Million Dollar Days

Building Your Personal Advisory Board

Robby Choucair and George Passas Season 1 Episode 13

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Ever wondered how to boost your success both in business and in life? Look no further. Today, we're unwrapping the secret of assembling a killer personal advisory board, inspired by nuggets from "Think and Grow Rich" and "Your Next Five Moves." Robby Choucair and George Passas are here to share stories about virtual mentorship and the strategic powerhouses that have shaped our paths. We're talking about the influential tactics from Patrick Bet-David and the aspirational narratives of industry juggernauts, all while tackling the balance of personal relationships within your business strategy.

Laughter is abundant as we candidly discuss the realities of including spouses in your game plan and the necessity of a supportive home life for entrepreneurial success. It's not all chuckles though; we dive into the gravity of business partnerships and the invigorating hunt for female professional figures who resonate with us. We'll dissect the tales of Gary Vaynerchuk's foresight and Joe Rogan's everyman appeal, providing you with the clarity to separate personal from professional and recognize the support systems that ignite your growth.

We wrap up with a heartwarming thank you to all our listeners. Your support is the fuel that powers the Million Dollar Days experience. Remember, every share, every five-star review, and every play at work boosts this journey we're all on. So, join us as we fuel your next big move – it's a rollercoaster of strategy, humor, and heartfelt insights that you won't want to miss.


Have you read Think and Grow Rich PBD's book? He was talking about the people like building a team around. I guess what I want to talk about today actually comes from that book. I think I know where you're going. You know where I'm going. Yeah, in that book he mentions. One of the things he mentions is about building your own advisory board.


Your power base.


I made a list of people that I idolise, people that I admire, people that I look up to, people that I respect.


There is so much like, say, some of these entrepreneurs, some of these business people, life coaches, whoever it is, they put out so much content books, podcasts, clips on YouTube, their social media pages, everything. They put out so much content that you can genuinely be guided, influenced, learn from what they're putting out there.


So if you haven't done this and you just listened to this whole episode, this is something you should take some time out and sit down and do. This could create your change.


Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of Million Dollar Days. My name is George Passas.


And I'm Robby Choucair. I thought we said we're going to stop introducing ourselves, did we? Didn't we say that on the last episode?


I don't know if I got that memo? No, did you put it in the?


suggestion box. I uh is there one? I sent it to HR. Sent it to HR.


What's going on? Good man, I'm excited to be here Um another episode, another day. One less to a thousand.


Another day, another million dollars.


That's it. Hey, I've got no idea what we're talking about today, which is actually a little bit exciting to me. Yeah you've been telling me for a few days Oi, I've got the best topic to talk about in our next episode. All right, I'm so going to tell you I actually didn't ask you what it was going to be purposely and then I get here today. Are you going to tell me You're like nah.


I reckon I might not know, you might have no idea, I might have.


I might just be sitting here and you're talking and I'm just asking questions, all day.


All that is so standard.


That's it. It's living in your shadow.


I um, you've read. Have you read? Well, I'll start with this. Yeah, so Sunday I was driving and I was on my way to my uncle's house to watch the UFC and I was listening to PBD the book, and he mentioned Patrick.


But Patrick, if you don't know, listening at home.


If you don't know, switch it off.


Yeah, okay, turn off the podcast.


PBD's book your next five moves. Yeah, and I was listening to it and I think I liked the chapter two or three oh, sorry, I moved two or three and he was talking about the people like building a team around you, right, and that made me think about the last episode that we recorded and he started talking about a team, yeah, and he started talking about advisors and things like that. Now, have you read? Have you read? Think and Grow Rich?


I have, but it was a while ago. It was one of the first books. I read yeah, did you like it? I did yes.


All right. So this this I guess what I want to talk about today actually comes from that book.


I think I know where you're going.


You know where I'm going. Yeah, there you go.


I don't know Go I'm curious.


Okay, so in that book he mentions, one of the things he mentioned is about building your own advisory board.


Your power base.


Is that what?


he calls it yeah.


And the team of people. That's where you're going. That's where you're going.


That's where you're going. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about, I agree with that.


Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do, wow. Because he spoke about it on the top on the book. His book, yeah, he mentions advisors, blah, blah, blah. And I thought and I started thinking because I've done it, I've sat down when I read the book. I sat down and I made a list of people that I idolize.


After that chapter no, no, sorry when I read think and grow rich. Yeah, yeah.


And I sat down and I made a list of people that I idolize, people that I admire, people that I look up to, people that I respect, and pretty much made my own advisory board. Yeah, people that I've never met in my life, but people that I've studied, known, read their books, and now, even till now, from when I did it to now, that room has changed, the seats at the table have changed, and have you ever done it? No, okay, we're going to do it. Live Cool. So do you understand that? You'd know what the concept is?


Yeah, absolutely.


Yeah, so it's basically pick a group of people or pick a group of individuals that you like and you're building your own body Parents. This actually owns and it owns an entire building. So there's a ways that would persuade people to go and use your own organization, your own NGO category as well, but then you become the entire family when you consider and take on the role of your team.


So then, no one gets, not one can, no one does. Nowadays, the only way is to stay at home with people who are closed as hell, want to go. That's definitely the first thing, I'm not inviting you onto this table because you're a good bloke or I find you attractive.


Yeah, yeah.


No, I can't be, but it's there purely for a purpose. And here's the thing about these types of people and you touched on it it doesn't have to be people, you know, and that's something that a lot of people like I want to find a mentor, but you know, I don't have that connection with them. You don't need to have a physical or a personal relationship with a mentor, because you, your mentor, could be Patrick Bet David.


It's not like silent mentors, right? Yeah, it's, they talk to you but you can't talk about that, that's right.


And there is so much like, say, some of these entrepreneurs, some of these business people, life coaches, whoever it is. They put out so much content books, podcasts, clips on YouTube, their social media pages, everything. They put out so much content that you can genuinely be guided, influenced, learn from what they're putting out there. And the most recent one that I know of is Alex Hormozzi, and what he's doing, yeah, documenting his journey to become a billionaire, but also, along the way, giving you exceptional value and teaching you shit for free, and you, simply implementing a lot of that stuff, will have massive success with that. And you've recently done that too.


Even with the strategies on how we do our advertising for all the businesses. You've gone well cool, let's do this, this, this and this, and then let's give them all of this as a bonus. And then, on top of that, we're only going to charge them this, or we're going to give it to them all for free, or I'm going to change the strategy. I'm going to go buy this list, I'm going to email these people, I'm going to target it like this. And you've been able to have mentorship from him and never met him before in your life.


He's 100% on my boat.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely, I think he would have to be in this modern day age in business. He's got to be there because I think the way he's marketed himself is fantastic.


And he's grown. He's grown his audience to be massive. He's sought out his own advisors. He's had GS like Grant Cardone on that, as his own mentor. He paid him 100 grand to spend half a day with him and go yep, he's 100k. What do I need to do? And then Grant looked at his socials and said, man, you're not putting out enough content. And he's like, okay, cool. So he went out and now puts out three, four pieces of content a day across every single platform.


Yeah, he does 300 and something.


This guy had 8,000 followers less than 24 months ago.


Yeah, and now he has over a million.


So people that sit there and go oh, you know, I need a million, I need 10,000. I need this many followers I need this influence. You're not fucking doing the pushups. You are not doing the pushups and you need to get to that space. So, yes, I would have him on my board. Who else? Patrick Bet David Only over the last, I reckon, six to 12 months, I've really gotten into his content and really enjoy listening to him. I think he's a very smart man. I think business savvy.


