Million Dollar Days

Human Beings: Where Did We Go Wrong?

Robby Choucair and George Passas Season 1 Episode 17

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Ever find yourself wondering whether you're living up to your own expectations as the months slip by? That's precisely what we tackle as we kick off our latest episode, reflecting on the fleeting nature of time and the necessity to stick to those New Year's resolutions we set with such determination. We engage in a lively debate on the essence of sports, volleying between the adrenaline rush of AFL and the intensity of UFC, and even playfully scrutinise what really counts as a sport. Our discussion doesn't just stay within the boundaries of the playing field; we invite you to join us in the quest to make this year a triumph of personal achievement.

This episode isn't just about the physical battles in the ring; it's also about the emotional ones we face daily. We venture into the complex world of gender roles and self-perception, discussing how self-imposed limitations can impact our lives. We also highlight the importance of emotional balance and self-determination, while we mull over the potential benefits of embracing a tougher disposition for men, albeit with a nuanced understanding of personal thresholds.

As we navigate the intricate maze of personal development, we question the traditional notions of what it means to be self-sufficient and emotionally mature before fostering relationships. We scrutinise the dynamic of gender in sports and the sometimes dismissive attitudes towards women's fighting events, urging respect and understanding for all athletes. The debate takes a turn towards the moral complexities of platforms like OnlyFans and the societal implications for women seeking financial empowerment. Closing on a note that's both heartfelt and thought-provoking, we examine the sacrifices of parenthood and the sacredness of free speech within today's media, celebrating our podcast's own milestone in the grand tapestry of discourse.


Someone I know we got like a group come over the boys and one of the boys was saying you can't go and cry in a podcast and then come and say hey, don't, don't talk to me like that. Send me a message, say don't talk to me like that and it did normal with each other like that's wrong. That attitude might be the problem with why, like why can't this guy?


open up, I mean for the longest time. That's what it means to be a man. You're not allowed to show emotion. You have to be strong, you have to be tough, not allowed to cry. But anything can be. Traumatizing to a person doesn't have to be something that bad. It can be. He can run into a butterfly and freak. That's right. Whatever your trauma is, it's yours.


Like you feel that way for whatever reason and I was questioning like okay, cool, is that the problem? And where do you draw the line? Do you know what point is it okay and what point is it not? Welcome back to another episode of million dollar days.


I hope you're having a million dollar day.


I was gonna finish your sentence just so you could have been weird Good of.


Hope you're all doing well, guys. Thank you for joining us again for another episode. Pump to be here, as always. Now I have no idea what we're talking about today you don't, you don't know, I was gonna throw me in the deep end. He's just gonna talk and I'm going to try and contribute, or I will sit here silently as he talks for the entire episode.


But before we do that, this will be End of Feb. Ish, yep, so two months of twenty twenty four gone Down the drain, that's it. Can I get it back? What have you done?


what the fuck have you done?


yeah, honestly what have you done honestly?


post about that in mid January. Just a highlight to people, because you know why? Because they're already playing too small. They're like all the new years resolutions. I might have done a couple of days at the gym, might have read a couple of pages of a book. Might have tried to have a better relationship with my wife and kids.


I'll tell you January, I should work, starting again back and then a back into a doing the exact same shit you're doing initially, like you doing. These are you. Are you twenty twenty three, george?


yeah you are my.


That's a rhetorical question no, no, I was asking you another job and you're like, yeah, what I'm pretty sure, what I'm pretty sure you're not, you jump on the. I'm pretty sure you're not. Yeah, you know, it's a good time to wake up with yourself.


People are fucking sleeping still wake up.


This podcast gets really so five am. Every morning not every morning.


I mean sorry, every Wednesday five am. Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, because you know we got some early right, so I don't want to get in and I didn't. What some people achieve in two months that's what I'm saying, like we're even us, man. We often guys like, we often message each other and go like what the fuck? We're playing too small, I'm just, and we're still. We're pushing it to watch super pumped yeah.


I got to you know, I knew, I knew because I know that when you watch it you're gonna call me and you like a context. What is it like?


should we tell you yeah?


it's great man, watch it. Actually, someone referred to me. It's the what you say it's on stand, it's on stand and it is the story and it's like a series yeah, nice, I watch it, I'm actually just get one like you these days, get one in, trust me, I'm not watching much TV TV and I binge this. Yeah, it's sick. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna. It's so good I just got it is.


I don't have a stand account so I gotta sign up and it takes long, but anyway. Anyway. So guys stop fucking around. It's for end of it, and if there is so much that people do, in two months time and you still haven't even started your goals or you're half arcing them or you're smashing them, and if you are well done, keep going. You've got another 10 to go, 10 months to go to make this the best year it's ever been in your whole fucking life, or it's just gonna be like the other five. You decide.


Decide now right now go.


Alright, let's get into this. So, do you like sports? Love it? What's your favorite sport? I'd say, I'd say it has to be AFL. Yeah, it has to be AFL W.


AFL W what's?


that Well played. Thank you, that was very fast. Like I genuinely don't know, if you know that was a very quick response is this we're talking professional sports professional sports yeah, all sports professional is it Just saying the backyard?


yeah it matters after we have.


Yeah, professional sports. What do you like? A non-professional sport more?


I was going off the back of what. What's AFL W. Oh yeah, it's not. I'm trying, guys. I'm trying everything. I'm waiting for a current affair. I'm excited for last few weeks. I don't know what it's gonna take you know, and then they're gonna come and go. What do you say about it? No, it's a great sport.


Oh, but you said no, I was just joking. Yeah, do you know me feminist? Have you seen anything? Do you know Andrew Schultz? The comedian I probably do he's. He's crushing it at the moment, but he's just doing global tours.


Oh, I think I do, yes, and he does this good ad on his podcast and he's like I can see his promoting some betting company and he's like, yeah, you can bet on the NBA and he's meant to NFL, blah, blah, blah. He's like they even do non sports, like W. Just a quick Back to you, yeah, quick job.


I'd say AFL would be first up and then the UFC.


Love the UFC which is A key thing of our own talk with like F1. Would I consider a sport? Yeah well, there's a winner, isn't there? Yeah, I really isn't that the definition of what sport is like competing and winning?


Yeah, I like the F1. Like tennis, you've been watching it. Yeah, I have been.


It'll be finished by the time this is.


Yeah, I have been. I'm most like in week two. I watch most nights because they're better, better quality players at that stage.


Yeah, and better matches, all of that's of. Yeah, they've been eliminated.


The comp. So yeah, we mean my wife watched out a fair bit. She's a massive tennis, she's loved tennis her whole life, so but I've always liked it. I've never played tennis, but I've always enjoyed watching it.


It's hard to play, yeah, yeah, like you go play and you're like man, this is Much harder than it looks. Much harder than it looks, yeah, much more tiring.


I don't mind soccer, I can watch it. I'm not into it as much like I wouldn't be able to name players or anything like that, but I don't mind watching it.


You know two of the this is gonna suck, but two of the most. So I was looking up the other day, I was looking up who the, but we should talk about this. My take is sideways, so here we go. We have taken up the other day the most followed people for 2024, to start of 2024, the most followed people in the world, and three women and seven more females, and out of the three that were mental and was up players like, and the other one was sure man, man, yeah, trump Is it.


Can you give me a clue?


He would guarantee no, this thing about the most famous person you know In the US.


US most famous.


The most famous actor, yeah. The rock, yeah, yeah Rocks, cool man.


I like the rock.


He's yeah, for a guy that's got no Thing, what do you mean? What's his thing?


He's a wrestler is he? That's what he was. Yeah, I used to love the rock back in the day when he was pro wrestler. That's all he did.


But he doesn't. He doesn't have a. He's an actor now what is he? But he doesn't stand for anything.


You think he's too honest with everything? Yeah, yeah, he's very politically correct yeah, I like him I like him, I like him, I like him, I think he's an extremely hard worker.


I think he's built a life that is Like phenomenal and I do.


I take my head off to my respect but do you have to be so far left or so far right?


but he just doesn't stand for anything like what's something that is Somewhat debatable. You've heard, you know his opinion, you don't he does not. Anything. He's a guy who's built a brand without publicizing any opinions, without polarizing an audience, but he's also, you know.


