what I mean and you start to see things.


I don't know if that's a bad thing, though, man.


Oh yeah, definitely it's filtering the crap, yeah. No, no, but imagine getting into the wrong relationship, yeah, so that'd be the worst. Getting into the wrong relationship. Yes, or someone ends up changing in the relationship, like either you come in and you're like, yeah, and then she either ends up coming to your side or you end up going towards her, like you know what I?


mean yeah, yeah, yeah, but you do that willingly.


Yeah Well, you should do it willingly. Most people do it unconsciously, I reckon. Yeah, yeah like they just end up, oh yeah, no, we just do this now, Like don't you know of a couple? You know couples who are like the same person. Yeah.


Do you know what I mean? And it's like you guys are the same person and then you, if you talk to them, you'll realize who was that person originally, and then the other person just sort of conformed to that person. I don't do that. Do you know what I mean? Like I've been saying, couples it's like the other guys are the same human, spend that much time together.


Yeah, yeah. Being individuals is going to be really important, even from just an interest level, don't I mean Just from the relationship remaining interesting to also, don't you find having some time away works well? Yeah, distance makes the heart go fonder Distance.


You're dropping all the quotes today.


Haven't heard that before. No Distance makes the heart grow fonder.


Grow fonder.


Yeah, yeah, mike and Nicole's massive on that. I've noticed that over the years.


As in the quote.


No, as in any time I go away, that's when she wants me.


Oh really, it's like even at work. She'll call me, like she's so stereotypical. She'll call me at work. She'll say, hey, hey, what are you doing Fucking? Working like a mad man? She's like oh, she's chilling, I'm just bored. She wants a yarn. Yeah, but she just she misses me because I'm not available. You know what I mean.


Because you're busy.


Yeah, well, just not there.


So say even if I go into the state of business, so is she? If you were at home, but you were just sitting down the couch? I don't know if you do that, but like you're just sitting down the couch watching TV, yeah, I wouldn't get, I wouldn't get that.


Oh, no, no, no, okay. She's like oh, you just fucking go to the dishes, is that it? Yeah? Do I look? Like a fucking woman to you. Yo hey, we're back and we're back. Did you really think it was going to last that long? Did you really think you were going to get out of this?


podcast without something like that. Oh, like Georgetown, a sensitive side of you, man Apologizing yeah.


And just bring it back yeah, just bring it back.


Make sure you know who you listen to.


Nicole's a fucking black belt and karate. Do you know what? I said this the other day. I know she's not going to listen to this. I can almost say anything I want until that one day she goes. You know what I'm going to listen to? That? I tried to do a jury show, Robin George.


I was telling her that when we were at your Christmas lunch. Yeah, I was like you should listen to it.


I'm trying to get the listens up.


Yeah. I'm out there prospecting like one on one. Tell people to listen to it. Yeah, so good. Yeah. I was like you should listen to it.


You should I won't tell you which episode. Yeah, she will catch up Absolutely One day. You'll know when she does. Yeah, exactly, I'll try to do the dishes. Huh, yeah.


I'll fucking show you this I'm going to do the dishes. I'm going to do the dishes.


I'm going to do the dishes. I'm going to do the dishes. I'll fucking show you how you do the dishes. Put me in a headlock and give me an armbar. Make me tap out she could do that. Oh, she's actually quite a skilled fighter. She's did karate. She's a black building karate. Then she did MMA for a few years. He's a thing, though. I'm not trained in any way in the martial arts.


If you say, if you go where, I think you come with this yeah.


You ready, you ready? If she heard this, she would flip. I would knock her the fuck out. Honestly, that's a thing. That's just pure brute strength, all right. Honestly, she's a tiny. She's what? 50 kilos compared to me being nearly 90, 86 kilos. You know what I mean. There's a big difference with strength there.




I can pick up 120 kilos on fucking deadlifts. Do you know? What I mean. There's. This fact is there.


It is so fun that would upset some people. I 100% agree with what you say.


Don't get me wrong, like could I knock out Ronda Rousey, like I don't know, okay, so here's a great question.


Yeah, we'll wrap it up on this One of my mates. We're watching UFC once and this was years back, you know the lightest division for the women's. I think they're like, they might be like 50 kilos. No, it's like less than fly weight. It's tiny, they're like, they're smooth, like thick women, man. And they're watching it, and I was like man. There is absolutely nothing attractive about watching women fight Like it's zero, like they are not women, they're like two men.


I've seen a women's fight in some time now. They haven't played it on UFC.


No, some of them are good, some of them are horrible.


Nunes and Cyborg Chickshi was fucking hectic as well. Nunes and Bashby yeah.


But what did he say? One of these little like girls, I think. She was like. She was maybe four foot, 11 or five foot or something, I can't remember exactly, and I was like dude. And then he said she would drop you. And I was like no, she wouldn't. And he's like she's a UFC fighter. I'm like dude, I'm bigger than her, I'm tall, I'm not even tall, I'm taller than her, I'm bigger than her, I'm stronger than her. Like she could have more skills. I would just sit on her, like, get that, like you know, I might weight double her weight. Like, and he's like no, I'm telling you now she would drop you. And he till this day thinks I'm delusional in that sense. And I'm like dude, I get that, she's a professional fighter.


I think they've already done that once before. I'm pretty sure I've seen this video where they put an unskilled fighter in the cage with a really skilled female fighter like an unskilled male fighter, small, like same weight, Same thing yeah. And the male demolished it.


Yeah, I'll do it. You're, as a man, you're, you're, physically, you can take it.