Very, very intelligent.


Yeah, but I just love his, even from the perspective of how he thinks about family and how he thinks about life. I really resonate with a lot of that as well myself, so I would definitely have him on my board and have that connection there for sure. Who else I would actually have? You might be surprised by this. I would have my dad on the board too. I think my dad has always given me a lot of advice that has been beneficial for me during difficult times, during good times, during my whole life, obviously as a kid growing up as well, always guiding me in that right direction. And even now, if I have some sort of a big idea or something that I want an opinion on, something, I'll definitely ask him about it, say, hey, I'm thinking about this. And even though I may already know his answer and may not agree with what he's saying, I still like running it by him because I want to hear that subjective response.


Now, a perfect example of that is he never believed I could achieve what I'm achieving with Builder Elite. He was blown away when I called him up the first day and said, hey, I did this, and he was just like what the actual fuck he goes. I cannot believe that. You've done that. How did you do it? I said this and he goes no, it's not possible. There is no way you're going to be able to get people to sign up to this course. I said, watch me. And then I said I need you to understand something. I'm going to do this and we're going to make $1 million in a day. It's going to get to that day where it's going to go bang and there's that 30, 40, 50 sign ups in a day and you've got your million bucks in the bank and he's just.


He just sat back and laughed in the sense that he goes. I cannot. I can't believe the people are willing to part with their money in this time being a difficult period in the industry, to come and work with you and I said, yeah, it's for a couple of reasons A, I'm now trained as far as how to show them why I'm the best person to work with. And B, I've done the push-ups over the last 15, 20 years. Built brand that's right, but it's not the brand, it's the knowledge base. Like, I am offering my 25 years of experience in the industry and running businesses and I'm compressing that into 12 months. If you come and work with me, and people and who said at Simon's Seneca said I would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit down with someone and get 20 years worth of knowledge and experience in. You know, six, 12 months a week, whatever it is Well welcome.


It is. It is, and I look back at my own journey as far as me seeking out actual people that I would pay money to and go okay, I've invested this much money and even though at the time it was a lot of money, I look back at that journey and go look at how much I've grown as a person, as a business owner. Has that money been paid back? Absolutely, absolutely across the board. I've got no doubt about it.


And the ROI is for over Right. If it hasn't been paid yet, it's going to be.


And then do you know what is also cool about that? You can pass it forward. I can now teach other people these things too. Again, because I've had that experience. I've gone out and sought out that mentor, read that book connected with that person and then gone. Okay, great, now I've learned those things from him. I can help teach you that too. Yeah, that's sick, yeah, and I really like that. And that's not for everyone. A lot of people just want to use it for themselves. They don't need to be mentoring. But you know what, at the end of the day, you will eventually mentor someone. It might be your wife, your partner, your kids, your cousin, your friend. Whoever it is, you will give someone advice based off the experiences that you've had, especially if you become ultra successful.


Yeah, I think also, when you are put in a position where you have to teach someone something you actually you have to adopt a higher level of mastery. Right, you need to now become even better at what it is, because they'll ask you questions that you haven't thought of or you haven't faced yourself, and then you're like, oh, I never thought of that. And then you break it down because you know what you're talking about, and then now you understand what you do even more. You know what I mean. Passing that on, yeah, makes you better.


You become a master once you teach other people New level of mastery. Yeah, I would have you on my board. Me Absolutely.


You want to come, I've got some hot shots on there, though Sit next to the whole lady Just don't be a fucking fanboy.


When you get there, I can't help it. I'll learn this through. I've never been starstruck, have you Rarely Like? If any one of those guys walked into this room right now, I wouldn't be like oh my God, I love like I'm so I just love you.


I'm with you. They're just human beings. They're very successful at what they do.


But I feel that it would be, that's the way it would need to be, all right. And I say, as in, to get their respect, don't be a fanboy. I would definitely go up to Patrick Bettaven and be like hey, love, thank you very much for everything you think that you give out. I've gotten a lot of value and genuinely really like everything you've talked about and done. Oh, thank you.


Yeah, I was like what, are you gonna go grab a drink, like what do you suck on?


Can I get your drink, or anything?


How was your flight? Yeah, I'm definitely not a. Can I get a photo? Yeah, can I go? Yeah, yeah, I've always wanted to go up to someone like that that's really famous.


give him my camera and just go oh hey, you know, this is this is this is Patrick Bettaven. Is it bad, bad, bad? Could you do me a favor? It's like I just want you to take a photo, is that okay? And then give him my camera and get him to take a photo of me and my wife. Thanks, pat, by the way. I love your work.


Yeah, all this.


And then walk off.


I reckon that would just blow people's minds. I'll call him the wrong name. Be like thanks, pete. I mean I'll just look at your life.


I wouldn't go down that path. No, I reckon that would be funny. It'd be more for my entertainment. Just for a laugh.


Yeah, just for a laugh so you can tell your mates later. They're just not one of those. I can't believe what I did. That's it.


That's it.


So, I would have you on there. And this morning we actually did a two hour session. We did a two hour session, started at 7am and we were talking business and strategy and growth and where we wanted to be in the next three, six and 12 months time, talking about some pretty cool things. How are we going to get to growing one of the companies we're involved with, legacy Media, to a seven figure business in the next 12 months? What does that look like? Or sorry, the next 24 months? We said earlier, if possible, what does that look like? Then, talking about, okay, great, do we need a bigger team? Talking about like we're talking about shit. That isn't even the realm of where we are today. What's going to happen in six to 12 months? And even saying, well, what's the end game? Where are we wanting this to go?


Because not many people have those conversations, and now that's something we've teed up to be a monthly meeting. At the very least Could be a fortnightly one, but I think for the time being, it'll be a monthly meeting. We see each other all the time with podcasts and shooting. We always run ideas past each other, but 2024 is looking like a great year. We've really just scratched the surface of what we're looking to achieve with everything. Do you know what I mean? And the people we want to bring along on the journey to is going to be important. And who's going to help us achieve those goals? Now, as you said, it could be your boardroom table, it could be employees, your partner, your family, your friends. Whoever it's going to be on there, for sure One other person I would have on there oh, I've got to think about this one.


That's the whole point, man, there's this person.


I'm about to say I'm actually can't don't know if I would have them on there. I want to openly.


This is the open discussion. Who is it?


You ready for it?


No, why are you thinking about it?


Because I don't know if I would have them on my board of advisors. Yeah, but who is it?


My wife, Okay, yeah, yeah, no comment. I mean of course you should totally have on your board of advisors Always, always, always, always, remember this.


Actually, you know what. I retract that statement.


All right, I'm not going to have her on this edit that out of there.


Yeah, that's it. Take this out and I'll tell you why. I would tell her everything. Yeah, I don't necessarily think she would give me the best advice.


Would you have anything from a?


perspective, potentially, yeah, none that come to my mind.


Yeah me, I couldn't think of one. Yeah, none, that are, none that are some of my friends and I was like, hey, I can't think of a single yeah. Geez I can't think of a single female. Yeah, that I would have. Not that I've got anything against them, I'm just not inspired by them.


Like they that particular one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's something that resonates. What about Oprah?


And I was like I don't want to listen to Oprah. Yeah, like, with all due respect.


I don't, so she's a phenomenal woman Like.


She's achieved amazing things in life and business, but I just don't see her being able to help me.


It's probably because you haven't seen that side of her. She probably could in all honesty Like say, you walked into the room and said okay, boys, let's let's, let's fuck shit up when I'm picking.


Yeah, she was not a pick, yeah.