I mean, he believes strongly in what says work, ethic and work and being the hardest worker in the room.


Yeah, but there's no one. There's no opposite of that. There's no one that's it's there. No way, bro, we're pro lazy. There are people out there that I like no, no, but that. And boys their opinion? No, no, there are.


Oh yeah, yeah, I've seen it before. I've seen people that are like pro being fat, pro being fat, yeah, like there was it was?


it was probably being fat or pro, not body shaving no, no, no, no, being fat like there's a bit 100% there's people out there that are weird and it's funny because there was this video.


It was like a short clip on social media and a girl was bagging him Talking about who she was. She was someone and she's like I come with me as we go on this fat journey, blah, blah, and then it would pause and she's dead. She's got another guy yeah, and then it goes to another guy. It is like there's all these people lifting weights and being healthy. You don't need to do that. Come and join me while I eat 43 pizzas and it was dead. He's dead. And it's like all these people.


Can't you send that? Probably? I don't know. I thought it's really funny, but it's so true, it's as funny as it is. It's also like look at, we spoke about last episode about being comfortable. That, to them, is being comfortable. They're being. They're buying into their shit. This is what a great life is. This is what I need to be. This is what's health, this is what it's acceptable. I don't have to have a six pack. No, you don't. But you, you want to live for a long time like it's correct me if I'm wrong would mean better to a lived another 40 years and maybe lost, you know, half your body weight, instead of being the way you are.


That's just me. Do you know anyone that's had that operation? Which one?


we like stomach and stuff.


Yeah, yeah, but dude, I know so many.


I don't know, it's not so many, but I know a few.


My, my uncle to my uncle actually but one of them was like he was big and he did that and 12 months later he'd lost like 95 kilos. I don't cousin do that. Like 90, that's a whole human.


Yeah, it's a lot like that's some people maybe look, maybe they need that potentially. But it changes your life like you can only eat this much food now.


Yeah, you literally hold on, change your life for a sick thing as well, like yeah, that's great he would not have, he would not have been able to roll over in bed before.


Do you honestly believe it would have been hard, but you honestly believe that couldn't have done it? Without like a yeah without the operation to take, no, no, I'm saying without the operation could come to us.


I couldn't have lost the weight, so I had my mind I'm rolling right in bed.


I'm sure they could have it's like again comfort. They took the easier route. Yeah, I'm gonna have an operation that's gonna alter my fucking body and now is gonna have consequences that I can never overeat again or I can never eat huge amounts of quantity of food okay, yeah. So what's the downside? What's the downside?


yeah, what's yeah? What do you mean? Like, why you're talking. You're saying it like it is a negative thing If you can get the result in a quicker fashion. What's the downside?


Were you born that like? Is that how your body is?


supposed to be that?


it's unnatural yeah, I'm not against operations and procedures and stuff or anything like that. I'm just saying you're having your stomach? Yeah, it's not, but how you got to do to be do you know what I mean? Like you're supposed to have a full stomach. You're supposed to have all your organs intact at the right side yeah well, so what if you stomach stretch?


I don't, yeah, but that's I don't believe the correct me. I don't know enough about this whole operation, but from what I understand is it's not gonna go back to what it was.


You hope not no as in.


You're never gonna be able to do that. You're never gonna be how you can't eat a 300 gram steak like that's it.


Oh, no, no, yeah, you're done for the rest of your life.


Oh really, yeah, I get cool.


Cuz they eventually can, like they come back to, they can stretch their stomach out again like they can get fat again. Yeah right, yeah. I know people that have had the surgery and got him fat again yeah okay, and then you're like we didn't change your habits, you still.


That's the other thing too. It's like you're doing that, but you've got to change. Like everything has to change as a result of you know you gotta stop the point of fasting to. It's your calorie deficit and that's what they're doing. They're out of calorie deficit.


Exactly, that's exactly, yeah, they just can't eat as much. Yeah, initially they can't eat at all like they can they eat. They can't Finish a slice of pizza. Yeah, yeah, literally yeah like one slice, they like I can't finish it and then, but eventually they come around and now I can eat a burger or whatever. But that's not what I want to talk about today. What I wanted to talk to you about is this because you went sideways a couple times then yeah, that's fine, that's what we do.


That's it.


Recently, I watched the UFC. Yeah, the main. What was it? The paper view 9, you're not 7. And for those of you who don't follow the UFC, it was a fight between two guys called Sean Strickland and Dreykas du Plessis, and there was something. I want to get your opinion on something, but I'm going to share the story first. I don't know if you had it. I haven't explained it to you, so I don't know if you know the story or, if you don't know, the backstory to that fight.


I haven't researched the backstory.


And then I want your context on a situation like an argument that I had for someone about this and what it means, or how you say okay, I think I know what you're about to say, do you think?


so but keep going.


Okay. So Sean Strickland for those of you who don't know, I'm looking up he's a good fighter. He had a very. He's a very. He's like a gun nut. Like a gun nut, what's that? I've never heard of that before. Like a guy who loves guns.


Oh, gun nuts. Oh sorry, I mean, I thought that's like a label. I don't know what it was. Like a gun nut? Yeah, I don't even know what it was. What do you think it?


was, I don't know, a gun G-U-N yeah, a gun nut. Pore guns. What's a pore gun?


Don't change the amendment.


Yes, yes, the second amendment.


Which the definition of an amendment is. It's something that's been changed. You're amending it. So they've amended the constitution. Second amendment. So they added that I've never thought about that. You're not allowed to change it.


Yeah, don't change it. It is a change. They are big on leaving their guns for freedom.


US. Yeah, that's, I think we touched on this one.


It's actually not a bad thing. It's actually not a bad thing. It's a bad. I think they should make it not as easy to buy a gun.


Yeah, but we can have guns here.


My dad's got guns, yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Yeah, I think there's anything wrong with that at all.


No, my dad uses them recreationally to go hunting and I've grown up around him a whole life because him and all his friends. They would often go to the Bamber Hunting, which is deer. Very rarely catch deer, mind you. It was more. We should go hunting, man. It'd be cool when did you have a gun license.


Yeah, but he just expired.


Oh really, yeah, I've never applied for one, but my old man wants me to get it. Get it, yeah, I will one day. Just fucking list of things. Yeah, it's at the bottom, it's not really, it's not a priority. So, yeah, sean.


Shriklin Pro gun guy and he had a rough upbringing.


Oh really.


Yeah, like a lot of trauma. And you've seen, if you've ever watched the UFC, you've seen in the press conference how they sort of have digs at each other. So there's a press conference where the other guy said to Sean Shriklin and yeah, du Plessis. Yeah, this might trigger some people. But he said just because your dad fucking doing you're a child or something like that, that was a trigger warning. Just because your dad fucking did, that Is that what actually happened, though.


Well, he says it didn't, oh, okay, but I think he had a really tough upbringing. I think maybe being bashed by his dad or something like that, or child abuse or something. I don't know. He doesn't go into the details of the trauma, but he that bothered him. And then he went on a podcast with the Ovan and now we're talking about it and he starts to open up a little bit about his trauma and you see, like, if you ever know, if you ever see Sean Shriklin, he's like a man's man. Yeah, yeah, let's go out shoot an animal. You know, go do this. And yeah, let's go box. And like man's man, absolute man's man.


And he completely breaks down on this podcast and it's actually like you see it and it's. You can see that he's still impacted by the trauma, like he's not okay, and it's like you watch it and it's. You can see it everywhere. It's on YouTube, you can go Google it. He was on Theo Von's podcast and you see the way he cries and he's not crying like he's sad, he's crying like there is I can't even explain.


I've never seen anyone cry like that. I was like whoa, like I even watching it, man, I tear it up. I was like you see that this guy has something unresolved. And he opens up about his trauma on the podcast a bit and then he and he says he's like this you shouldn't talk about people's family, you shouldn't talk about trauma like this. Yeah, I get it, we're in a professional sport, we're going to talk shit to each other, but you shouldn't touch on. He's like don't ever. Like like Colby Covington touched on Leon Edwards dead dad, like he's like you don't fucking do that. That guy's a piece of shit. And he's like you don't talk about people's direct family.