It's gonna be harder for them to put you in an armbar. It's gonna be harder for them to do whatever they've got to do, skillfully, wise, absolutely, they'll shit all over you, yeah, like there's a sparring.


If it was a sparring thing, yeah, should probably call us actually real quick, real good reflexes, Like she could get me.


But if I had to like, okay, this is the matter of my life and death, like there's no chance, I honestly don't believe. I don't believe it. I think I'm too big. If I was smaller maybe, I don't know. But I just think that the fact that the fact, and that's why there's weight classes at the end isn't there 100%.


It's to level out the game.


That's it. That's it, even when you're fighting males, like if you fight a lightweight and a heavyweight, like there's no question of it.


It doesn't matter. Why don't they have height classes in basketball? What do you mean, like? Why don't they have height classes in basketball? Like why can't there be an under 6'6 league To level out the game, just like they did with UFC? That's what they did they leveled out the game.


It was like it goes on weight, though, doesn't it? Yeah, yeah, but so yeah, but no.


No, but UFC is on weight, because weight matters when fighting. Basketball should be on height, because height matters. In basketball, most taller players are better Dude. Steph Curry is 6'3,. He's deemed one of the short, a short guy.


Man, he looks tiny. He's 6'3. 6'3. Yeah, are you serious? I thought he was like 5'6 or something.


No, he's 6'3. Shit yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's deemed a short guy, shit, because everyone else is massive. And then I'm like, why don't they have a league, like they did it in the UFC, they do it in other things. They do it in men's and women's. They split up divisions. Why, like, imagine they had a league in basketball where it was like 6'6 to 6'4 and that's that league. And then you know 5'5 to 6'4. That's a separate league.


I wouldn't. I wouldn't work because you wouldn't be interested.


Yeah, that's what it is.


You're not going to get the skills level either, and you're not going to get the excitement in the game.


But yeah, but it does, it levels out.


But I mean, let's pretend it's not nothing to do with men and women. You grab the champion in the lightweight and then get a no-name. In heavyweight, the heavyweight's going to win, do you agree with that? And in males, two males? No, really.


Yeah, have you seen the UFC before? There was weight division. No, yeah, do go watch it. There's like a 600 pound guy fighting a.


Is that that fat guy? Yeah, Like yeah, but that I reckon that's fucking stupid. He necks him. Huh, he actually necks him. That's the guy that's like he's as fat as a sumo.


Yeah, yeah, massive dude. Yeah, that's stupid.


Yeah, you reckon Absolutely.


Dude, he's an athlete. He sits on you. You think that guy's an athlete. Sumo's not athletes.


Not in that, not in that realm. If you're pushing, if you're a sumo pushing someone out of a circle.


Yeah, hold on. You didn't say athlete, you said normal guy. He's a heavyweight.


No, no, a heavyweight fighter.


Oh, a fighter.


Yeah, I'm saying a jet like you, unranked, it's your first fucking fight in the UFC.


Oh yeah, he's going to smash the lightweight. He's going to smash the lightweight, yeah.


It's the same concept with women.


I think he's a heavyweight guy.


Oh, no, no, no, no, he's a heavyweight fighter. And then the champion lightweight fighter like Volkovsky. And then Volkovsky fighting versus not Jones, but say someone Like from Klesner or something. No, no, not even. But I'm saying someone that's never. It's his very first UFC fight, but he's a trained fighter, but he's just no title holder, he's nothing. The heavyweight's going to smash him. You would think so, yeah, yeah, but that's the whole concept is behind the women and a man fighting a woman and a man fighting the weight makes too big of a difference.


So the whole you could say the whole concept around basketball as well, Like if you got a bunch of five foot players and then you got a probably six foot seven players, seven players are going to crush them.


Yeah, yeah, it makes sense. That's what I'm saying why is the world the highest man? It's not entertaining.


Well, you don't like short people.


What's saying?


that it would be weird if they did it.


That's the truth.


But it's just an interesting way of looking at things when people complain about why they don't have what they have. Yeah. What a fucking conversation.


I don't know if we need to kick each other on the table and say stick to the script. Yeah, that went.


Well, we just keep going. I think I don't know. I like the conversation. Why control Running on low juice?


Running on low juice.


Running on low juice. Call it a day.


That's it. Yeah, man, what a fantastic chat.


Yeah, that was a really good chat man.


Sideways went up down left right. I think at the call we just wanted to focus on exactly what we spoke about with relationships. It's going to be critical to your success in business and in life.




Without a doubt so master it. Learn how to control your emotions, control what you're about and how you react with other people, because you can get the desired result from someone by giving them what they want to do. Very yeah, and swallowing your ego. That's what it comes down to 100%.


You couldn't have said it better. But not have said it better. And, ladies, go to your man and say tell him, tell him to go, actually go to him and just sit next to him and tell him you appreciate everything he does for you, and whether it's just you or you and your family. But go and say it and watch the response you get.


Oh man, can you guys honestly message us?


Yeah, seriously.


If that happens, if you actually go, and do that.


I really want to hear the message. I think, yeah, I think the response would be I think it's going to be phenomenal.


It'd be world changing.


We'd get on current affair.


That's how we're going to do it. That's how you're going to get on a current affair. Something's going to happen, something's going to go. It's talking about all the fucking conversation about, there's only males and females.


That was this conversation too.


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This is not what you do. I don't fucking know, isn't it show notes?


I feel like you joke around a show notes and then you act like they're really there. Do you have show notes?


No show notes. Isn't the show notes the part below the description? Yeah, Isn't that?


show notes. I got no idea. It is fucking now.


Look there, that's where the email is going to be.


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