Because but that's partly because I haven't seen anything of her other than the Oprah Winfrey show one, and I watched it a little bit.


Not even watch a full episode, I don't think the only reason, the only reason you put her in that space, which is a billionaire. Yeah, but the only reason you want to run is so you can sit there. You get a bag, yeah, you get a bag. You get a car yeah.


Yeah, that's just to, just to recreate that Just to do that.


That's it. That's it, I get it.


So, backing back to where I was having my wife on the board of advisors, I don't necessarily think she gives me the best advice she can. Definitely. I'm a. I'm probably more the dreamer in our relationship in the sense that, hey, we're going to do this, I want to get this, I want to have a helicopter with the yacht or that sort of stuff, and she can sometimes help bring me down a little bit and just go hey, chill, you need that, though, 100%, which is why I considered having her on the board, but I don't think I need her on the board to do that. I would just have that conversation with her. I think, as a marriage between with you and your partner, you've got to have really clear communication as far as direction that you're doing and going and everything, because they should be involved in that process to a degree. They should be because you're in a partnership together.


Yeah, because, for example, this is this is where I find a lot of business owners struggle and I have in the past as well Is you're grinding, you're working like an animal. This is particularly for men in this instance. What I'm talking about most of the men let's be stereotypical other providers of a family, yep, and they are the ones. They go out there, they work hard, they bust their ass. They don't do it for thanks, they don't do it for praise, they don't do it for accolades. They do it because they are the providers. They're the ones that are supposed to look after their family, provide them the life that they want. They do it for honorable reasons.


The trap most men fall into and I genuinely believe is part of why divorce rates are so high Is they prioritize that over their relationship with their family, with their kids and with their wife, and then they become that provider. Do you know what I mean? They become that person. That's their role, that's all they do, and along the way, they forget to be a father, they forget to be a husband, they forget to be a friend, they forget to do all these other things because they're so focused and busy on doing that. So, having that communication with your partner and saying, hey, this is genuinely what I'm trying to achieve.


Over the next 12 months, I want to have an eight figure, nine figure, 10 figure business. I want to exit in five years. I want to do this. I want to do that. In order for me to do that, this is what it's going to take, I need you to bring me down sometimes and say, hey, you're working too hard. Hey, let's go on a holiday. Hey, this weekend we're doing this, this and this. So to help balance that aspect of you because your partner should be your piece at home, right?


They should be yeah, 100.


Yeah, this is huge, but this is where this has gone a little bit sideways from what we were talking about. But they should be your piece, they should be your happiness when you get home, because you go home, you go to work every day and you're fucking battling.


Was I having this conversation with you the other day?


Don't know, I don't think we were, I wouldn't.


I'd hate to come home and I've been at war all day and I would hate to come home and get nothing but challenged by my mrs. Yeah, I would hate that.


And I've had that, though, and I think a lot of relationships do have that, because you don't have that clear communication and that discussion, and that's what it leads to. It leads to resentment. Oh, what have you been doing? She goes I've been home all day with the kids While she'd been at work, fucking going for lunches and coffees, and you're like what the fuck? Do you know what I have to deal with today?


Do you know what I have to do with this client? Do you?


know what this client's trying to do? Do you know this fuck is trying to sue me? Do you know? I've got this? Do you know I've got that? Do you know, by the way, we're not eating tonight because I don't have any money in the account, Like there's. And then you build resentment for your partner at home Cause.


Then you're like I'm doing all this for you, Like, oh, you get to sit home and watch Netflix all day and change a couple of fucking diapers.


How about we change our roles?


And she's like you don't care. And then you're like no, you don't care.


Exactly, and that's why communication is so important.


And having that really clear conversation about okay this, okay this. This is when we're going to do holidays. We're booking a holiday in September, school holidays, we're going away for two weeks. I'm blocking it out in my calendar. I can set aside that time. We can do that. I need you to know that between these next six months, I have to work like an animal because I got to do that. Can you? Can you keep me in line? Support me. I'll still come home Again as the, as the I'm just going to talk from a male's perspective for the time being, and even females like you guys can understand the challenges.


If you guys can do this to your husbands, to your partners, you're going to see a man that's unstoppable. If you can support them in this way and if they can be your piece when you come home and they support you in every single way and respect you in every single way, you will achieve amazing things. Amazing things and when they sit, when a man feels appreciated and respected, it's like fuck, it's fuel, man, it is fuel. You don't need accolades, you don't need hey, you, you, you are the best. You are so good Like. You don't need that worship, you need that support and respect. Yeah, that's what a man needs and that's why I would have my wife on the board. However, so you wouldn't, you wouldn't. No, that's why I would consider oh, okay, I would consider, but in the same token, I don't speak to her about business strategy with anything.


So if I'm going to go out and spend 120 grand on a brand new excavator. I'm not going to call her up and say, hey, am I buying a fucking Hitachi? Or like, do you know what I mean?


I'm not going to call her up, I'm not going to run that way, I'm not going to fuck. No, not for excavators, nothing.


I will not call her up. If I'm going to make a business decision, I'm not going to call her up and say what do you reckon? Yeah, so is it, unless I have to mortgage the fucking house.


I guess you know what I mean, yeah, but that's, that's a family impacting decision. That's right, that's different.


I'm not going to call her up and say, and for a big purchase, for business. I'm not going to say, hey, I'm buying an excavator, do. Is that okay with you?


Yeah, it's not, it's not relevant here's how you need to look at this, though. This advisory board is a board that you can turn to for anything in life, correct, anything, yeah, um, she doesn't have to be on there. No, like she doesn't, it doesn't necessarily have to you might, she, might you might turn to her for particularly it might you might want to just have your relationship. Yeah, as a tone thing.


In that basis, then absolutely it could be on the board as a person that's going to impact you in your life. Then yes, she's on for sure, like no doubt. So, yeah, I would have that person there. However, if we're talking just from a business perspective, I don't think I would have her there.


I would definitely have that discussion.


No, but I know it depends what my board is, the purpose of my board is. But okay, let's talk about relationships Then, yes, she would have to be on there. She's the core relationship in my life yeah. And I would have to have her on there and say, hey, what do you think about us spending six months in Greece? You know what I mean? Working from there, working holiday, Like that's a big decision that would impact her. And then I could say to the board hey guys, what do you think about my operations from?


Europe. You could. You could go to the board and be like how do I tell my wife we're going to work six months from Greece? Do you know what I mean? And they could be like all right, do it like this.


But this is the thing, right, if you have that supportive relationship at home, they'll back you up 110%, yeah, but you've got to communicate that with them, yeah. And they really think oh look, I don't want to take the school kids out of school, I don't. Well, I think it's detrimental. And then you go, okay. Well then, greece isn't on the, on the cards.


You work together and you work out.


You work that out, so, but a lot of people won't have those conversations. They don't have that time where they go. We need to set a time this part of the day to go do this. So, speaking on that, anyway, it's probably beneficial to have someone on the board and I don't know who that would be for me but from a relationships point of view or from a mindset point of view not just business Someone that can help you in that aspect too. Yeah, not just your relationship with your partner, I'm saying even relationships with people, because you're going to get good people to work with, you're going to get difficult people to work with. So some sort of expert in that field, I think, would be beneficial on a site Almost.


Yeah, okay, great, a great example One of our friends, craig, like he. He could potentially be a great person to have on that space and go okay, cool, he's a life coach, he's a life therapist, let's say so he could potentially give you some advice in that area. As far as, okay, think about it like this, do it like this. Yeah, potentially, I'm not saying him, but yeah, someone like that potentially.