McGregor does that too.


Yeah, mcgregor did the same thing. You don't talk about people's family, you don't talk about trauma, you don't talk about kids. You don't know what I mean. Yeah. Like that's. That is off the cards. Anything else you want to talk, talk, smack, whatever, and he says that and you agree with that.


Ultimately, the guys are trying to put them off their game.


Let me, let me know, I mean it's war.


Yeah, let me know if you're in war like it's all fair and love and war. Do you know what I mean? It's war. They're trying to get it off, say. Some people just will say whatever they need to say to get you off your game and maybe it works for him because he lost the fight.


Let me finish. Let me finish because then there's something coming from this. So, anyway, so he's done this whole thing, and then the after the podcast, he actually went, and so there's a key point I could need to add the last event of the UFC they actually punched on in the crowd. Oh, the two of them, yeah, they were seated next to each other and Sean Shriklin turned around and saw him and then he's like new kids and the kids moved and he jumps up and boom and it's like they punched on. It was full punch. He got kicked out everything. So obviously he was in his head Right. And then after that podcast, he actually messaged him.


Shriklin messaged to bless you saying hey, don't ever bring that up again. He does say that his dad didn't have a f**king mummer. He says don't ever bring that up again, don't ever talk about that s**t again. And to bless you to his credit. Didn't say it.


And just let it go and then Because they were quite civil at the end of the fight and even during the fight, like it wasn't, it didn't look like. I hate you. I'm going to. I've got you taking your soul. It didn't look like that during the fight.


Yeah. So then after that they had the pre fight UFC conference and they shook hands and everything. They were not like there was no beef, like there was. It was kind of like we're going to go out, we're going to put a war run, blah, blah, blah. And it was like kind of like a mutual respect between them and someone I know. We got like a group come over with the boys and one of the boys was saying that that's wrong and he lost respect for him. And I'm like why? And he's like you can't go and cry in a podcast and then come and say you know, don't? He don't, don't talk to me like that. Send him a message, say don't talk to me like that. And then they're normal with each other, like that's wrong, like he is. I liked Strickland. Now I've kind of lost respect for him. And then I was like I don't agree with you. Yeah.


In that sense, like I don't agree with you there. I don't feel like I've lost respect for him. I don't feel like. And then I thought, like that attitude might be the problem with why. Like why can't this guy open up? Yeah, and we've spoken about it before and I've said to you I've got no wish open to people Me personally and you said that yesterday's harder for men to open up. And then I thought is that the problem? Do you know what I mean? Like, is that the problem? The way he got judged 100 for doing it and I was like dude, you're looking at this wrong. Like I didn't say have you watched the podcast? And he's like no, I just saw the scene where he cried. And I'm like what's the whole fucking podcast? Dude, like you want to get into his conversation? Have some context. Yeah.


Yeah, and then yeah, and then I was questioning like, okay, cool, is that the problem? And where do you draw the line? Do you know what I mean? Like, at what point is it okay and what point is it not? Like they're in the fight game, they're going to get into each other's heads, they're going to talk shit. We've seen many people do it and hats off to the dry. The South African dude, like, as soon as he got the message, he never mentioned it again and he was respectful and everything, and to me that speaks highly to his character. Good on him. But Strickland still came out for and everything, and everyone's saying like, yeah, of course, if you show him your weakness, of course he's going to get under your skin and you're going to lose, and I don't agree with that and I'd like to know, I guess, what you think. And yeah, sort of see where this goes.


Yeah, I agree with what you're saying.


Yeah, like I was like dude. It may not sense to me.


That's very you're effectively saying so. What a man or men can't be emotional, can't be vulnerable?


That's yeah, that's effectively what you're saying.


You shouldn't. You're a man, you can't do that.


You're a little bitch, but you're saying like you're in the fight game and you're about to fight this guy, you're about to get in the ring with him and see how much of a bitch he is.


That's what. You know what I mean. Like, come on, man, if you're going to talk the talk, you want to be a fucking tough bloke? Go in there, step in the cage. I'll miss you now. Absolutely, absolutely, you should. I think, you're calling a guy who's probably one of the toughest guys on the planet.


He didn't call him a bitch, he just said, what he did was weird.


Well, he lost a bit of respect for him, so you know he's to like him. I don't like that, that's that's I mean for the longest time. That's what it means to be a man. You're not allowed to show emotion. You have to be strong, you have to be tough, not allowed to cry. You know, big boys don't cry, all that sort of stuff Whereas, yeah, like that's how you're the world champion, You're this, you're that, and I'm like dude, that's irrelevant.


Like this is childhood trauma, Like yeah, do you know what I mean? Like if he felt that way, like you got to but anything can be traumatizing to a person.


It doesn't have to be something that bad it can be. No, you can run into a butterfly and freak. That's right. Whatever your trauma is, it's yours, Like you feel that way for whatever reason.


But I'm down here. If you watch this clip shopping up for long, it's like you go watch the whole podcast, because then you get context, if you just watched three minutes. Yeah. But, yeah, when you see this guy and I've I've watched this guy fight for years, so I've always seen his character and I've never seen him like this and I was like, fuck, you must be, like, that must be. You have some unresolved. Yeah, like that must have been your. So there's, there's stuff there.


You're not saying, but there's proof in the pudding as well, so he's just brought this up now. This has just affected him now as an adult, so he's obviously bottled all those things up as well.


Yeah, I think he's always why.


Because I'm a man, I'm a fighter, I'm this, I'm that. I can't be. I can't be shown to be vulnerable or weak or anything like that. So he himself has probably bottled that up. Do you know what I mean? So, as much as your mate has just said what a little bitch. He shouldn't have done that. Like I've lost respect. He's kind of been doing that. On the same token, he's kind of been doing that at the same, if it's affected him that much where he's gone on a podcast and cried about it and it's it's all those range of emotions that have now come up because he hasn't solved them, so he's probably part of that problem to a degree as well.


Yeah, but see, okay, this is where the dilemma is with me. I think that sometimes, as a man, you need to be able to do what you need to do.


Yeah, regardless of a hair fill. Yeah, yeah, without a doubt. Yeah, like you. Yeah, no one gives a fuck.


No one cares, no one gives. That's just true. No one cares.


You need to be able to keep going. The value of man's value is by is judged by the things that he does. Only women, children and dogs love unconditionally. Yeah, you know that before. Yeah, so man is only valuable if he does something, if he contributes, if he provides something.


Yeah, I agree with that, yeah men are disposable.


Yeah, correct.


But I'm probably, so I don't think there's anything wrong with that, like. I think that, like, if you're having this conversation, we should get a female on this conversation. If you have this conversation with a female and she says that her man has completely turned into a flop, like I only blame her in the fact that she's still there, like why is it there? Leave?


when you say, what do you mean by that?


It's like it's a complete dud, like complete.


Okay, like not driven, given up.


Like just yeah, like just flopping. Can't do anything, not making any money, not helping out around the house, not doing nothing, like not and not for like a month. Yeah yeah, for like a decade. I mean like, if it's just a complete no value, bring in nothing to the table, yeah well, this is having. This is interesting when you say this now.


So I've got a daughter and one day she'll grow up and bring someone home and I would have that judgment on this man I'm seeing it. Yeah, like I'd be, like, okay, so you're gonna take my daughter away. Yeah, what do you want to know that he can? Are you gonna be able to go through? Yeah, you're gonna be able to protect her.


You can be a firefighter, you're gonna love her 100, all these things. I'm gonna be saying that to him. And show me what you are and about and what you're gonna do and what you're gonna achieve. Like, I'm gonna want that because that's again what I've provided for my family and what I'd be doing. Now, if this guy's a I don't know smokes weed all day, do you know what I?


mean A couple of buildings to shake.


Yeah, I think it was the downstairs. Oh, thank God, I think it was some door or some shit. Anyway, but if, if he just smokes weed all day and he's a deadbeat and does do anything, that's one thing, yeah, and he's just a piece of shit and treats it like shit.


That's right. It's like, what are you doing?