Like a Tony Robbins.


Yeah, absolutely. I'd never resonated with what Tony Robbins teaches and does. However, I definitely he's definitely a smart man. I definitely respect everything he has built and done and made, but I probably haven't deep dived into his content as much as you have. Yeah, you've really gone and done a lot of stuff with him. We're through his courses and stuff.


Yeah, I'm a fan. He's got some good stuff and he's taught me a lot. Personally, I would have indirectly- or directly.


I would have my PT on there. Your PT? Yeah, my personal trainer. Yeah, he's the best guy I've ever come across when it comes to the health and fitness. Hearing any of your listening to this, he's fucking better. I'm going to drop him, otherwise you're off. You're off Off the team. I would because, again, we're talking about everything in life.


You want people that are going to excel you in life. I'm going to put him on there and he's going to be like oh, when are you going to have? You're still going to be able to work out this week. All right, You're going to eat fucking fish and chips or you're going to have a salad, so someone keeping you accountable in that space. I would have him on the board. I think you need, I want to be. This is the thing. I want to be exceptional at everything in my life. Why? Why be mediocre?


in a particular area?


Yeah, but in all areas like in all areas, and it's like we said in our meeting today. It's like, well, what are we trying to achieve? Do you want to just make six figures? Like fuck that, why not have a? Like I'm thinking, seven figures, that's massive for a media company, bro. Like why not have eight figures? Yeah, like man, that's huge. Like in my mind, like how you do it. Like I'm trying to think like fuck that, how many sales is that a month? How many? This, it's fun.


It's fun, it's exciting, it's scary, it is. I've got no idea how to do it, but you'll figure it out and having these, having these board to have 3000 clients on, we need a lot of tech.


Yeah, that's it. To manage that, that's it. Gc would be on there too, grant Cardone.




I've always been a fan for a long time, ever since I saw him live in Melbourne. I invested a lot of money in his training I I've learned a lot from him. I've met him once, shook his hands, took a photo, said good day and I would have him on the board. I think he's. He's just got a wealth of knowledge in sales in how we, in how he goes about life and business. I really like him. A lot of people don't. Might even become a Scientologist after that too, yeah.


I said what I like about him. He makes you. I like to think that I don't think small.




Do you know what I mean? Like most people I talk to will say no, you don't think small. I can generally talk in big picture stuff, and then I'll watch something of his and he'll make me feel like a bit small, yeah, how funny.


And I'll be like, oh my God, wow, you know, and it just shows it's, it's environment, right, it's what you're around yourself with, like everyone else is like man, like that's. You know, that's big, like your big goals. And then you go listen to this guy and you think I'm playing not playing this game anywhere near as big as I should be.


Yeah, so true, and we said that the other day, because one of the things that we say is we want to land our helicopter on a, on the Asupia, and we said it in a few podcasts ago. Well, what we're doing today isn't going to get us that chopper and that Asupia. What we're doing right now, so what?


has to change in it. Did you see that on the pod, or was that?


off. I don't know, I thought it was on, but it might be. Might have been like just in this position, intermission.


It was yeah.


We're sitting like this. Yeah, it was before the the podcast had actually started.


Yeah, before the clap. Good blooper reel that comes in.


So things have to change in order to get to that space and you're like fuck yeah, what got you here?


I won't get you there, yeah.


Man, that's cool. I really love that saying and I think it's resonating it. If it doesn't resonate, it will. The skills that you learn to got you that got you to where you are today won't get you to where you want to be here. It is as simple as that. It's like they were skills to get you to this point when I now you need to level up realize that I'm like fuck, that is so true game never ends.


I know it's fucking mad.


Imagine that imagine.


I like that's it you're. You win life level 99. There's no so passing this. Yeah, there's no level 100 that's it yeah, you know, this is the cap. There's no cap, there's no ceiling.


That's it. When I heard that, I was like, yeah, that is so true, like I've got all these skills and I have a lot. You think you've got a lot. You think you're really good at what and you probably are really good at what you do someone better.


Yeah. And you should look back and say fuck, I thought I was good then, because if you don't, that means you haven't grown.


Yeah, I look back at that and I get every. Every year I've gone to another level for the last you know, what ever since I've Fuck every year, fuck it you need, you need.


Every year I've gone to another level. You need GC. Yeah, he's the big vision, big picture. Why are you playing so? Small man? You're like. You're right, uncle D, you're right.


Who else? Who else would I have on the board? Who? Else got a pretty impressive list so far.


I can hope, so you picked it.


I would like to have someone that's an expert in my field.


Yeah, I was actually gonna ask you that yeah yeah, there's a mentor I'm trying to reach out to at the moment, not a mentor. There's a business owner I'm trying to reach out to at the moment and I probably just have to make a few more phone calls. I think I reckon I can get it in also. Yeah, in Australia is a I won't say who it is, but he was who sold his company for close to fifty million dollars to another builder to another building company and I want to know what he did to get there.


Oh yeah, so I'd have him on that board to yeah, well, you want people who sort of walked the path that you're trying to walk, right.


Yeah, so I would have him on there so you have someone in just specific industry specific, but then it's like I'm doing other industries, specific things to now as well. So I've got the consulting business to and I go look at that. Okay, well, who's doing some pretty cool Events and blowing shit up at the moment? And someone that I would actually look at now is not look at someone I am involved with now is Aaron Sanzoni. So I would have him on that board as well. I think yeah, because I look at what he's built as far as His whole program, and I don't think there's anyone better in Australia at the moment.


There's a couple that I know are close, or there's one other guy I say kill one, raise. Actually pretty good at it too. I'd say he's built that. Yeah, I'll give up, but I've never really deep dive into his stuff. I've been to a couple of these events I did want virtually, which was shit. Only because not shit, as in the content itself was shit it's doing a virtual event, doing in a virtual as a three day course.


It for me was training and I actually didn't pay attention. I was working whilst listening to it in the background and I remember getting into one of the breakout rooms and they're like oh so, george, what did you think? And I said, honestly, I fucking didn't listen to a thing you just said.


I've been with you in those breakout rooms and I've seen you not paying attention. They put the light on you and then you're like, yeah, I really liked. And then you went and you said something and I was like that was solid for a guy. That was not because you know.


Like well done, because I'll listen to one thing and I'm like, okay, cool, I'll just say talk about that and just elaborate. It's like that. If you say Billy Madison, surely you've seen that movie, the golf, the guy, yeah, yeah anyway, there's this section, where he's lucky gets asked a question that's not the billy Madison the Happy you happy, no, no, no, billy Madison's the other one where he goes back to school as an adult when he started yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.


So there's this meme that goes around and it's like he's gets asked a question and then he just blabbers on about fucking nothing and then the judge turns around to go no, that is so far from the truth. That is completely wrong. Everyone in this room is now more stupid for having listened to you talk for five minutes and it's just like really hammering him home. That's what it's like when I talk in a breakout room.


This is like a lot of us stupid shit, just talking, talk until they tell me that's it, that's enough.


Yeah, but that that particular, I just I couldn't engage as much on that virtual event. I just found it more difficult because I had too many distractions around me and at the time I wasn't I just wasn't that invested in it. I don't think you know so. Do you know what else it was? I think I got a free ticket to it.


And when you pay attention you know.


So I wasn't solely invested. I would love, I would probably I think we've discussed to go do one of these events next year in person. Yeah, yeah, go to Sydney and have a look at it. Is it in Melbourne? Is doing it in Melbourne now? Yeah, cool, even better.


Yeah, yeah, the one you sent me.


I know that was different one.