And he comes and asks me for permission. First of all, a person like that probably will never ask for permission to marry. I do it anyway. You know what I? Mean you gotta be, but 100% there is that level. If there's, if there are no hope or if they're a deadbeat, then yeah, why, why stay with them? Yeah, so, so men, but often people would look at, say, someone being emotionally vulnerable as weakness as well. People.


So where's the line? Where's the line? I don't know Where's the line.


I think it depends in what scenario, when you are going to do it and how you do it, for credit to him, yeah.


He said you can leave this in. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, all right, after it is like you don't have to edit this out. I don't give a fuck, it is what it is. Yeah, like you don't know anything.


Yeah, and then you're like that's what the green itself is, is is um all right. Is it brave or masculine? To a degree as well.


It's like no courageous, courageous, but courage.


Absolutely, Because he's being vulnerable. Look, I think that you should be as a man. You can be vulnerable to a few people. That's fine. I don't think it's a bad thing. I don't think it's a bad character trait, especially to say your partner, you know, who else could you be? If you can't be vulnerable to them, who else can you be to? Do you know what I mean? I think your partner should be. You know, if you've got a vulnerable moment as a man, if you are going through a hard time, I'd hope that you can speak to your partner about it and just go. Look, I'm actually really struggling with my mental health. I'm really struggling with doing this, doing this. I just I don't know what to do. On on beside myself, because that's going to be always better having that conversation with someone that cares about you and not going to judge you too. And women, you shouldn't ever, because if you do, I promise you they'll never fucking open up, ever again. Do you know what?


I mean yeah. But, okay, here's a. I haven't been in that position for a long time so I don't know. Based on where I am now, I don't know what that's like, but I've heard there's a lot of people saying on the internet, saying things like you should limit how much you do it too. Yeah.


I mean, you're not going to do it every single day of every single moment? The sense of cause.


Then she'll start to think maybe he can't look after me.


Yeah, to a degree. Yeah, to a degree. But it's also like, if you're doing it all the time, every time, well then you flop it. Yeah, like you're not, but it's not. That's not fixing the issue, right? You're? You're giving into that weakness, you're accepting that. That's. Oh yeah, I'm depressed or no, I am a failure, or I can't do this. You're talking to yourself. You're telling yourself you are these things Like, get out of it.


You've asked, you're going to be vulnerable to that person saying look this, I want the help, or this is how I feel, or I'm upset over this. But the intention is with having that conversation is that each and every time you do it, it's less intense. It's no longer there the next day. Perhaps maybe that person can help you with it in that moment. Or maybe they can say cool, let's go get some help. And the idea is, when you're getting the help, you're getting better each and every time. It might be incremental, might be 2%, 1%, 10%, 30%, but eventually you're going to be like cool, I'm not in that space anymore.


And then you go back to being yourself, being that high performer, being that next version of you, whatever it's going to be. Whatever it's going to be, and sometimes that can be a friend. A lot of guys are very close with their mates. They have a best friend and they can open up to them and say listen, I've got this going on. This is really affecting me at the moment. I've got no one else to talk to. I don't feel like I can talk to my partner. I'd rather talk to you. Sometimes they might feel more comfortable speaking to another male or another male that's gone through a similar situation, whatever it is for them, or a brother or a father. I would like to think that my son can always come back and speak to me about anything he wants at any time.


Do you feel like you could do that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do yeah it's good, I think you could do that.


More so now more so now than I did years ago. You know, if we go back take 10 or 90 years ago, but yeah now. I would say probably tell him most things before other people. But if my first would be my wife, if I had something that was really bothering me, I'd have that conversation with her first and then, if I needed more, I'd speak to someone else.


But fortunately I mean, there's been very rare occasions where I've had I'm blessed, you know, I've got a good life, I've been very fortunate along the way. Have I had difficult conversations? Absolutely, there always is. But conflict delayed, conflict intensified. That's what I've learned over the years. You've got to have these conversations up front, because you bottle it up and it's going to be like Strickland he's going to get on a podcast one day and you start fucking crying and it's not the crying.


It's letting out that emotion, perhaps Right, Because it's obviously he's bottled that up.


He's going to watch it to understand, because he doesn't cry, I know, it's like a 45 second release and then he's back, but the release is weird. It's not weird in a sense of what a weirdo. It's weird in a sense of like why is he crying like that? This is a grown man.


The toughest of the tough.


It's like the way you see it, dude, I've done it. I got water in my eyes when I was like to see him in that state. I was like, oh my God, like you must be, you must be hurting. Yeah, wow.


Had he had had those conversations prior. And all the maybe he'd feel better having that conversation in the future. Say, you got on the podcast. I'm sure he has. Dude you don't reckon he's done it? I don't know.


Yeah, not twice.


Again we're judging. We're just reading the book of the cover of the book. My thing is is he?


is it okay what he did? Yeah, I don't see any issue with that. Yeah, I didn't see any issue with him either. I was getting, I was getting destroyed in this group on there.


Yeah, they're just trying to be sick cunts, but it was sick, sorry about that, guys. Couple of C bombs for your Wednesday afternoon, yeah, but yeah, your mates probably just trying to be cool. That doesn't wake you up.


But they're not the people who were doing it and not like look at me, look, I'm a. You know not at all, yeah, like at all. So I was very surprised and then I thought maybe I'm missing, maybe I'm missing a key point here, like, cause both of them are agreeing. And I was not Like. I was like you guys are, you guys are wrong here, man, like you guys are ridiculous.


It was like a few weeks ago and you were saying now you're a dud about how it would be hard if a man with a lot of these.


I didn't say you're a dud, you're just thinking it out loud. But yeah, I um. My thing was I refuse to believe that I'm disadvantaged because of my gender.


Absolutely not.


There was nothing. No one can convince me that. No way in the world can you convince me that I'm disadvantaged because I'm a man. No way, no way. I just you zero chance. You know what I mean. You've got a better chance convincing me I'm not a man than you are convincing me that I'm disadvantaged because I have a man. Like I'm telling you now, like that, you cannot zero. And that's what I was saying to you. Yeah.


Like there was no cause. I didn't say that, oh yeah, cause, I think do you think that's a disadvantage, though?


Is that what we're saying?


I'm saying it's a disadvantage, I'm just saying no no, I'm saying that if you say that it is harder for men, yeah then you, that's your playing that because I missed yeah. And I don't, I don't, I don't buy into that. Anything that makes us sound like the victim, I don't buy into.


It's like, uh, maybe not, maybe the words not claimed that, oh, men, don't let us do this and men don't let us do that, and I'm empowering women. And it's like you're putting your own limitations on yourself, lady. Do you know what I mean? Cause if you're the best at what you do, I'm not going to be like I don't want to work with you cause you're a lady. But if you're the best at what you do, and you're so ladies are coming cause you're anymore, so you actually can help less people, you're actually limiting yourself by saying I'm empowering women. You know what I mean? There's they think that their way of thinking is helping them. It's not. They're actually limiting themselves and I refuse to buy into that idea If that makes sense.


Yeah, yeah, but can you also appreciate a lot of people don't think the way that you do. You're saying that for you. You're saying that for you.


Yes, I mean you don't.


That's right. But you don't believe other men Like it's, it's. It's evident in your conversation with your mates. They're saying what a pussy this guy is. It wasn't. It wasn't the language.


I'm sure I'll read the comments.


Huh, they're acting all tough. And he was in the room He'd be like even after the fight. They wouldn't say that in front of him. Ask for the fight.


Look at him, got bash mentally and physically.


That was the conversation and I just I see Silence, you see but you see how tough they're acting and how and the perception that they're putting on him as a male. Oh, look at this guy. He claims to be tough as nails and then he's. He's crying on a podcast and he lost the fight because he's a little bitch. Paraphrasing it could be, it could be I'm, but that's but. That's their perception. But you're looking at that from a vast majority of the world. I reckon a lot of people would a lot of people think like that. That's. That's why I fucking beyond blue exists because people think like that.


No, I'm just saying there's a place just for men to go and speak to because they don't have anyone to speak to.