I'm talking these are three day event, whatever it might be now.


I know pretty much what he's going to be talking about for three days and I know what the end cell is going to be on it too. But it's more just, are you? I look at that and learn from it and implementing my own business, more so than the content he's going to teach me. I don't necessarily think he's got heaps to teach me, and also is that the wrong mind take on in there?


No, no, no. I would definitely be very open to everything he'll teach, like everything he'll say. I'll write it all down. I'll be very intensive in that. I'm saying, from the next level of his coaching and mentoring you'll have, from what I understand, he'll sell you into a program where his coaches will coach you, not him. I'm not interested in that. Yeah, because I know I'm doing bigger things and all of those people that will be trying to coach me, yeah. So I find that difficult if it's for me, if I was to go into that level of coaching, but I colon, stop, fucking, stop fucking. What time, what time we're rocking up, see it full, that's it. So, but then you get a pay for that too. He's not going to be cheap, I dare say so. They're probably the two best in Australia and I would have that conversations with each of them. With Aaron, I do at the moment. I'm currently speaking with him and Having those conversations and I think he, from what I've seen, because I went to his last event and being part of his, you know the elite mentoring group I ask him specific questions hey, why did you do this on stage?


Why did you do that? How did you get them to come in and do this, and then he gives me the answers openly and honestly, says why do you think I did? I said this, this, this yes or no. I do it because of this reason, or I started off with 20 people at room. Now I have 100 plus 200 waiting to get in. This is how I did it, this is how I built it, this is what I did. So I would have him on there, I think, and then I don't know who else. But one thing I will say about this board is I think it will change 100%, very and regularly. For me, I find there'd be a few that I would just have on there always, but I think it needs to change because you will grow and change and eventually, as you've said before in the past, you're going to get to a point where they've taught you everything they need they can teach you, and then after that it's like well, we're growing together.


Yeah yeah, we're either doing this together and we're doing nothing, you're not adding any more. No, that's right, it's where we're doing it together and we're going to go down this path together as a mutually. Yeah, which I think a lot of people can also fall into the trap of. They become almost fanboys.


Yeah, so that's not liking their perspective, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, liking someone's perspective is you might like having this person in your corner and the way they look at things is different to you, and you might like to have them as a sounding board. Yeah, even though you probably know most of the time what they're going to respond with.


But whereas fanboy stuff is different, Well, that's even partly why I had my dad there too. I kind of know what he's going to say now. Yeah, but you like having him as a sounding board?


Yeah, so you'd say the same thing, absolutely yeah, but you wouldn't say you're a fanboy, oh wow, man Like you love him. He'll tell you that, he'll tell me that.


Yeah, so I'm mindful of that too and also. I think it's good for your own personal growth to change things around. It's like the Hawthorne Football Club and I believe it was Jeff Kennett that put this into place that every three years you have to have a new president. It wasn't going to be like an Eddie McGuire that was there for 15 years, 20 years, however long he was there for or a coach that's there for 20, 30 years.


They want new people to come through the business because it brings in new ideas new perspective, exactly for a set of eyes and I think that's important as well from a growth perspective having that person come in and really create change, you know. In the same token, though, there could be someone that's a gun that you're getting rid of and you're going. Well, he might actually be the best person, and he's being forced out at the moment.


That's a very political thing, isn't it?


In what regard?


Like in regards to politics.


Yeah, but. American presidents can't sit more than two terms and stuff like that.


Two terms minimum for maximum eight years. It's because they don't want the same person in the same seat for too long.


Well, putin said this. Actually he goes. The reason why he goes you look at American politics, it's like that and give a fuck, because they know the consequences of their decisions are going to be irrelevant in one or two terms he goes. When I make a decision, it's something I have to live with with for the rest of my life because I am the president, or I'm the leader of this country and I'm going to Make decisions for the best of my country. Whether that's a good decision or a bad decision, that all rests on me. Yeah, so he said that. I don't even know. I think it was recently. You sort of bagging in Americans more than pumping his own he's self up.


You know that that's important to. I guess that's another perspective that you can think of. Sometimes that person at the top could be the best person.


Yeah, and you'll, and you're downgrading by having them change over.


So what about your list? I think I've given a bit of a. I've had. I've hugged the mic for a little while. What's who's on your table?


I had some similar but I had some different. So I don't have. I didn't have anyone that I knew personally on my list when I did it. So I went through the whole thing and I kind of broke life down into different Pillars, aspects, whatever you want to call it, and went through all them. And then but there's some people that I think, when I mentioned them to you, gonna be like a fuck Probably. Yeah, you talk mindset, jordan Peterson, oh, fucking love him Right.


Garanty at least recently, man Like guaranteed.


I would have this by my corner, just to be like a.


why am I doing this? I don't even think he would ever come off my table.


Yeah, I think he's just a phenomenal. Honestly he's going to be like the, like the Socrates of this era. You know what I mean. Like the, person.


that is so true. Yeah, yeah.


He's. He's going to be someone that people are going to talk about for centuries to come.


That is the way he thinks, the way he speaks His ability to break down something and you just look at everything.


It's not normal dude, he's weird, but he's a good weird he's a genius.


They're genius, they're weird. Yeah, he just like. I'm listening to some of the words he uses and I have to get my fucking dictionary out.


Yeah, you know what I mean, dude, he's booked. Have you read his book? I haven't. No, it's very hard to read. I feel that it would be difficult, yeah. Very hard to read because he the way he is so specific with his language that it's hard to read what he writes.


The only way I could do it is having the audio. Yeah. I haven't tried the audio and read at the same time.


But I got like halfway through 12 years of life and it's just. It's a tough read, yeah, but a lot of people say it's an amazing book.




Do you finish books when you have to read?


Yeah, I won't start another book until I finish the book.


I used to be like that, yeah, but now I'm like well, there's no point forcing my way through this because I'm going to miss what I'm supposed to get. So I'll put it down and I'll pick it up again later.


Yeah, Potentially. Potentially. I mean it's like watching a TV show or multiple TV shows or multiple movies. I guess you could. You can still do that. I don't know I tend to. I know you can't like those. At home, Robbie doesn't watch movies or TV shows.


Some TV shows.


No, you don't fucking watch any TV.


He's a nerd, I think you're a fucking nerd.


Thanks, you just read.


I know, I know I watch TV. Now it's the weather channel, the weather channel. I watch YouTube, yeah.




I don't YouTube a lot.


Not, as not hapes.


There's a few premium account, yeah, yeah so.


I should go premium and never go back.


What you say, I'm not going back.


Let's just talk about persistency.


Was premium accounts. Yeah, persistency.


How often, before I had a premium account, it would ask me every week, every month, do you want?


to oh, if you want to, yeah, they got me, they got me. You know what. You know what you want to keep going.


You want to keep going. You want to do it. You want to do it, I want to. Fucking. Some other pleb was what was putting YouTube on and I'm like well, you don't bring me again, you fucking get out of here.


We like yeah, play that video. And then they hit play and then there's an ad and you're like what the fuck is this? Is this YouTube? What are you doing? Like it's the funniest thing, so good, all right, back to this.


Yeah, jordan Peterson, 100% Without a doubt and I've written, I've actually written down reasons, so I write to remind me to think clearly, to step up when I need to. Tony Robbins guaranteed, I think, his ability to understand humans, why they do things, behavior, habits, emotion. Yeah, yeah, I've got so. When I made this list, I was into basketball Is this a while ago or recently. Well, when I'm actually three. Did this list almost two years ago.


Okay, so it's still. It's actually fairly relevant yeah.