My question to you is this because when we last mentioned this on the podcast and you and I actually have this conversation on the way from home, from the airport, and you said to me I can't remember, you brought it up somehow. And then I said to you, dude, what's the alternative? Like, where do you draw the line here? Like, what's the alternative? Like men aren't tough enough to be able to bottle stuff up when they need to? Then the alternative like, if you look at, I like the thing in spectrums, yeah, like what's the extreme left, what's the extreme right? So if the extreme left is they don't talk about anything and I use left and right, like I don't not you don't understand the context of it politically.


It's got nothing to politics.


If extreme left is, they bottle everything up and they don't talk about anything. But he's a man's man but he doesn't talk and it's probably going to come out one day. He's going to explode. That's left, yeah.


Or it will definitely come out because he'll explode one day and he'll probably kill someone. And then the extreme right is can't hold it together, like cannot hold it together. Yeah, now the reality is the world was once extreme left. Men had to be men, you have to be man to man Right Like you couldn't, don't talk as a man, and that got us to this point. So you can't say that's a bad concept, because if it was extreme right, we wouldn't. We probably wouldn't be alive, we'd probably be dead.


Yeah, I agree, but it's also not saying that, that extreme because we that got us through doesn't make it a good way to get through. You need to come and have some level of balance, that's right. Yeah, where do you draw?


I don't know, I don't know. It's going to be different for everyone too, isn't it? Because your interpretation of that line and mine might would be different and someone else's would be different, so it's going to be very hard to judge that. I think you just got to have that line with yourself Like where are you happy? Where are you happy? Sometimes it might mean, okay, once every three years I have an outburst, but I'm cool with that after, or once a month, I have a chat with my mate about it. Whatever, you've got to draw your own line with that. Who are we to judge what? Each individual person, because some people are probably completely fine. I mean, there'd probably be people out there that don't give a fuck and will stay on that extreme left for the rest of their lives. I'm like cool, bottle it up and be fine and not ever explode, but you know they may not be pleasant to be around as a result of that. They're unhappy.


Yeah, or they just grumpy and they're just like why would I want?


to be around you. I'll shut up you little bitch like, get it done. This is what I did in my days. Do you know what I mean? Whereas that might not work for someone else. So I don't think there is a line that you can particularly draw and say you need to be here.


Yeah. But if I say if you've got a line down the middle of that I gave both extreme examples, yeah, yeah, and you draw a line down the middle I would say that I am. I would say that it is better for men to be if you had to lean to one side, to lean towards the tough side.


Yeah, I would agree, yeah, I would agree, I would agree with that, and that's why I had that.


That's why my rebuttal that day was no, like, I'm not fucking. No, I'm not accepting that, no way. Like there's no way. No, we're not victims, there's no, there's no. Just it's not happening. We are not victims for being men. There is no way in the world, dude, like we met the con. Do you want to be a chick? No, you know what I mean, but that's what you're saying. If you're saying that I am disadvantaged by my gender, no, you're not. Yeah, no one is. You know what I mean. You're not disadvantaged? No, yeah. And women are not either. No one is. There's advantages to being, but you know how we said that are male privilege, and you're like no, you're looking at it wrong. You know you could sit here and say female privilege.


Absolutely. It's enough to buy a drink Every single day.


I get to pay for a first date Like I could say all that, no, and so it's like looking at from the opposite perspective. I get to pay for the first date. Yeah, I get, like I get the opportunity to buy a drink. Yeah. Or I get to take you out. You know what I mean and it's like I will not.


People they need it. They need to. People need to appreciate what they bring to the table more than what other people can give them.


Oh yeah, what's lacking? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Oh, no you can do this and I can't like Absolutely Like that's what you've got to really focus on. What are you bringing to it? What are we thinking? What is a relationship? That's what I think's important and it was funny. It's like you know that Jerry McGuire thing and I think one of our someone we know was saying this a guy was speaking to me but the you know you can plead me and so it will. It's not really the best way to look at it. It's like I need you to be the whole, to be the best of me, and you need me to be the best of you. Why not just become the best of each other?


Ourselves and then help the other person you know become the best version of you?


Jerry McGuire? Obviously Maybe. No Shit, she's gonna get you up to date.




Anyway, there's a scene in the movie where the two people are like you know, you look, tom Cruise, I think it is he goes, you complete me saying it to some bird. And it's the notion of you need someone else to be a whole. Yeah, like you're a half. Yeah, you're a half. No, you make sure, like you look after yourself, and then you can help the other person. You make you become the best version of yourself so you can be, so you can look after that other person, and they become the best version of themselves so they can look after you. That's how you become the absolute best of everything. But too many people are focusing on exactly what you just said. You know I need, yeah, what's lacking, what's lacking.


Yeah, I don't know. I just found that conversation. This was dude, this was like yeah, a few days ago yeah. And I was. I was baffled by the conversation and they're like you're tripping man, you're tripping and I'm like I don't think I am here.


I reckon God's driven I reckon part of it as well is correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think the your mates have done the level of personal development that you've done.


Yeah, definitely yeah.


So it's not until you're you educate yourself in that space as well, that you start to think a little bit different too. You're not even just reading, do you make treat? Probably not, judging by what you would have said. Yeah, exactly. So how much are you really educating yourself on that space? They're not answering that question in a mature, subjective way. They're answering it in he cried, he's a pussy. I can beat him in a fight. That's how that he's not a man anymore. I've lost respect. But why so they're not trained in that space either? You know they're not educating themselves, becoming the best version of themselves, being everything they're going to be. You know and and arguably you could say, they may end up in a similar situation because they're not in touch with where they need to be. You know their interpretation of what being a man maybe doesn't serve them the best either.


Yeah, it's um. It's funny Because I was like when the conversation was happening, I was thinking you know when? You know when several people are um saying the same thing? And then you just there's a moment of am I tripping you? There's a moment of you know, moment of self yeah.


Yeah, so you're like okay, am I the wrong fuck?


Have I completely missed the mark here? Like, am I complete? Am I missing something that everyone's picking up on? Or am I missing something? Like, how can everyone think something? And I don't do? You know what I mean? And it's like, yeah, I had that. I hadn't had that in a long time and I had that feeling and I was like, and I had to go back and read you can.


You can subjectively look at that. You're even the fact that you're even questioning yourself about that.


Yeah, just I'm not arrogant, Like I'm not going to everyone's right, Like it's. I'm like, okay, let's just look at this properly. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, I'm. I'm a very and I've said this before logical person too, and factual.


Yeah, me too.


And you know, even we was having a discussion, we were out with friends on the weekend and we we were speaking about some topic, whatever it was, but I had a very strong view on that topic and Nicole, with my wife, was like, oh she goes, you know you can't be so. This, this, this and this about this topic, I said well, yes, I can. Yeah, I just did, I can.


I just did. But B I'm I'm educated enough in that space that I can have an opinion yeah, and I can not an opinion. But it's also, it's factual, like, prove me wrong, I'm not going to say you're wrong. I say hey, based off what I know and what I've seen and what I do. This like, prove me wrong. I'm more than happy to have the discussion and maybe I'll learn something. I had that discussion with Josh Waldron a few months ago where he was talking about a four day work week when his business might he can't do that in a construction business it's not going to work, not going to happen, you're a dickhead, it's off. But then he showed me and taught me and goes no, look, if we do it this way, if we do it that way, you're going to get the benefit. And I said, okay. So it's opened up my eyes to that possibility again. Okay, I see what you're saying. Now I see how that could potentially work. Bang, change of change of focus, yeah.


And keeping keeping an open mind around it as well.


But you know, some people also get very offended by your point of view too. They may not agree with it so much, or they agree so hardedly in their views that they were like no, you can't do that, you can't talk about that. It's like they always say never talk about religion or politics at a dinner party, that's all I'll talk about at dinner.


It all makes for interesting conversations, doesn't it?


Yeah Well, you'd hate to have boring ones. Hmm, yeah, it's interesting, yeah.


So you had the exact team outlook I had huh. Man, I was kind of hoping you were going to say, no, you're on here, it was done. And it was going to turn into an open conversation around it. Sorry about that. Do you want to strike back? I'll just go on their side now. Yeah, it was, it was. It was a very interesting conversation. Yeah, it was, it was a. It was an eye-opening conversation.


Did you see? Well, so Strickland's got some also very strong opinions on things as well. Did you see him talking in his press conferences about the women fighters? Did you hear him talk about that at all?


Yeah, yeah, that's where I actually thought you were going. He's a millions man.


Yeah, but that's where I thought you were going with that conversation. And he's like he goes, look at the women's fight. Like he was full on bagging. Him saying look at these women fighters, doesn't give a shit to he goes. He goes. You think people come in to see them? Who the fuck wants to see two little featherweights fight? He goes. They come in here to see us, the main event men. They come in to see men fight. You reckon if they broke away and did the WUFC, you reckon it would be as big as the UFC? Fuck, no, like he was hammering it hard. But you see, I actually don't mind the women fighters that like watching the fight, I'll watch it, no worries, really, yeah, I think it's still, it's very entertaining. They're professional. So when I was bagging AFLW for when we gave that, tongue in cheek comment that tongue in cheek comment to me.


I think it's it's forced down our throat that we have to like AFLW.


Yeah, and maybe it's the same with the WMBA. It's this fight like it's a Western Isis idea and it's like this is what's politically correct. Now you need to follow this.


But I don't. I look at the AFLW and you're talking about. It's not end. I've watched it. Yeah, I've tried to watch it multiple times. It's low scoring, it's boring. The skills are atrocious.


Skills are atrocious in the UFC too, though. Have you watched some three punches, dude?


No, they're much better man, better than what there are. You can't say they're not professional athletes, they are there.


ability, no, no, but that's very, very, very, very, very woman that throw punches and you say, like man, the way she threw those, like she's from combos. We think like she can land.


They're not gonna be at that level of a male from ship bone density strength. I'm not even this is.


Your ability to throw a straight jab is purely hand like ordination, nothing else. Not saying knock people they never knock people out, really, yeah, but I'm not saying any of that. That's okay, like they're gonna be weaker, that's given the female body.


But to say you don't find it entertaining at all.


Would I be sad if they sat there. It's all men on this card.


Yeah, I get that, neither would I bet it.


I wouldn't, I'm just it's it, but like there's also certain things in life where, if it was all men and be like, what the fuck? Yeah, but not, you see. Sorry, I don't like women or beat each other, I don't want to know.


Yeah, I hear we say, I hear we say and understand that that point of view, but all I was saying is we'll come back to the AFLW. I got what I made. That again tongue in cheek. It's not a professional sport, can it be? One day, perhaps, will it be as good. They probably need to change the rules a little bit. Make it a smaller field, right, and that's also. Oh, you know, you're making it smaller because women aren't as good and you think we're not. We can't do what men do. But yes, no, yes, make it a smaller field.


It would probably be better for the game. Like talk about lung capacity, like a man can run longer for faster and have more everything you know what speed like it might make the game better.


They do that in women's tennis and women's tennis actually good tennis.


What make do what they play less.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I was actually going to bring that up now too.


I was gonna say women's tennis. I find entertaining. I could say they are professional.


It's good yeah good, good, it's a professional athletes, it's a high level of skill to be that, to be in that space. But yeah, when, when it starts getting forced down my throat to say you must like AFLW or and it kind of shoots me as well it's like you go on, so go on the Hawthorne, so I go for the Hawks. I go on the Hawthorne website right now I got you know Hawthorne FC, dot, com, dot, are you? And the first thing you're gonna see is AFLW stuff plaster all over it.


as I didn't come here for that, if I wanted to see that like, if I genuinely want to have an AFLW version of that and I would go to that website and it's like even their social media pages. They'll put up posts about what the women did in the AFLW. I don't give a fuck. Okay, who is this person? I don't even know who that is. Why would?


I want to see that, while forcing it, it's politically correct, it's. They're just trying to do that, you know, and to a degree as well, they're saying well, how else is the sport gonna get traction, get Awareness, get all these things, if it's not put on those platforms? Well. I disagree like you're. You're copying out, like you said, so you're at a disadvantage because you're a woman and that's exactly you got the worst money you need to have them AFL to promote you, because you're no good on your own but that's what you're telling me.


That's what happens with them. Do you know the WNBA?


yeah, I don't know much of it. Yeah, I would imagine it's a professional, like it's women's basketball yeah, it's a professional level under the loss every year.


It's subsidized by the NBA.


And then they're like why are women getting paid this?


and it's like, yeah, that's silly, what? That's just the comment yeah, that's just fucking.


One plus two equals three. Yeah, like it's basic maths. Yeah, it's business. It's business like that. Just shits me when they say, oh, they should be getting paid just as much. No, they shouldn't. Yeah, they don't bring in the money, they don't bring in the crowds. The same way. Who's the Jordan of AFLW, nba?


the same way Women can make a fuck ton of money on only fans. Do you have you any fans, massive man? I don't know you're looking.


I mean, I mean I'm a whole world out there it does good, they make a lot of money.


They make a lot like a lot of girls making a lot of money on the fans and guys can't do that, not at the same level.


We're making stupid money yeah, I think I've seen some stuff like numbers is what they're making, like hundreds of thousands a month or something?


millions a month Like insane guy. Can't do that. But that's it is what it is like. That's your advantage of being a woman. Good luck, I wouldn't do it, but you do it. I probably would do it, would you do it? Never, don't you feel like it would be too hard to say no to the money?


Yeah, it's not even from a, not even a fucking yeah, you're selling your soul. Yeah, even, even if I was a woman.


That's what I think that's what I'm saying honestly that's what I think, that's disgusting. If I, if I knew yeah, no, you'd cut off my heartbeat, without a doubt, yeah, get out.


You're losing, so you lose. You said it like you're losing your soul. Yeah, so much self respect, like the respect of yourself, to do that. What if I want to be a boss bitch, want to be my own woman? I'm making millions of dollars. It could do your your tarnishing your reputation. Don't you think that's your tarnishing yourself as a work?


imagine it's your body, your one body. You have kids and they say it's not this and not if dude not.


If they will, it's the friends of your kid are going to see it as a. Haha look at your mom, I can subscribe to this. I come on, man, you're fucked. If you you're gonna do that, and even if you, man, it's gonna ruin everything. Honestly, if you're a woman doing way fans, it's gonna ruin everything and that's disgusting many man.


I probably more than I would know, like you can if you spend any time on Instagram and you just click on any girls.


I heard that recently. I heard that recently.


Man, I could not believe it, man, I could literally put that my phone right now. Yeah.


It's good. One of the guys in the office when we're talking the other day is like man, we, this one, because I'm obviously not in that space, but they go. The first thing they'll do is that if a girl has a link, tree link- yeah, you know what it's for. There's a good job I've got link tree. It's it's. Go here, visit me, go to my website, go to my business page, go to my. Follow me on Facebook. It's all business related. I don't know. I didn't know link tree was used for anything else.


There's a good chance. If she's got a link tree that you're gonna go on and she's gonna have. You know how. You know Snoop Dog follows him. It's the most bizarre thing. Yeah, look, exclusive content. Boom Like it is the most bizarre thing ever and it's everywhere. It's a shame it actually is man it's a shame because I don't know. That's a great fuck yeah, fuck, if I'm going for don't, you can blame men for paying.


Yeah it's a society.


I don't know like the pressure society is again.


Okay, so we spoke about comfortable, being comfortable the other day. Alright, maybe it's comfortable making that much money, isn't it? Like? What are you selling to make that much money? Like I didn't care, I'll show, I'll show my ass, I got no big deal, I'm just gonna do it for five years. Why don't you know? I'm gonna make a career of this, because I know they say I know it's, it's chipping away at their soul, and then it's not right, and then it's it's a bad thing. It's funny. I read an article there's no comeback from it.


That's it. It's it like you're gone after that, yeah you.


You've sold. It cannot Do that that would be. That would be a deal breaker like I would do 100, like you could be, almost, like you could be everything, perfect, chick, that. And then you find that out and you'd be like a Like get up, yeah, I'm not, you know we're not doing it, like it's not, that's not cool. But then you hear of men who are Taking the photos from, like their husband takes the photos from again copying out selling assault or that of your partners.


Are you're like again? I just go back to kids. Imagine you, imagine the kids. What a sad life, sad life Kids is. Having kids, man, is the, honestly, the greatest accomplishment you will ever do, if you genuinely love them, if you just having him because it's the next thing you not love.