It's not. It's not. It's not that old. I've got LeBron James on here.


Yeah, cause I think he's a winner.


And I think he knows how to win and will do anything to win, and he's probably my favorite athlete that's still playing.


Yeah, I agree with that.


Yeah, I reckon he'd be really cool, kobe, when he was alive would have been another one it would have been pretty cool to have on there too.


As I said in a previous podcast, I never followed or listened to Kobe before his death, unfortunately, which is sad when you think about it, but he's, I reckon, his mindset following that I've, from what I've listened to and what I studied, is just phenomenal. His work ethic. His work ethic is just fucking unmatched yeah, the mum mentality, yeah. Yeah.


That's another good one, though, kobe, that would be sick. I wouldn't have Michael Jordan, I would have won the second best player in the NBA.


Shit Like holy shit, that's shut's fire.


Turn the podcast off who else I've got. I had Gary V and the list. I think he's been very impactful and I think he's got an incredible ability to spot trends really early. Like I remember him, I remember this. Yeah, I remember him saying in like 2017 or something like that, tick Tock, Tick Tock and I thought you might be wrong here, bro. You know what I mean and he was going hard at it. You got to get on Tick Tock, da, da da. And that was like five, six years ago.


When it was just fucking, when it was just yeah, when it was just getting like it's really at its infancy stage and he was saying this is, this thing is massive, this thing is massive, this thing is massive and it's a good dude, it's massive. Tick Tock's huge Tick Tock's got over a billion users. It's one of the fastest growing platforms that hasn't leveraged another platform, like Threads, grew really quickly, but that leveraged Instagram. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this one didn't have anything to leverage.


Yeah, so, gary V, I would have Gary on there now Very high energy. I don't know how long he would stay on there.


No, no, yeah, I kind of get on and off him a little bit. He's too much.


Yeah, it's not that.


I don't know, he's just a lot.


And he goes in small doses. Yeah, I don't know, he goes off sometimes. And his other approach is about, you know, kindness and all that sort of stuff which is, to a degree, I believe, and I think it's good that you go down the path of empathy and all that.


I feel like he has grown his audience bigger than he ever thought possible and now he's like what the fuck do I do with this? Do you know what?


I mean One thing about him, though he's very consistent. He always he's been saying the same shit for 10 years he's got the very.


some guy goes Gary, you've been saying the same thing for ages. He's like because it works. He's like what do you want me to do? Makes it up. I think I mean, of course I'm going to say the same shit. This is what works. Like this is real.


Why would I change it?


Yeah, why would I change? Do you want me to just start making stuff up and lying Like that's not going to work?


Yeah, and honestly, he is the reason why I started to create content.


Yeah, and that's the reason why I decided I've got to learn how to run ads, because, all because of what he said about personal brand, about underpriced attention, and yeah, he's, I think, very influential person. Who else I've got Joe Rogan. I'm a massive Joe Rogan fan.


I really like it.


I love that guy. I think, he's, he's smart.


I think he's cool. Yeah, man, he's done pretty cool, I think he's been doing it for a guy.


Yeah, what he's been able to achieve.


I think about the people that he's been associated with over the years. How much, how much has he learned just from his guests?


Yeah, getting people like he's getting, like the Elon Musk's of the world, mark Zuckerberg, just to have that conversation with him, yeah, come on. Hey, what are you talking about?


And then that makes him smarter Just his curiosity with how he is with his guests. He's not the fucking smartest bloke in the world.


No, but you know what he's smart though.


Oh yeah, absolutely. But he's not like at the level of genius or anything.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm saying he's very. I find him as very, yeah yeah, human, smart, like Dan and Earth we could have a conversation with him.


Do you know what I mean?


He's not like it's cool dude man. He just seems like such a cool guy. I'd love to hang out with him. I'd love to have dinner with him. Yeah, for sure. Do you know what I mean? For sure, I would absolutely love that. What do you think about Dana White? Yeah, I love Dana White. I love Dana White, I think he's a savage and I love it. Love it yeah.


I love it. I think it's a clip of him the other day and it was literally just about 10 clips in a row of him saying I don't give a fuck. I sent a tip. I did do a tip Funny, that's right. That's right, I don't give a fuck.


Yeah, guys, I need you to understand something.


I don't give a fuck, and it was like something about you know, COVID or fucking waving a flag at the octagon and well, fucking, you know women's rights, or fucking whatever, yeah, and he's like. I mean every time, every time someone is like like guys, I don't know, like guys, I don't give a fuck. That's great, amazing.


You can get up there and say that I love that guy man. I think he's. It's refreshing.


Yeah, he hasn't folded, he hasn't folded to the audience.


He hasn't become like a. I can't say this now, because people are going to cut me off and people are going to.


I think we're a bit like that, have you?


seen him hammer someone on Instagram Like when someone comments something.


I've seen him hammer his mrs Just as you see that slap he gave it. I think it was last new years or something like that. He copped it for that. He copped it hard for that.


And you know what? He took it like a man and he said there's no yeah, I did the wrong thing. There is no way around this. I'm not going to sit here and say why did it? Or, you know, try and give you some excuse. I'm just going to have to take the repercussions like a man.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Don't condone that at all. He didn't do the right thing. Yeah, but, as you said, he's learned from it. He did it again and if she came out with bruises and shit, you go all right, he's a shit, but other than that I don't think I think he's done right.


Yeah, I would love to have him there. He's the guy who, when you hesitate, he'd look at you and be like I don't give a fuck, he's like all right let's go.


Sorry, let's do it, let's go, you're right, that's.


That's all I really heard, man, that I would continue on. Like I had a couple where, like, for example, I had Will Smith, like I was a big Will Smith.


Back in the day? Yeah, is that pre slap, pre slap, after slap. What were your thoughts on him after that? I lost all respect for him, dude.


Oh did you. Yeah, I had so funny. I bought his book. Oh, don't even know that one. It was. It only come out in the last couple of years.


It's a book about his, like his biography. No, no, no. The yellow cover yeah.


And I bought it and it was like I always every time I've got a next book to read, it usually sits on either my desk or my dining table, and his book was next and went to the back of the list. And dude went straight to the bottom of the box. I was like haven't touched it, I've not picked it, I just had. No, I wasn't no longer interested to learn about this guy to that level.


It was funny because he went on a really massive rebranding journey and like if you look at his when he started socials.


Yeah, yeah, that was pre-slap, yeah, pre-slap.


He became massive because he started to pre-slap.


That's not exactly.


That's his defining moment in his life man yeah, he's fucked himself, yeah, and it's like you look at his journey with how he rebuilt his brand from being that massive movie star to then going, okay, cool, I'm going to become that, that really popular massive guy still doing my movie.


Come on, man, the Fresh Prince. Like he is, he is the guy, yeah, like he's one of the people in the world. He's so cool Like yeah. Yeah, he's got a level of coolness that you people in the world have and he's got and he's made some great movies as well.


Yeah, he made some great movies.


Like he clocked that part of life, like he was. He's got some sick movies, dude, you know what I mean. And he won an.




He won an Oscar. That slap.


He won. He won the Oscar, he won an Oscar. That's like that's, that's that awards yeah so, yeah, I think that they didn't know what the fuck to do. Like what else are they gonna do? So now you're not getting that. Like what do they do category? Yeah, he won. The best know was the there was. The main one was it was like the best actor or some shit for the year or whatever, so it was like the biggest Honor on the night. They're not gonna buy. Oh sorry, you gotta leave.


And then you just got up and pretended like yeah, it was, but it's everyone just like what the fuck?