You kid people out there that fuck 100% that they don't love the kid I reckon there's people out there I'm not gonna say anything now, but I can. Kids are an inconvenience for them. They wish they were still fucking 22 years old, snorting shit up their nose, going out doing over the one I do and the kids like they can't wait to get the kids at the grandparents house. 100% this people out there like that. There was just the next step for them to do. You know, I mean, leave me to get a living that life, or living that life just following the following the what the rules are that man everyone.


If you have kids for the right reasons, it's the most rewarding. It's the most loving thing that you will ever do in your whole entire life. Nothing will compare. I remember, I know you do. I know you do, but I remember one day, even when I was in your position and I before I was married, and someone would say that to me and I was like you could always appreciate it. I can imagine that being amazing thing that man, the second you. When it happens, it's just like so that nothing cannot compare.


like, not in the sense of like. Yeah, it's kind of like having a dog, in the sense of no matter how much you thought, like if you had to give us a number, like you understand, like If you had to put it on a scale of you know this, how this feels good, it's like a hundred times that like yeah, it's like yeah, just four, four, four, four times what just four? Okay, just means like what's that in the mean?


no, in context I said like say like you know how, you know how many burger, and it feels mad, it's like eight times, just so you can understand. Yeah, it's like okay, just give us some.


you know it's 14 burgers, 13 dims and never ending packet of Tim's amps, do you?


like Tim's and Tim's. Where do you put your Tim's? What? What when you keep your Tim's?


I don't keep them because I'll eat the whole family.


where do you put the packet?


I get me going. They're pretty sick. In the fridge I do the fucking.


I think it's sick in the fridge. Tim does belong in the fridge. I don't care anyone's argue this till the death. I'll eat them wherever they are, tim Tams belong in the fridge.


If there's a packet of Tim Tams in my pantry, yeah, I'm not gonna open yeah. I won't open it. Yeah, the second someone opens it, I take the packet. Okay, sit in the corner, I'll eat them all. Nine hundred calories. Yeah, jesus, that's why I don't have them. So we're talking about, just then, our kids. Yeah, yeah, it's um, it's unfathomable. What's he said unfathomable.


That's the one so I mean even Peterson was saying it's you never. And he said people hate him and disagree with him. But you never truly grow up as a man or a woman until you have kids, until you love something until you love something more than you could Ever possibly love yourself oh, yeah, maybe yeah, that's, that's the context that I was saying from that yeah, that's what, that's all he was coming from. I don't think you're saying if you're single, if you never have kids, you never grow up.


It's just the that's probably the best way to. The best way to describe is just loving something that you love More than yourself, that you would in a hot like it's not even a question, like would you heard this question the other day? What would you die for? Who would you die?


for Family, like it's my mom yes, you would.


You would die for why can you?


Yeah, I would like, as in like protecting her, or something like right now.


So I had to die for her yeah she just like take this book, you got it, you're gonna think she would let me.


Yeah, she would definitely you know.


I wouldn't. I wouldn't die for my parents. What I answer I can, I'm gonna tell you why in a second. But I wouldn't die for my parents.


Because you wouldn't let your kids die for you. Yeah.


Yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't and I know they wouldn't want me to. I would never, Even now like I'm fit, happy, healthy. They're young. I would never want them to die for me.


That's a good point. I don't have anyone I die for.


That's okay, it doesn't mean it doesn't matter. It was just an interesting question, was it was one around happiness, and they were still trying to get to the the meaning of happiness, and that was one of the questions that they were asking, like who would you die for? And it was the reason that came up. I've got to go through it again and I'll bring it up, maybe in another time. That's actually probably a good topic talking about happiness, happiness, yeah, yeah, we should cover that, but it was.


It was along the lines of, you know, asking this person a few questions to understand, well, what truly makes them happy, and that was one of the questions to go through, because then they can understand Well, if you would die or you wouldn't die for this person, then why, why don't you? Maybe you don't have a greater meaning or a greater value as to what makes you happy, but yeah, that was a topic for another time. So, yeah, kids, greatest thing possible and and so full circle, yeah, I, I think it's a really bad thing. It's easy money, it's comfortable, it's it's as you said, you can never come back from it. Never come back from it, you can never come back from it.


Once it's out there. It's out there, it's out there forever.


The internet's got it. Hmm, it's like you know and this is a sad, the sad reality as well people will always judge and and what's the say? Like we joke around a lot on this podcast, yeah, and we'll say things in tongue and cheek all the time. I was talking about women drivers and how they can't drive. You know what I mean. The other day, like I'm not Jen, I don't believe that that's not a belief of mine where I put it on the wall and say, yeah, women can't drive, and this is my belief. I've got a tattoo on my back. There's none of that. But it's people that'll go on the internet and that's going to be there, for that is on the internet now. It's there forever, yeah, so Someone's going to take that 30 second clip and say, oh, look at what George said he and say let's just say I run for premiere one day.


Yeah, I'll both, yeah, thanks man, I would, I would definitely. You would, I think, if I believed I could make some change, of course positive change, I'm going to go in and fuck you down, you can't go in with that and then just give all, just approve all my building approvals, everything done, everything, everything. Everything done everything, just a food.


Get your and then leave, get legacy to do all my advertising. Just pay like a billion dollars and funnel money into my other account.


Let's leave you up. Thank you, see me. That's channel. No, that's it.


So If I believe I could create change, I would consider it. But I don't think I would. I don't think I could. I think there'd be too much bureaucracy and red tape and people standing in my way and All that other shit that comes with it too. You know, someone would take that 20 second clip of me saying something which is really setting tongue in cheek or just a genuine conversation or a belief, you know, and then just bash it and then go oh well, you're a shit person. And what would be even worse is if that affected say your family off outside of that too. You know, having that a certain belief about something then affects your kids at school. You know it really it's got nothing to do. Yeah, potentially, if it's, if it's controversial enough, potentially, or if it's something that is an avenue for people to, whatever, to take advantage, potentially.


See you're gonna fucked.


It's like that is that we think, yeah, it's like that we're, in my sense, you that very after our very first episode.


It's like getting locked up.


It's like me, me and my mates starting a podcast that it's the next day.


It's like two guys getting locked up taking a chair after episode one, so good.


Well, how's it happen yet? No, no, yeah, but yeah market the market for the couple of weeks. Yeah, couple of weeks.


When do we hit 20? Are we at 20 yet? Episode 20? No close. Yeah, couple of episodes One percent, Two, three more episodes. Very cool. Well, you know, when we do that, when we do episode 20, have a live celebration packet of Tim's amps.


I'm down. I'll have a packet of Tim's amps until I hit 20.


Teal will have it there live, but that'll be cool. That'd be really cool to be part of that 1% club that gets it to 20 episodes.


It's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. That combo inside is yeah yeah dude, only fans on Shrikland women's sport women's sport.


Yeah, but I mean, he was, he was gone real extreme with that. But you know, you said, you see the second thing he did.


Oh, I don't know. He talks about the case. No, no, I didn't say that. I don't think so. When he gets up, he's like. So if your son said it to you, one of the reporters is like, so he gets up.


He's like if your son said to you he was gay, would you be okay with it? And the thing the report is like yeah, I would be completely fine with it. He's like you know what's wrong with the fucking world. He's like you don't want your son to carry your name on, you don't want him to. You know, continue your seed. No, no, it gives to him Like does, and I take what I like Dana White does not go and say hey, you need to stop saying this. He does not control these people. He's like I don't see it, I don't see the fuck.


No, but did you see his actual response to that?


They know it's. Yeah.


Did you talk to him about it and he's like no oh no, he goes because I saw a reporter and he shut him down. So well, all right, and the report is like so you know, you give your UFC fighters a long leash, did you see that?


Oh, yes, I was like leash, yeah, he goes. You guys like to say and feel how they want. You know, blah, blah.


He was talking about Strickland's comments and stuff that he was saying about women fighters and game and all that.


Yeah, and then he was just sitting there listening to him, but he was so cool, calm, collected, he wasn't emotional about it. He goes a leash, he goes, oh, and then the reporter started stumbling heart.


He went to God's leash. He's like no, no, no.