That slap is full on. That was very yeah it's just weird man.


Just weird I think, so I don't like I'm not a fan of. I think it was just weird, like to get up in front of the fucking world. Man, it's not like For people don't mean. It's not like you're at a party and he's dissing your missus and you go in there and punch him in the face. This is. Everyone in the world is gonna see this.


For it, and I wasn't even that bad. Like you can mediate. Comedian is comedian or no. No, no, chris rock.


Yeah, that's right, he's a comedian. That's a comedian, that was bagging everyone.


Ricky javaeus, he's the best people should have fucking.


I would have him on my but you look at him when he hosts the what is it? The emmy's or some shit.


Yeah, he's tre.


He tears, shreds off people to not just like how you don't have any hair man, he's like just fucks them up.


Destroy is like it is.


It's so funny people don't go up there and slap and crack you might you might he's. What is it?


easy. I look speak, I look like my slap back.


But I mean, even when chris rock had that slap, it's like what they would have just been so blown away that it even happened. You know what I mean is what that even just happened. Ultimate professional yeah, and fucking roundhouse kicked him yeah, I dropped him in the car.




would you do?


just give him a this is.


This is spotter and just kick him off the stairs and that would have been sick. Now that, now we're talking and then could you imagine the ufc deal after that as well, get him in a ring.


I don't give a fuck. Yeah, that would be sick, that would be cool.


And then you know, you hear all the conspiracy theorists saying it was all set up, was all rigged and wasn't true, didn't happen. But I don't think it was. That was the case, I think that would be.


Why would they bring it?


it would be dead. It has been detrimental to his career yeah, he's banned from the Oscars for 10 years or so shit.


I won't read his book now.


Well, there there's that I'm sure it's definitely cost him movie deals. He did a movie recently on one of the streaming platforms and about slavery, and it looked like it was a pretty good movie. I haven't watched it but.


Yeah, it's shame, shame guy who I think you come back as well.


It's like tom cruise. Remember tom cruise? Everyone fucking hated him for a while. What if you do just with all his Scientology shit with? He did this opera interview where everyone thought he was a fucking weirdo when he jumped on the couch and then yeah, but he's come back and change his brain completely. The movies is. Some of the movies is made of light. I've just been phenomenal and people love everything he's doing, like everything it touches, like what's it called? Yeah, people forget top gun, the remake of that that was. Everyone love that movie and all his mission impossible movies that he's doing like he's and he does his own. He does his own stunts and he's 50 years old and he looks like he's 20, like the guys don't tell he's, he's recreated himself and, as you said, people forget. So I think that will happen with will Smith as well will happen, for will.


That's it. Yeah, that's it, man. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head that I would have. You know, I did have on this list as well, but I probably wouldn't have them there now. Tom bill you, I was a big fan of his. I never got me to start of his stuff hugely.


I saw he recently had an online course about speaking from stage. Really yeah, I was like a thousand bucks. I was curious about it. I haven't bought it, but you know, if you learn one thing, it's probably worth worth looking at it yeah, you probably wanna.


You probably wanna have like titans of their industries in that space as well. Like you know, people who are absolutely dominating. Like you know, I'm a big fan of, as well rock yeah, it's a big fan for what he's been able to do, what about sport and I got.


Yeah, I really like you look at what he's actually achieved. Did you watch his doc on netflix?


No, it's not bad, you should watch it.


Yeah, I only books good yeah, I wanna get that to. I will get that, but I've always admired him purely from the perspective of he's conquered three massive things in his life that people try and Do just one of those and never achieve it yeah, he just he's a winner he is he just know how to win.


When you listen to his story and his documentary and he's up bringing his childhood, all that sort of stuff, you can kind of understand where that comes from a little bit too. And he came to america, became he became the one, mr olympia. However many times he won it, he was the biggest people, always told him like no he says it because I Clocked the bodybuilding world.


I want to become an actor like you. Don't even speak english, you can't do that. He has a win and did it when I said I want to go to politics and like that's a whole different like you ever get it like about. It's a whole different and did it.


So we know absolute winner in life yeah so people like that you can get definitely inspiration from. For sure, you can have them on the board, temporarily or for how long you want this like a but the rocks, the same to became really big and turn. But the rock did it well, like you. Look at what he's done with the rock ground for president.


He would win.


He would win if you wouldn't, everyone I'm in, I'll fucking go become a citizen and vote in the whole way. That's commitment. Um, it's and it's. The states are like that these days, you know. I mean like, if you're really likeable, that is what you in for, the fuck of job would have trump on your book. I think he's great yeah trump.


Yeah, I think he's very smart man.


I think he's the best thing that ever happened to this to america or a smart man as far as him being the president, I think I don't follow the politics too much over there, but from what I could see, the things that he did while he was in office created significant change for the better. And then you get someone like Biden in who can't fucking string a sentence together and he's fucking tripping over himself.


How do you is another thing as well. I just discussed my mind. You want some people on there like I would have to rogan on it, not because I think he's gonna give me great advice, because I feel like I could fuck around with him. Thank you. Yeah, yeah all the rest of them are making my life decisions. Yeah, I mean. And you could turn to him and be like, oh, you should do this podcast. How the fuck does this?


Just laugh Well all the people are making big decisions. Yeah, yeah, I mean that person that you could sort of turn to me like does someone a little bit more, Not on your level, but like a little bit more down to, Whereas a lot of the people are like that'd be very.


That's why I don't mind having someone like a friend, or like even yourself, on my board, because it's also you're getting. The growth journey, is something you happening, that's happening together as well.




Right, that's why I like that aspect too, and then you could be like a business partner, I think you're so a business partner should probably be on your board.


How's it? Because they're not on your board for a company. Yeah but isn't that going to be mad? Yeah like imagine sitting there like legacy is bored. Yeah, it's not going to be bored meeting George. Come on, hang on.


Let me just park the jet ski up. Can't be fucked. I'm going to put the jet ski back in the yard.


How long can you meet me in the bay? Yeah, that's a car. Yeah.


I'm still on the yacht, on the yacht. I stood on the yacht. They'd love it.


I'd love it. They're sick.


Yeah, I would have a business partner. I think it's important to have a business partner on your board, because if you're not doing it in the right direction, then why the fuck are you guys in business together as well?


Yeah, yeah, I guess I don't look at it as a. I look at it as a board for you, not a board for your business. Like you'd have a board for your business, right, I'd have it as a board for people wanting to take the direction that I'm going in in my life.


That's what the board, that's how I see the board. Do you know what I mean? I don't necessarily be like. This is just to give me advice. This is just no. What direction am I going in with my life, and who's going to come with me?


It's a, it's a pretty interesting exercise, huh Cause. Then you're like okay, who do I want on the table?


It's so. Gc Cort talks about this too, with the power base, and he got that cause. He was I've very early days when I started following him and not long after I finished thinking Grow Rich, I noticed a lot of the similarities of what he was talking about in his content came from that book. A lot, a lot of the stuff, and he did speak about your power base.


Yeah, you know what I have no issue with that cause. No one, or very rarely and he was referenced, that too, yeah, but very rarely does anyone invent anything brand new. Like, even if you come up with a concept, you got the ideas that put that concept together from someone else. Yeah, can I read? You heard something, you read something, you saw something, and that's what I'm glad you do that. So I have no idea when. Uh, no, sorry, no problem when people share what they learn.