So freedom of speech, he goes. What do you think? What do you think gives me the right to tell people what they can and can't say? Do you think I sit here and say is that?


not the sickest thing. That's amazing.


Right or wrong, that's fine. Yeah, he's like they can tell him a speech. Yeah, it's freedom of speech.


That's what our country is to listen to. Yeah, you have to listen, but they can say whatever they want.


I don't put a muzzle on anyone. I don't put a leash on anyone. That's not what we're about.


He goes, I'm freedom of speech.


He goes I'm doing that, he goes, you're same reason. And then he goes you go. So what's your question? You go. So what's your fucking question? He goes. Oh, that was my question. Yeah, then you probably should think about how to reframe that and maybe talk about the fight. The only fucking shut him down. It was so good.


The only big organization that doesn't put a cap on people can say if you were an AFL and you said those comments, come on, dude, you would have got your ass handed to you suspended, blah, blah, blah. Like. You know what I mean. That's a lot of shit. Even the tennis, like if you did the tennis. Come on, dude. The tennis, like if you were, if you made those comments in the tennis. Look at me curious.


No, no, he gets Margaret Court. You know she. Yeah, she was a tennis player, but she's Margaret.


Yeah, she's a Margaret, and her surnames court.


Oh really, yeah, yeah, sure, fuck there, you make everything, but anyway she's 10. No, it is her name's Margaret Court, so she's she's, she's stopped flying.


Fuck Virgin because they were promoted, or Qantas or something like that, because they had Pride Week or something like. Like she made comments about it, but that was her view. She got cast like. She got cast out like you wouldn't believe, like you wouldn't believe hate speech, disgusting, old fashioned, all these sorts of things. Because she had a view on a certain thing and, mind you, this lady's 80, 90 years old, so from a different era too. But she said these comments and completely got smashed as a result of it. But you're 100% right, Like where's the freedom of speech?


Hang on this lady rightly or wrongly, she can say what she wants. It's not, that's unfair. There's people that will say, oh, so they have the right to say you're allowed to do X, Y, Z, but I can't say I disagree with that.


There's people that will agree with what you say and there's people that will disagree.


Yeah, exactly, and that's that's massively, that's that's so important.


That's what I like to handle Like man, like he has built this thing and he hasn't conformed.


No, the last real person I remembered to be like that was Jason Acomanas. He was a little bit controversial in the sense of what he would say when, when he was on in front of a camera like he didn't hold back as much. I don't really know of any other football, really that did. That's done that since.


I don't think you can, I don't think you can in Navel. I think our society is too controlled, imagine you say.


You came out and you said what do you reckon about? You know, buddy Franklin? I said I'm going to this weekend, I'm going to smash him. Okay, if he gets in my way, I'm going to bowl him over and make sure his ancestors feel it All right. Like, do you know? You can say I hate him, I hate him. What do you think about that? He's a dog. He's the worst fucking player I've ever come across. Okay, if I saw him in the street?


I'd roll him over in the car. That's not even that bad.


I know, imagine you went, but even that even what I said isn't that bad, but he would get smashed for that Public apology, suspended for three games, whatever it is.


You can't say that you can't do that. Yeah, we get very controlled society and that's why I like Dan Oye, he hasn't conformed at all At all At all, has not forced anyone to say anything that I want to say. He doesn't get, will not even, not only really make him say things I don't want to say, he doesn't even stop them from saying things. Like he's like say whatever you want, won't control, like whatever you want, like people bag and people's dead parents, like we don't get in between the fathers.


Yeah, that's it Like, even though it's wrong.


he's like yeah, it's wrong, but we don't like. This is the fight game, Mad dog, Mad dog. Very cool Another one, I think it's another one Another one bites the dust.


Enjoyable, so enjoyable Do you reckon we're going to get sick of this.


I don't know. I don't know, I was sick, like now I'm going to go and send some of the music messages and I'm like, it's until I'm me. George said, george said, george, said you were wrong.


Yeah, george said you're wrong. Listen to episode 16, 17, 17, 17, 17.


I lost count.


I don't actually never counted in the first place. I lost after, definitely 17. After, like episode four, I just stopped.


It's all happened in the clockwork. That's why Boom, one after another, it's magically there, it's like yeah.


Effort compounds. Do you reckon one day when this is massive, this podcast, because it's going to happen. Do you reckon people go back to these episodes?


100%. Do you reckon that happens? How most viewed episode is the first one, oh, is it really yeah? Like it's still growing.


Oh, how cool, how cool. Yeah, I reckon we're so much better than episode one too, yeah probably more comfortable, I reckon conversations flow easier. I thought the very first one, thinking back it was probably held back on the first one. Yeah, but also it didn't know how to really have that proper conversation.


Yeah, it almost feels weird talking to you if I had phones on. Do you know what I mean? Like that, conversations weird. Now. It's like how do we have this conversation so? We're going to finish this and just walk out the room and just go Say bye on the pod and then leave, or just leave these on. Just, I don't forget that Just walking out the mic.


Just keep walking out the mic. All right, you know what I'm going to do. By the time this episode comes out, I'm going to have a link that I'm going to pop in to. Wherever you find stuff, I'll put it on the screen actually show notes, and this is what it's going to be. It's going to be a link where you can go and you can tell us some topics. Cool. What do you reckon?


Yeah, good, and just be like a one pager and you go straight through that and it'll be like million dollar dayscomau slash topics, yep, and you can just tell us what you would like to ask us to discuss. Yeah, we may even be break down. We want to pull apart and ask questions.


It can be business related life related.


Yeah, even if we have the ability.


Yeah, q&a be cool too. But even if we have the ability, we can potentially sometimes get in experts in that field, because we know a lot of people yeah, a lot of people and you might be like, hey, I want, I want to get help on XYZ.


Yeah, like a finance thing yeah.


And then you can get an accountant in, or get whoever you know someone else in, or we may even have that experience and expertise that we can tell you about.


I reckon that sounds awesome Very cool, do you? Reckon that plus rack up some questions.


And do you know what else we should be racking up?


Subscriptions. Subscriptions right.


We've got to be racking those up, and a lot of you listen, but a lot of you probably aren't subscribed, so yeah, you're right, really easy. Just hit that subscribe button and you'll get a little ping every Wednesday at 5am. Help, that's when Robbie's there is Wednesday 5am.


Yes, I wake up to. I wake up just to come and upload.


Upload For the upload Manually and stuff.


Yeah, It'll there's no program, nothing and a particular one, the whole manual.


Yeah, because when you do that, we go up the rankings. More people listen to us, yeah, more people enjoy it, more people get to hear our thoughts on topics and, more importantly and most importantly, hopefully they learn something, hopefully it benefits them in a positive light, because ultimately, that's what I. If someone said to me, what do you want out of this podcast? It's if I can help one person in a positive way. Job's done, and I think we've done that already.


I definitely think we've done that already.


I'm not saying just from this episode, I'm just saying even in the past maybe you have an episode where we're just talking shit and no one gets anything out of it other than entertainment, yeah, but then if you had a laugh, isn't?


that isn't your day, just a little bit better.


That's it, isn't it? From a nine to a 10.


Yeah, isn't it just a little bit better? You heard some stupid shit, you laughed, and now you smile. That's not necessarily Leave a review. Share this with someone. Tag Top George and we're going to introduce you as Top George on every episode. You're going to make a habit of it.


Well, I'm waiting for. Well, actually, yeah, by the time this episode comes out, by the time you hear this yeah, it would be out and about the very first time Top George was introduced. When that happens when Top George gets introduced. I'm going to change my Instagram handle. Serious yeah, it's called Top George. That's kind of sick, but also got the giveaway as well. We're going to see which listener who's paying attention. Yeah, who was paying attention? And tags us tags Top George it was a few listens.


Yeah, but if they remember how it did it in that episode.


We're pretty consistent. I said someone.


Someone tagged Top George in the comments.


Yeah, yeah, that's coming out.


I'm going to give you a hat.


Yeah, it's about the first person.


To the first person that does it, you get a hat.


I'm going to do it.


Done. Thank you so much for tuning in guys. Looking forward to catching up with you next week. Awesome Thanks, guys. Thanks for watching.


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