So yeah, absolutely. And just going off your boardroom people or your group, the power base of people in your, in your life, this can be genuinely people that you actually have a physical connection with, be a friend, a business partner, even a mentor, but actually or or a group of business people where you could go hey and we've spoken about this, let's get half a dozen people together that we know that we think we're beneficial in a group so we can catch up and talk money, talk business, talk life. Yeah, put ideas for it. Hey, we're thinking about this. What do you guys reckon? That is powerful too.


That's what you're power base, You're going to run ideas past them and say boys, this is what we're thinking about, this is what we're doing, what do you reckon? And girls, if you have girls there, or if you are a woman, whoever's part of your power base, get in touch with them for sure. And then I also talk about this even at events and saying well, you can extend your power base to be clients. Who can you go to to get some money off? Who can you go to to help you grow your empire, your business, whatever you want in in your life and your network?


Yeah, your network of people Like who's a power?


It's like you're in a circle. Yeah, you're in a circle, yeah.


Like I've got clients that repeatedly buy from me, why wouldn't I have speak to them and say, hey, hey, I got. One guy that I'm going to meet up with next year is very wealthy gentleman. He's an absolute gentleman, one of the nicest guys I've ever come across.


BBC ever. Sorry, it'll be this year. That's right. That's right in 2024.


And I'm going to connect with him and I texted him, if it was it earlier in the month, said hey, hope you're doing well. Haven't spoken a little while, really hectic coming into Christmas, but I want to catch up with you early next year and you just want to. George, great to hear from you, cannot wait.


You know, and I'm going to meet up with him. We'll talk shop, we'll talk life, we'll talk whatever we're going to talk about. But I've got a lot of time for him and he has a lot of time for me, and anytime he ever has a project, he always refers me. Always he goes George, you're my builder. Whoever comes to me saying they want something built, I send them your way, and that's purely just because we gave him an excellent product, excellent service. Anytime he wants anything, I'm like hey, absolutely, what do you want? How can I help?


So if you haven't done this and you just listen to this whole episode, this is something you should take some time out and sit down and do and make a list of you know, five, six, seven, eight, 10 people. Yeah.


And by the time you hear this, this is the new year, perfect time to do this. This is better than doing fucking New Year's resolution bullshit. This is because New Year's resolutions is just an excuse for all the shit that you haven't done, that you're like, oh, I'm going to do that this year, but you have no plan, you have no strategy, you got nothing there in place to actually create the change.


This could create the change, and then massively you and then say, okay, great, these are the people that I want to learn from this year. Actually, fucking, go out and learn from them. I'm going to do a podcast. Read their books, watch their YouTube channel, go to their events. They're probably going to come here at some stage. Most of these people will come here and talk and do a keynote speech or a training course, whatever it might be. Connect with them. As I said, you don't have to know them to learn from them and to become a better version of yourself.


And go and read, think and Grow Rich. I think it's one of the best books. It'd be a top five.


It was actually one of the very first books I read.


I think it was one of the first five books, but yeah, it'd be one of the top books I've read. I really, really rate it and it's basic, but it teaches me shit that no one else will All right, very nice.


What a great episode Fantastic.


I'm glad.


I didn't know the topic before I came in here. I kind of like the direction of how our podcasts go.


What do you?


mean, they're very natural, and it's not like I send you the show notes.


That was literally dropped on you.


But I did that to you a few weeks ago as well.


We're just going to talk about this. It's an open chat.


It is and it's like oh, what are your show notes? And it's like I don't email you what we're going to talk about, the questions I'm going to ask Should we do that? No, I won't be doing that and if you send me it, I'm just going to.


You're like oh, did you read the show I?


literally got an email and I sent it to my project manager. I said, yeah, summarize, he was flipping. When you call me up, he's like what do you want me to do here? Fucking, summarize it. I don't have time to read that shit. I'm casting, don't fuck around. Don't touch me, don't touch me, I'm casting. So. I like the direction.


I want to say this just for you close. I had someone come to me and they said hey, tell George in the way that he's closing, tell him you can have all my money, Just don't touch me, Because you know you always say but I'm wanting your money, we want to touch people. Because I tell him not to touch me, you can have all my money.


Give me all your money, I won't touch you, otherwise I'm going to fucking touch in every way.


And then you can keep your money.


That's it. It's one or the other guys? It's one or?


the other. Have you ever?


needed to. That's it. What's it all about? Yeah, so I like how the natural direction of how our podcast goes. We had a guest once and they said oh, you know, can you email me the show notes and what questions are you going to ask? Oh, this is my introduction, and this and this, and they shut the fuck up. That's not what this is about. Sit down, you're not coming on anymore. No, okay, so we had let's say, we had Jordan Peterson on our podcast when we do. Would you do a bit more research?


I've known pretty well.


But in the perspective of, would you prepare for the podcast?


Yeah, because I don't think Jordan Peterson is going to come on and talk shit. This is really. We just sit here and we talk and we share what we know.


Do you reckon Joe Rogan sits there and he's like okay, let me just do my show notes?


I think, when he gets a phenomenal guest though like I think the first time he would have had Elon Musk on he would have done something.


He would have done some questions.


He would have done a little bit of research.


And also someone like that of that caliber. You just you would have questions that you're genuinely curious about or that you know your guests want to talk about or hear.


Yeah, and I think a key thing as well with guests is always ask them is there anything we can't touch on?


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So when we get Will Smith on, we're not going to talk about the slap.


I'm going to only talk about the slap. That's it, you come in on for this, that's it.


Seven minutes and then you're off the board, but then he slaps you when he leaves. That's part of it.


That's part of the shock, that's it.


That's it, you and me. Yeah, so I like that, I think it's. I think it's flowing really well. I'm curious to see what you guys think actually Like the structure of our chats, or do you prefer them being more structured?


There's no either way.


Either way, either way your opinion is not going to change anything. It's just great to hear that. I just want you to put your comments down, so the algorithm puts up to number fucking one in Australia in entrepreneurship and business.


Seriously, though, I've asked, I've said this a couple of times, and if there is something that you do want to, we should. What's the? We should give the email at the end and say if there's something that you do want to hear, yeah, yeah, if there is something you do want to hear, send an email to million dollar days pod at gmailcom.


Oh, we've got to fix that shit up. Yeah, you've got to make an info at million dollar days pod All right.


Send it to info at million dollar days pod. Much better Actually because by the time, everyone hears this.


you're going to have that done, yeah.


That email is going to be set up. Info at million dollar dayscom.


Yeah, so strike the previous one I will put it in the show.


It'll be somewhere here, somewhere In the show. No, it'll pop up on the screen info at million dollar dayscomau. Let us know what you want to hear.


And we'll get around to it. Yeah, if we think it's a topic worth having the discussion around, we'll definitely do it.




Don't talk, don't send the topic about peanut butter. We're not going to do it.


I like peanut butter.


You told me the other day I'm actually going to film a video, probably over the Christmas break. I'm going to send it to you. I may even post it across social media. Peanut butter and Nutella. Don't send it to me, just post it. Just post it, tag me. All right, I'll tag you.


Apparently it's meant to be life changing shit and for those of you that have done that before, you can see it on my socials. You'll thank me later. That's it. So thanks a lot, guys. We really appreciate you listening to this episode of million dollar days. We would love it if you could help us grow this podcast to a level that it can help other people.


Yeah, like share. Subscribe.


What else? What else could you do?


Press stuff. Just press stuff on the screen, just play it at work. Reviews Put it on, give us a review. Five star review, five star review, nothing less.


Nothing. But if you give us a four star review, we will look for you Find you, we'll find you and we will kill you and we will kill you. Yeah, what a great episode. Thank you very much, guys.


All right, that was awesome.


Thanks, guys, thanks.

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